Predictions for GOT season finale

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
What you guys got?

Will we see any of the following characters? (I don't think any were in the preview for next week but not sure)


It seems likely that Jon/Sansa have pretty solid control of the North. They have Winterfell. They eliminated House Bolton and (probably) Umber. They have the Vale army to support them until they can put together a North army as they spread word that the Boltons are no longer in power. Will they turn their focus to helping the Night's Watch and begin to rally support for that cause? Will they turn their focus to Riverrun and getting revenge for the Red Wedding?

Will we see Dani/Yara heading for Westeros? Will there be a naval battle with Euron's forces, or will that be next season?

What will happen in King's Landing?
I just hope we get some form of the Manderly speech. It will lose some of its power but I still want to see it.
I just hope we get some form of the Manderly speech. It will lose some of its power but I still want to see it.

Yeah.... its pretty easy for the "North to Remember" after the Boltons are dead and Starks are already back in power.
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Looks to me like we see:

Dany sets off for Westeros, but not much else.
Davos demands Melisandre's death, Jon broods.
Cersei's trial, and possible (probable even) burning of the Sept of Baelor and the faith
Sansa outmaneuvering Littlefinger's littlefinger by holding her knowledge of him murdering Lady Arryn.
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I think the very last seconds are going to show Sansa having some big shindig honoring Jon and saying what a wonderful brother he is and how she is proud for him to be a Stark going to make some formal decree about him being Ned's true son and Bran will bust in and say, no you can't do that, he's not even our brother.

And that will be the end of the season.
A bunch of actors on the show have basically killed that theory but maybe they are lying like they did about Jon Snow's death. I guess it has more to do with the darkness he has caused to her to harbor now.
Also, I know time is a flat circle in Westeros but surely she'd at least be showing.

Escaped from winterfell
Made it to the wall
Went to bear island
Went to deepwood Mott
Returned to the wall
Prepped for battle.

Surely that's at least 6 months if not enough for her to have given birth.
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The big cliffhanger will be the white walkers breaking thru the wall.
Really just want to see Clegane come in and F stuff up around westeros.
The big cliffhanger will be the white walkers breaking thru the wall.
Really just want to see Clegane come in and F stuff up around westeros.

I think you may be right about the Wall, at least to some degree. Hard to see them breaking through before Jon has had a chance to rally more help to his cause of stopping their army, but the episode is titled "Winds of Winter", so I am sure they will be a big part of it.

I suspect that Clegane will also be a key figure in upcoming seasons. Not much point in bringing him back to the show unless you have big plans for him. I know they brough back Rickon and Osha then killed them off, but we hardly saw them. They focused almost an entire episode on Clegane.
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Won't Bran have to be back across the Wall for the WW to come down?

Maybe Bran, Arya, Benjen, Meera, Brieanne all show up and have a big reunion pow-wow at Winterfell and life seems like it will be all roses and gumdrops then the season ends by the WW storming over the Wall and fade to black (white).
Will focus on King's Landing the trial. Trial will end in some kind of violence. Possible shocking death but I don't have a good feel as to who. Return of Varys could play a role. I don't think Bran makes it back to Winterfell. His role is more with fighting the WW then the battle for the North. Agree we could get Bran flashback scene. Previews showed some kind of scene with the Freys and Jamie. Have no clue what that is about. If there is a Stark reunion it will involve Arya although I tend to think this is too soon. My wild card is that she might somehow bump into Dani & Tyrion. Different judgement day for the Red Priestess. Sansa & Littlefinger showdown or reconciliation. Probably no Sam or Brienna. Possible Hound appearance.
A damp thunderstorm in Bartlesville takes out my Direct TV feed. Arghhhhhhh
Fantastic episode. At the beginning, when they were showing everyone in KL getting dressed, I thought it was going to be a slow boring episode that would just set the stage for next season. Wrong!

I am still in shock as to how many main/secondary characters they killed off. Some of them, I fully expected to be key players to the end.

In addition, they eliminated Daario from the story. Not that he was a huge character, but there will be no need for him in future episodes.

Loved the Arya scene. Found a way to get the Manderly meat pies into the story. Thought it was cool that, in hindsight, she was the one that Bronn was saying was interested in hooking up with Jaime.

Surprised Sam went to the Citadel. Seems like it will be easy for his father to find him. Also seems like HBO is moving quickly toward the end of the story, and now they have Sam in a place where they will have to develop some kind of story line. Hope they don't screw it up as badly as the did the Dornish story line. Although, in hindsight, I guess it was important to kill Myrcella now that Cersei is where she is.

The Winterfell King in the North scene was well done. Love the little actress who plays Lady Mormont. She does a good job. Wish Manderly actor was obese like in the books, but a minor detail.

No baby Meera. I am OK with that, but was expecting twins.

Some complaints:
- How the heck did Varys get to Dorne and back to Mereen so quickly? I was shocked to see him on the boat with Dani/Tyrion.

-Seems like HBO is going all in on giving women power. Jon is now, basically, the only man in a powerful position in the entire story. The other male characters either have no power or are subservient to one of the women. Seems a bit overboard on girl power to me.

-Still don't like that the dragons seem to know where they are supposed to go and who they are and are not supposed to cook with no explanation. Bugs me.

-If Jon thinks Melisandre deserves to die, why wouldn't he just go ahead and kill her. If he thinks she is important for fighting the WW, why would he send her south? If he ever were to kill her, I don't think he would hang her. He would behead her. At least book Jon would. Wasn't that also established in the show when he executed Slynt ?
So Sand Snakes are aligned with Dany. Theon and Yara give Dany a reason to meet her nephew before Cersei. And presumably do work on the white walkers.

I can't wait for Cersei to find out she still has a ton of enemies next season.
Some complaints:
- How the heck did Varys get to Dorne and back to Mereen so quickly? I was shocked to see him on the boat with Dani/Tyrion.
Yeah that was a wtf, and seemingly pointless. Incredible and shocking episode really. I mean, many of the predictions of what would happen were right... But damn.

I'm fine with the dragons due to tyrions story about then possibly being as smart or maybe smarter than people.

Best season ender yet.
Great episode. Consolidated all the power and really left few questions. Just set the stage for nest season.

Cool to see the north fall in line behind Jon. Can one of you nerds explain the flashback scene? So Jon is not Ned's bastard? He is his nephew?

The Queen's Hand - cool title. Glad to see him getting respect. Not sure I understand Danni leaving her dude behind. Opens the door for a lesbo encounter with the Iron Islands pirate chick though. And then presumably ultimately Jon Snow's ice to her fire?

I freaking loved the Arya scene. Nobody enen knows she's alive and she's crossing people off her list. Wonder how Jon and Sansa can use her new ninja skills.

Little finger... Friend or foe? He did not look happy as the Lords of the north swore fealty to Jon. Sansa did though.

Cersi is finally on the iron throne and I loved that plot twist. Her son jumping Monte Python style out the window was unintentionally (?) hilarious.

Only complaint - they spent so much time on developing Queen Margaery's character just to blow her up? That sucks. Plus she is smoking hot.

I give this episode three thumbs up.
Yes. Jon is Ned and Bejens nephew. Ned pretended his father was not a Targaryean to prevent Robert from killing him.

Jon is also Dani's nephew.
PS agree with both of your points on Marjory. Also spent a lot of time developing the High Sparrow as a strong character
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Wouldn't Jon be Dany's half brother?

Great episode. So where does the fleet land? Dorne? KL? The North? The Iron Isles?

Surprised there were no WW shown.
Final conclusion and set up for next season: We have brother sister conflict in both the North & South. Didn't see the Romero and Juliet ending coming for Tommen. In hindsight it seems obvious. That's why they set up the conflict between his mother & wife and let the septum influence him. He was just a confused little boy. Whatever Margery's plan was it did not work out well for her.

Time and distance of travel continue to be a weakness of the show. Varys gets to Drone in back in a week. Arya get's home in the same time. My guess is about a month flew by without being acknowledge

Sir Gregory has arrived. It was the ultimate evil Cersie moment.

Arya was checking out Jamie but not for the purpose Bronn thought. Cross another name off the list. So he she just going to travel around as a secret assassine? Do we get a Hound Arya reunion? Or does she cross him off the list?

No Luke and Lea. Good. The most obvious plot of all time finally confirmed. Just as he becomes King of the North.

Littlefinger is top ten creepy dude of all time. Not just GOT.

Looks like the Red Priestess will hook up with the Brotherhood with No Banners.

Just happy Dani finally got her ass on the move. The Dragons follow their mother. It part of her magic like being able to ride them and of course survive fire.

Thought Sam was going to have an orgasim when he saw the library. Not sure what purpose his story serves at this time.

Herd has been thin significantly this season. I can see how they have this thing set up to conclude in two more seasons. Really looking forward to next season.
Wouldn't Jon be Dany's half brother?

Great episode. So where does the fleet land? Dorne? KL? The North? The Iron Isles?

Surprised there were no WW shown.

No, her father is his grandfather.

Good question on where Dani is headed. Does she take the iron throne next season and then join the battle against the white walkers or wipe them out first. You know the Dragons are going to take care of the white walkers somehow.
Well among all that stuff that we know, we now also know that Bran going across the Wall is going to open the gate for WW, so to speak.

You think Benjen might have been a double agent?

Where the donk was Brieanne?

Poor Tommen. I about choked on my tongue trying not to laff out loud to wake the kids up.

Did you need to have the street rat kids murder the maester? Really?

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