Russia Finally Getting Serious About Ukraine


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Great job Biden. China and Russia forming a partnership is a game changer for world peace.
The other choice was to just let Russia deal with Ukraine with no intervention from the west.......we tried something similar to that last century and we all know how that turned out. Had the GOP not played politics with the Ukraine aid , they would have been in a much stronger position. As it is, they still holding their own. Ukraine is never going to "defeat" Russia, but their goal is too make it not worth it to Russia to continue.
The Japanese felt very optimistic about war with the US in 1941 at least in part because they saw us sit back and do nothing as our closest ally was fighting for their very existence against Germany and a poll taken in November 1941 showed 93% of Americans against entering the war, the Japanese thought they had a year or so to get as many quick bloody victories as they could and then the US would beg for peace and they would be able to negotiate and keep some , if not all of what they had taken. I bring this up because I believe had we not done anything, China would have already gone into Taiwan and possibly North Korea in the South Korea.
Ukraine is just now getting F-16s, and although they will be the best aircraft in theater, their effectiveness on the battle field has been curtailed somewhat because it took so long to get them to the Ukrainians.
The China / Russian agreement is more symbolic than anything, the Chinese economy depends much more on the US than it does Russia, and its already on shaky ground, Xi is not going to go too far out on a limb for someone like Putin and Russia
The other choice was to just let Russia deal with Ukraine with no intervention from the west.......we tried something similar to that last century and we all know how that turned out. Had the GOP not played politics with the Ukraine aid , they would have been in a much stronger position. As it is, they still holding their own. Ukraine is never going to "defeat" Russia, but their goal is too make it not worth it to Russia to continue.
The Japanese felt very optimistic about war with the US in 1941 at least in part because they saw us sit back and do nothing as our closest ally was fighting for their very existence against Germany and a poll taken in November 1941 showed 93% of Americans against entering the war, the Japanese thought they had a year or so to get as many quick bloody victories as they could and then the US would beg for peace and they would be able to negotiate and keep some , if not all of what they had taken. I bring this up because I believe had we not done anything, China would have already gone into Taiwan and possibly North Korea in the South Korea.
Ukraine is just now getting F-16s, and although they will be the best aircraft in theater, their effectiveness on the battle field has been curtailed somewhat because it took so long to get them to the Ukrainians.
The China / Russian agreement is more symbolic than anything, the Chinese economy depends much more on the US than it does Russia, and its already on shaky ground, Xi is not going to go too far out on a limb for someone like Putin and Russia
No the other choice was to stop the invasion before Putin invaded? We knew for a full year Putin was planning to invade Ukraine yet Biden refused to do anything of substance, merely bragged about what a tough guy he is, which is laughable. Putin knew Biden was a pussy and nothing more than a braggart with zero backbone. Bottom line Biden fvcked up and has us in a war that never was winnable without American troops. Putin knew, as did anyone with two functioning brain cells, all he had to do was drag the war out and win a war of attrition. Things couldn't have worked out better for Russia and even better for the Chinese, which leaves the loser in all of this the US.
Go back further than Biden, Trump is the one that refused to give Ukraine equipment. Refused to send them Javelin anti- tank missiles unless they have him dirt on Biden and Hunter.
The only two ways to stop this before it happened was either too arm Ukraine to the teeth, or attack Russia ourselves.........
Personally I am 100% for going all in and helping Ukraine in any way we can, including US / NATO troops and equipment.
Go back further than Biden, Trump is the one that refused to give Ukraine equipment. Refused to send them Javelin anti- tank missiles unless they have him dirt on Biden and Hunter.
The only two ways to stop this before it happened was either too arm Ukraine to the teeth, or attack Russia ourselves.........
Personally I am 100% for going all in and helping Ukraine in any way we can, including US / NATO troops and equipment.

Not true at all. Proper diplomacy would have stop the invasion. Let's be honest with each other, Biden and his cohorts wanted this war and did everything they could to get it started.
Not true at all. Proper diplomacy would have stop the invasion. Let's be honest with each other, Biden and his cohorts wanted this war and did everything they could to get it started.

While it is no secret that my opinion on this subject is diametrically opposed to most on this board no amount of diplomacy would have stopped this. If that were the case the bolsheviks would have honored the treaty signed in Budapest in 1995. Putin is purely & simply a nationalist trying to bring back the good old days of soviet domination.

The notion that people in Crimea, Luhansk & Donets wanted to be rules by Russia is utter BS and there is plenty of literature out there that easily refutes this fairy tale.

One thing that often gets missed in these discussions though is that when Biden announces a military package of XXX billon USD, they are not handing that amount of money over to anyone, including Ukraine. That is the estimated amount of support/hardware that is being given to the country. In return that money being spent is being spent in the US replacing what has been given to Ukraine. For example give Ukraine 1,000 Javelins at $25K USD each, the US turns around and places an order for a similar number which are built by Americans.

Either Putin being killed by his own thugs or a defeat on the battlefield is the only negotiation they will understand. As was the case in 1938/1939 Hitler knew the world was tired of war and might never challenge him. Eventually that is what happened as we know with the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Any sane person should be infinitely happier sending material to Ukraine and keeping the fight there then ultimately having US troops/NATO involved. I suspect there are already NATO advisors and trainers in Ukraine, as well as American troops so my guess is we are not far away from a mistake by someone that starts WWIII.
While it is no secret that my opinion on this subject is diametrically opposed to most on this board no amount of diplomacy would have stopped this. If that were the case the bolsheviks would have honored the treaty signed in Budapest in 1995. Putin is purely & simply a nationalist trying to bring back the good old days of soviet domination.

The notion that people in Crimea, Luhansk & Donets wanted to be rules by Russia is utter BS and there is plenty of literature out there that easily refutes this fairy tale.

One thing that often gets missed in these discussions though is that when Biden announces a military package of XXX billon USD, they are not handing that amount of money over to anyone, including Ukraine. That is the estimated amount of support/hardware that is being given to the country. In return that money being spent is being spent in the US replacing what has been given to Ukraine. For example give Ukraine 1,000 Javelins at $25K USD each, the US turns around and places an order for a similar number which are built by Americans.

Either Putin being killed by his own thugs or a defeat on the battlefield is the only negotiation they will understand. As was the case in 1938/1939 Hitler knew the world was tired of war and might never challenge him. Eventually that is what happened as we know with the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Any sane person should be infinitely happier sending material to Ukraine and keeping the fight there then ultimately having US troops/NATO involved. I suspect there are already NATO advisors and trainers in Ukraine, as well as American troops so my guess is we are not far away from a mistake by someone that starts WWIII.
I think you understand what proper diplomacy is. I wasn't referring to the typical niceties of diplomacy.
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As pissed off as I am about how much aid the U.S. has given Ukraine, only to see the conflict at a stalemate (at best), I don't see how anyone in their right mind could support Putin's endeavor in invading and attempting to conquer a sovereign country and kidnapping, orphaning, and repatriating scores of Ukrainian children back to Russia. And if you Putinistas don't think "white supremacy" is an issue in Russia, as well, then you're a dumbass.
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You guys are missing the positives.

There are a million fewer burping, farting morons we need to feed.

Also, they were mostly at the beginning of their polluting cycle.

Your homie, K Schwab
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While it is no secret that my opinion on this subject is diametrically opposed to most on this board no amount of diplomacy would have stopped this. If that were the case the bolsheviks would have honored the treaty signed in Budapest in 1995. Putin is purely & simply a nationalist trying to bring back the good old days of soviet domination.

The notion that people in Crimea, Luhansk & Donets wanted to be rules by Russia is utter BS and there is plenty of literature out there that easily refutes this fairy tale.

One thing that often gets missed in these discussions though is that when Biden announces a military package of XXX billon USD, they are not handing that amount of money over to anyone, including Ukraine. That is the estimated amount of support/hardware that is being given to the country. In return that money being spent is being spent in the US replacing what has been given to Ukraine. For example give Ukraine 1,000 Javelins at $25K USD each, the US turns around and places an order for a similar number which are built by Americans.

Either Putin being killed by his own thugs or a defeat on the battlefield is the only negotiation they will understand. As was the case in 1938/1939 Hitler knew the world was tired of war and might never challenge him. Eventually that is what happened as we know with the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Any sane person should be infinitely happier sending material to Ukraine and keeping the fight there then ultimately having US troops/NATO involved. I suspect there are already NATO advisors and trainers in Ukraine, as well as American troops so my guess is we are not far away from a mistake by someone that starts WWIII.
What do think has been keeping the economy afloat?

This is one of those I'm torn in two directions conflicts. While I don't think Russia should be invading their neighbors, the corruption in Ukraine needs to be delt with as well. I look at this way. We stop Puttin from taking Ukraine, but the American people are the ones that lose. We don't stop Puttin from taking Ukraine, then you risk further escalation, and the American people again lose. It's a lose-lose situation for all parties except China. If I'm going to lose then I would rather lose with my money in my pocket. It's not humanitarian, but I wonder if continuing this war is humanitarian. Biden needs to seek peace, but reference the above, and what is keeping our economy afloat. If he seeks peace, he kills the only place government has been able to sink a ton of money into. If he seeks war, then he will continue the inflationary spike we are on. Another lose-lose.