Operation Inherent Resolve


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005
We now have an ops name to rally around.

Is it too late to change it to something more dramatic? I vote for Operation Nuke Islam.
Or change to something more reflective of what we're actually doing? Like, Operation Pu$$y Foot maybe?
Or, Operation I'll sacrifice the well being of an entire nation in order to keep a campaign promise.
Originally posted by imprimis:
Or, Operation I'll sacrifice the well being of an entire nation in order to keep a campaign promise.

Damn, tell it like it is: I'll squat to pee while apologizing for manufactured "PC" sins, and lie about everything for political reasons - having nothing to do with protecting this country/people. Yes, I expect most of you dumb bastards to eat my shit sandwich because I'm soo f*cking smart , and *I'll rule when it's time to declare "martial law".
The only Inherent Resolve coming from Obama is to get back on the links as soon as possible.

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