Reason #77 to oppose the nomination of Jeb Bush

J-Street is a much more reasonable organization than AIPAC. It's really amusing watching the Neocon loons smearing good men like Baker and H.W. Bush. The Republicans need to purge themselves of these Neocon traitors and the sooner it happens the better.

This post was edited on 3/19 1:53 PM by BIGOSUFAN
Neocon traitors? Can you give me a rundown of who the traitors are and what makes them traitors?

Lol, almost the entirety of GWB's foreign policy team were neocons and a ton of them served for Papa Bush too.
I actually like Jeb, and he'd be better than Hillary, but I'd rather try something other than the Royal families of Bush or Clinton.

The Bush family should have the good sense to realize it isn't good for the country to foist a political dynasty on the Presidency. Jeb seems like a good guy; I don't happen to agree with him on several policy items and I just don't think it's a good idea to elect another Bush, probably ever. Certainly not this soon.