So the roster…….

To be honest, it won't happen next year. PSU has a chance to have 8 finalists if all pans out (it never does). My prediction is 145-150 points. I can certainly see the following year being closer, but I am actually with you that year 3 is when the rubber hits the road. As you know these things are fluid. The good thing about being older is that I'm less invested in my alma mater and more invested in upcoming wrestlers. It keeps me more honest in my assessment, but still probably slightly blue tinted.
Actually I am more optimistic than that I am saying this year(last Nationals) I knew we had no chance. next year forget it but maybe stay in sight( with the 2 transfers) of you unlike this last year. So Taylors second year of coaching I always thought maybe we could challenge. Time, recruiting and development will tell the story. 125 Spratley jun., 133 Sakamoto fr., 141 Hughes soph., 149 Jamison jun., 157 Williams jun. 165 Lockett fr., 174 Thompson soph. new recruit or transfer, 184 Robb soph. or new recruit or transfer, or Thompson, 197 Carroll soph., and HWT Merrill fr. Many of these guys could become very good wrestlers or even a few could become great.
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To be honest, it won't happen next year. PSU has a chance to have 8 finalists if all pans out (it never does). My prediction is 145-150 points. I can certainly see the following year being closer, but I am actually with you that year 3 is when the rubber hits the road. As you know these things are fluid. The good thing about being older is that I'm less invested in my alma mater and more invested in upcoming wrestlers. It keeps me more honest in my assessment, but still probably slightly blue tinted.

PSU is unstoppable next year.

I think year two will be fun, but year 3 is when the metal hits the meat!
Actually I am more optimistic than that I am saying this year(last Nationals) I knew we had no chance. next year forget it but maybe stay in sight( with the 2 transfers) of you unlike this last year. So Taylors second year of coaching I always thought maybe we could challenge. Time, recruiting and development will tell the story. 125 Spratley jun., 133 Sakamoto fr., 141 Hughes soph., 149 Jamison jun., 157 Williams jun. 165 Lockett fr., 174 Thompson soph. new recruit or transfer, 184 Robb soph. or new recruit or transfer, or Thompson, 197 Carroll soph., and HWT Merrill fr. Many of these guys could become very good wrestlers or even a few could become great.
Where you slotting Bo in at
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Wrestling is a great and ancient sport, and if you talk to those who have wrestled in HS or college (many of us fit into one or both of these two categories), you'll understand our passion. It molds boys into men, and if done correctly, makes leaders out of the men. See Chad Richison as an example. It is a sport where you can't hide your shortcomings. I had plenty, but I learned a lot about myself from wrestling. We are a small but dedicated community. Only three original Olympic sports from 3000 years ago still exist, and wrestling is one.
Great response and thank you for showing what wrestling means to those who participate.
Posted by @El-Jefe on the PSU board:

Right now OKST is 9th in returning points.

If they get only Hendrickson, they're 4th ahead of Arizona State.

If they get only Alirez, they're 3rd behind Ohio State and ahead of Nebraska.

If they get both, they're about +10 over Ohio State for 2nd.

Substitute Parco for Alirez, and those estimates become 4th and a virtual tie for 2nd.
Posted by @El-Jefe on the PSU board:

Right now OKST is 9th in returning points.

If they get only Hendrickson, they're 4th ahead of Arizona State.

If they get only Alirez, they're 3rd behind Ohio State and ahead of Nebraska.

If they get both, they're about +10 over Ohio State for 2nd.

Substitute Parco for Alirez, and those estimates become 4th and a virtual tie for 2nd.
These don't include the points from Hughes and CC. 🙂 I say we get one of Allirez or Wyatt, we become 2nd
Excited to see what they can do with these 2 for sure. Both push the pace hoping they can get a plott a better plan for keck
season 26 dwts finale GIF by Dancing with the Stars
It’s a bit preachy, don’t you think
In retrospect maybe. Wasn't meant to be, but sorry if it came across that way to you. From my own personal experience, wrestling taught me a lot about pushing through the resistance. I've never forgotten that skill. Our room was very much like the Iowa room. Grind until you puke. I remember that as well, and have always sought out a smarter more efficient way of doing things.
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In retrospect maybe. Wasn't meant to be, but sorry if it came across that way to you. From my own personal experience, wrestling taught me a lot about pushing through the resistance. I've never forgotten that skill. Our room was very much like the Iowa room. Grind until you puke. I remember that as well, and have always sought out a smarter more efficient way of doing things.
No problem, I was old school too. We never varied once my entire high school career.
Have you thought about how big this is for Hamiti and Plott?
Are we reLl
Posted by @El-Jefe on the PSU board:

Right now OKST is 9th in returning points.

If they get only Hendrickson, they're 4th ahead of Arizona State.

If they get only Alirez, they're 3rd behind Ohio State and ahead of Nebraska.

If they get both, they're about +10 over Ohio State for 2nd.

Substitute Parco for Alirez, and those estimates become 4th and a virtual tie for 2nd.
Are we really taking this seriously? It’s fun to discuss but to be honest, counting returning points are meaningless right now. I get it, it’s a starting point but so many moving parts from one year to another. What I think is obvious…. We have a new innovative offensive approach that’s coming to a team that is very sound defensively. And our pokes have a ton of talent. 125, 141, 157 stalled out end of year. Looking forward to a new voice with them. No reason 125 loses match to win to become an AA. Young talent at 197 and incoming hammer at 174. 149 will benefit the most IMO. So yes, these metrics have some merit but it doesn’t really paint much of a picture.
Are we reLl

Are we really taking this seriously? It’s fun to discuss but to be honest, counting returning points are meaningless right now. I get it, it’s a starting point but so many moving parts from one year to another. What I think is obvious…. We have a new innovative offensive approach that’s coming to a team that is very sound defensively. And our pokes have a ton of talent. 125, 141, 157 stalled out end of year. Looking forward to a new voice with them. No reason 125 loses match to win to become an AA. Young talent at 197 and incoming hammer at 174. 149 will benefit the most IMO. So yes, these metrics have some merit but it doesn’t really paint much of a picture.
Yeah, we had a very young team last year. We didn’t do poorly but we underperformed at NCAAs. I believe that even with our original team and staff projected from last year, we would be a top 5-3 team. So, returning NCAA points I feel is misleading, plus with the new staff and wrestlers in the lineup, I feel our ceiling is higher
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If you wrestled pre 2000 there wasn’t a lot of alternative coaching practices. The room was hot and the practices were hard.
I haven’t been intertwined in a wrestling room in years. Post practice do you still have a bunch of guys in trash bags rolled up in the mats? Sure that’s not allowed now a days.
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We wore trash bags rolled up in the mats back in my day. Also had a towel wrapped around the sensor on the heater and poured cold water on the towel to keep it running. Lol
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I used to practice in sauna suit. I wrestling room felt like a hot yoga room. We weren’t allowed to get drinks of water during practice. Our practice was written on a chalk board and it followed the same schedule for 4 years. I wouldn’t see sunlight for 4-5 months a year. If I didn’t sweat out a solid 5-6lbs, I was being lazy. I did it all, up hill, in the snow being chased by Bob cats. (The last part is fictional FYI)
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I used to practice in sauna suit. I wrestling room felt like a hot yoga room. We weren’t allowed to get drinks of water during practice. Our practice was written on a chalk board and it followed the same schedule for 4 years. I wouldn’t see sunlight for 4-5 months a year. If I didn’t sweat out a solid 5-6lbs, I was being lazy. I did it all, up hill, in the snow being chased by Bob cats. (The last part is fictional FYI)
Uphill both ways.
Just my two cents gentleman...... with the new staff who knows what we see lineup wise? We all have a general idea with the main question marks being 133-157.

First thing that will need to happen from the coaches POV is a new and stronger commitment from several guys. That's what will determine what we have lineup wise first and foremost.

Alirez will be a welcome addition. IMO if he goes 41 then Jamison and JW bump up. If JW can make a real commitment then he will be the starter at 157 and he WILL get in the weight room and be an amazing talent. If not, Jamison at 49 and Teague back at 57. If Alirez goes 49 then I think we see Jamison back at 141 for one more year and JW or TT at 57 depending again on what JW does.

If we do not get Alirez then I think we see Carter at 141 and I think he will do extremely well with Kennedy in his corner AND IF HE can handle the weight cut. That's not his strong suit. Jamison and JW bump up.

As far as a few others.... BT NEEDS a RS. He needs a lot of work and as I mentioned elsewhere DT has to get BT passed a lifetime of not being offensive. Not all passed PSU champs have been super offensive (think Mark Hall) but you have to be able to go get a TD when you need it to win matches. There will also need to be a MUCH STRONGER commitment to the right wrestling lifestyle. Period.

Surber may need surgery and could possibly take a medical year. If he's healthy give me Luke at heavyweight if we don't get WH. Doucet and his family are good people and while I don't question his commitment to wrestling we all know he has scoring issues. Discussions like this are never to be insulting to anyone but if Konner can't overcome his scoring issues then I think he knows the writing is on the wall and justifiably so.

Many of these things have been discussed by myself and others, so not a whole lot new here. As the coaches quickly evaluate our immediate talent and needs for this year and the coming years its going to be exciting who develops and who they go after.
Konner was a nice surprise, he exceeded expectations his first year in the lineup, but made no obvious jumps of improvement this last year. IMO Surber at HWY will not be a upgrade from Doucet. He struggled to keep weight on and was still undersized. The weight does not fit his style. And would a HWY Surber beat out Merrill with a RS?
You get Spratley, Jamison/Young/Williams and Fish on the podium and Hughes and Carroll are what we think they are... we could miss on the two big transfers and still come in second next March in my opinion. Been trying to say this, but was called an idiot for pointing it out. Seriously think you're looking at 8 AAs next season.

This isn't a rebuild... Team will be competitive immediately and I stand fast in my opinion that would be true regardless of the coach, although having these fresh eyes and perspectives on it will be great and probably accelerate the competitiveness of this program.

I was pumped about the future before last Monday. In the last week the excitement has reached a new level (after the initial shock and, yes, disappointment, wore off).
I agree.
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As far as a few others.... BT NEEDS a RS. He needs a lot of work and as I mentioned elsewhere DT has to get BT passed a lifetime of not being offensive. Not all passed PSU champs have been super offensive (think Mark Hall) but you have to be able to go get a TD when you need it to win matches. There will also need to be a MUCH STRONGER commitment to the right wrestling lifestyle. Period.
In my experience watching PSU and wrestling in general, it seems unlikely that you can make a guy change mindsets and be tremendously more offensive once in college. I can't think of any that went from 3-2 or 4-2 decisions to being DT. What I do see Cael doing with guys like Beau Bassett is incrementally improving their situational wrestling in all positions to improve the odds in their favor in a close match, while also improving them defensively to prevent a negative outcome. Look at Levi Haines. He is one of DT's first students at M2 yet he has a plenty of last score wins matches. He wins 100% of them, so what's the problem right? I am as guilty as anyone in wanting every guy to be DT or Jason Nolf or Spencer or Dieringer, but many wrestlers would feel more comfortable having a style like Kyle Dake. As far as I know, Dake never lost to DT or Nolf in any style, so being great defensively has its merits.

Since Levi came from his club, I think DT's philosophy will be to help each guy excel at what they do best rather than change everyone into mini DTs. Dake's style is just as valid even though less fun to watch.
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You get Spratley, Jamison/Young/Williams and Fish on the podium and Hughes and Carroll are what we think they are... we could miss on the two big transfers and still come in second next March in my opinion. Been trying to say this, but was called an idiot for pointing it out. Seriously think you're looking at 8 AAs next season.

This isn't a rebuild... Team will be competitive immediately and I stand fast in my opinion that would be true regardless of the coach, although having these fresh eyes and perspectives on it will be great and probably accelerate the competitiveness of this program.

I was pumped about the future before last Monday. In the last week the excitement has reached a new level (after the initial shock and, yes, disappointment, wore off).
I am right here with you Lee....injuries aside.

Spratley - yes
Hughes - yes
141 - who know who is here?
149 - If it's JW and he buys in, yes. He is a freak waiting to happen.
157 - I sure hope Travis keeps his spot and I bet DT/staff get this kid performing well enough to AA.
165 - possible
174 - yes
184 - yes
197 - yes
285 - who knows.

So, 5-7 AA's should be the entry level expectation. When that happens, we win a tight race for second (i hate saying that) and have some serious momentum moving forward.

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