"Putin has won."


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018

Huh. Why would that pinko commie win if Biff's elected?

Huh. Why would that pinko commie win if Biff's elected?
I think it's pretty obvious. Trump colluded with Putin. There's the smoking gun we have all been waiting for. Impeachment can now proceed apace. Trump probably ought to go to prison for the rest of his life. Damn, Sys, it turns out you have been right all this time! I bow before your deeper understanding of the situation.
I think it's pretty obvious. Trump colluded with Putin. There's the smoking gun we have all been waiting for. Impeachment can now proceed apace. Trump probably ought to go to prison for the rest of his life. Damn, Sys, it turns out you have been right all this time! I bow before your deeper understanding of the situation.

Are you just having vinegar for breakfast today dan o?
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Let’s see:

The candidate who wasn’t itching to start “Gulf War III: Syrian Edition” won.

The candidate who lost, had as SecState, presided over a list of foreign policy blunders that put Russia’s interests at risk?

The candidate who would had already pledged to rebuild America’s military won, which helps prop up Putin’s “the west is out to get us” rhetoric inside Russia?

The candidate who lost immediately started spreading the “Russia hacked the election” garbage - which directly fed into Russia’s efforts to disrupt the west.

Lots of reasons for Putin to claim a win in the election. He’a playing a long game while we tilt back and forth between “the 1980’s called and wants their foreign policy back” and “Russia is the biggest threat to our democracy”
Those three words. So simple, so true, such a perfect microcosm: Putin has won. From Russian, no less. Well done, GOP.
There’s no doubt he should consider the Russian collusion hoax and resulting 2 year boondoggle a win.

That’s elephant in the Democrat room. The liberal media danced to Putin’s tune for two years. Tying up White House resources and god knows how much political capital was spent on this. Trump can never get that back.

If the liberal puppets are the only ones who cant see their strings, the performance takes on a creepy and unsettling feeling.
That’s elephant in the Democrat room. The liberal media danced to Putin’s tune for two years. Tying up White House resources and god knows how much political capital was spent on this. Trump can never get that back.

If the liberal puppets are the only ones who cant see their strings, the performance takes on a creepy and unsettling feeling.

The world: "Look here, Putin really wanted Biff to win. He helped Biff. He considered it a big win."

Maga: Boy those dems played straight into Putin's book by talking about it.
Oh, and look at you pretending that hyperbole or generalizations aren't a thing.

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