Orange and Black results?


Jan 24, 2020
The orange and black scrimmage was supposed to happen today, does anyone know the results, upsets, emerging stories, note worthy anything? I have been on a wrestling fast for so long that I’m dying for anything.
125-Whitcraft vs colton cline
125- mastrogiovanni vs Burks
133-Fix vs price Perrier
133 Andrew nieman vs colt newton
141-Brock vs Hone
149-Lewallan vs ,Gfeller.
157-Sheets vs Jalen Harper
157 manibog vs McLane.
165- Wittlake vs Joey Sanchez
174-Plott vs Cade Lindsay
174- Christian bhal vs jaquan Jackson
184-Geer vs Christian mcCutcheon
197-Ferrari Vs surber
HWT-Doucet vs Webb
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125-Whitcraft vs colton cline
125- mastrogiovanni vs Burks
133-Fix vs price Perrier
133 Andrew nieman vs colt newton
141-Brock vs Hone
149-Lewallan vs ,Gfeller.
157-Sheets vs Jalen Harper
157 manibog vs McLane.
165- Wittlake vs Joey Sanchez
174-Plott vs Cade Lindsay
174- Christian bhal vs jaquan Jackson
184-Geer vs Christian mcCutcheon
197-Ferrari Vs surber
HWT-Doucet vs Webb
Any word on Jezik?I was looking forward to seeing how he's progressed. Good to see Gfeller back on the mat
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audio is working - Coach Smith on soon, maybe he will mention Taco's status.
either way sir, whatever is easier for you. Ive never done either thing and would be thrilled to be able to see the matches.
My guess is maybe Anthony and Harris get the winners of these matches. No inside info just guess.

I have heard “injured” which could also mean Covid which is what else is out there as a possibility.
I will have matches on YouTube. They aren’t the best but will try to get close as possible. They are doing a good job with spacing in the arena so seats were a little far back
Thank you so much! Very appreciated.
Witcraft with a pin in the second
Mastro dec Burks 8-1
Fix with a pin in the first
Brock dec Hone
Boo dec Gfeller
Sheets won
Wittlake won
Plott won
Geer pin in the first
Ferrari dec Surber 6-2
Doucet and Webb in OT now
Any results so far?
Witcraft by fall
Mastro d burks 8-1 ish
Fix by fall
Nieman over Newton
Brock over Hone 3-2
Lewallen over Gfeller (G didn’t come to wrestle)
Sheets over Harper
Wittlake d Sanchez
Plott d Lindsey
Bahl d Jackson
Geer wbf McCutcheon
Ferrari d Surber
What was Witcraft’s second stall point for?
It was 3-2 Mastro but there was one takedown by Witcraft who was in on Mastro's legs the whole match. I never figured out why the second stalling call on Witcraft as he tried to put in the legs and got way too high while continuing to ride Mastro and the ref broke it up and gave one point to Mastro. Trevor did not make a shot until the last second or two of the match. Much rather see Witcraft then Mastro this year. Mastro did dominate Jakason Burks and he is a very sound wrestler but IMO Witcraft would beat him 3 out of 4 times.
I saw an incredible move today by AJ. The attitude of the Ferrari's in general kinda irks me but I guess it could just be credited to Uber-Confidence, so I tend to pull for the other guy. However, late in the match already leading by 3 Ferrari is on both knees (not crouching down but actually on both knees and he must have shot ten feet straight forward into Surber's legs and completed the takedown. That is athletic ability par excellence and I do not believe ANY other wrestler has that ability. It is almost eerie, to think he is able to do it.
That is what I recall, too. The only thing I could figure was failure to attempt a mat return within 5 seconds, but Mastro had a hand on the mat. Very strange.

Alright guys here it is. Sorry it’s not the best but I did a little editing so you could tell who was wrestling.
Very nice, thanks. :)

Gotta wonder if OSU wasn't broadcasting then why run the ad banner and if they have companies paying for ad banner time then why not broadcast the event? :(

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