Oops! Are We Back To Hating The Anti-Semitic UN Now?

Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.
Christianity has been very anti Jewish in the past. Some Christians still are. Spain is a good example of that.

Germany perpetrated the Holocaust not Muslims.

Not going to get any argument from me there.

After the Holocaust, western countries changed their stance on this. The culture changed, but one could say Hitler and the Nazis were not Christian. Did they use it, you bet.

So now we see the west as Pro Jewish.

With being said, answer this.

Why did Every Muslim country around Israel declare war on Isaele the moment they came into existence?
Again if you read history you will find out none of these countries exited till the last century
Syria lraq uae jordan Saudia were formed by the British.
Forming Israel on their land created the problems and couple wars which Israel handily there is no competition left. Besides Iran.
The current genocide is the result of a terrorist group called Hamas
I f you go deep into the history of Hamas it was created or Israel had a hand in its creation.
PLO had accepted the state of Israel and we're demanding one for Palestinians
This was not acceptable to Israel hence competition for PLO and hence Hamas. It is an old strategy of divide and rule.
I have nothing against Jews. It is the way Israel makes the west feel guilty even after over 75 years is what amazes me.
I recently saw old pictures of Palestine from 1933 it is amazing how developed it was. I wish I knew how to post them here.
Just for rest of the forum holocaust was committed by the west and Christians Arabs and Muslims had nothing to do with it.
A mooslums interpretation. No thanks. Now go feast on some pork chops.
Again if you read history you will find out none of these countries exited till the last century
Syria lraq uae jordan Saudia were formed by the British.
Forming Israel on their land created the problems and couple wars which Israel handily there is no competition left. Besides Iran.
The current genocide is the result of a terrorist group called Hamas
I f you go deep into the history of Hamas it was created or Israel had a hand in its creation.
PLO had accepted the state of Israel and we're demanding one for Palestinians
This was not acceptable to Israel hence competition for PLO and hence Hamas. It is an old strategy of divide and rule.
The Islamic countries also are HIGHLY ACTIVE in the "divide and conquer" and "proxy" strategies that inflict so much human suffering. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, all displace their own citizens, fund destabilization of neighboring countries.

Worth noting that these are all Muslims committing crimes against Muslims.

While I personally don't see Israel as completely "innocent" in Gaza crisis, are there ANY examples of Christian or Jewish nations inflicting at the scale of Islam the suffering Muslims bring to the world?
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Again if you read history you will find out none of these countries exited till the last century
Syria lraq uae jordan Saudia were formed by the British.
Forming Israel on their land created the problems and couple wars which Israel handily there is no competition left. Besides Iran.
The current genocide is the result of a terrorist group called Hamas
I f you go deep into the history of Hamas it was created or Israel had a hand in its creation.
PLO had accepted the state of Israel and we're demanding one for Palestinians
This was not acceptable to Israel hence competition for PLO and hence Hamas. It is an old strategy of divide and rule.
So no answer. Got it.

When Israel came into existence, there was a two state solution on the table. One that didn't even include Jordan. Instead Muslims in the area decided they would go to war with Israel.

So I ask again. Why did every Muslim country around Israel choose instead of peace, war?
The Islamic countries also are HIGHLY ACTIVE in the "divide and conquer" and "proxy" strategies that inflict so much human suffering. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, all displace their own citizens, fund destabilization of neighboring countries.

Worth noting that these are all Muslims committing crimes against Muslims.

While I personally don't see Israel as completely "innocent" in Gaza crisis, are there ANY examples of Christian or Jewish nations inflicting at the scale of Islam the suffering Muslims bring to the world?
The Islamic countries also are HIGHLY ACTIVE in the "divide and conquer" and "proxy" strategies that inflict so much human suffering. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, all displace their own citizens, fund destabilization of neighboring countries.

Worth noting that these are all Muslims committing crimes against Muslims.

While I personally don't see Israel as completely "innocent" in Gaza crisis, are there ANY examples of Christian or Jewish nations inflicting at the scale of Islam the suffering Muslims bring to the world?
Mooslums in no way wants any kinda peace. Muhammad wasn't wired that way. It shows in them raghead terrorist motherfvckers. The whole lot of em including their children terrorizing our universities
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I started an Aramaic thread that seems you missed completely, but others did add in some Semitic history.

I know for myself (born in Oklahoma) I had virtually no historical knowledge of the Middle East until a few years ago. It's not something we readily find this far West. I would recommend starting with the history (pre-Islamic) rather than jumping straight to pro-Islamic stuff - that's a huge leap few will make with you.
Do yerself a favor. 😉
The Islamic countries also are HIGHLY ACTIVE in the "divide and conquer" and "proxy" strategies that inflict so much human suffering. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Armenia, all displace their own citizens, fund destabilization of neighboring countries.

Worth noting that these are all Muslims committing crimes against Muslims.

While I personally don't see Israel as completely "innocent" in Gaza crisis, are there ANY examples of Christian or Jewish nations inflicting at the scale of Islam the suffering Muslims bring to the world?
I have never said Muslims are innocent of crimes against humanity in the past or in some instances today.
When in previous post I mentioned Christians were responsible were responsible for the holocaust I didn't mean common citizens. Among Nazi elite there were several practising Christians.
Same thing happens when Muslim country commits atrocities it is the govt yes some people would agree with their actions and some won't.
So wherever atrocities and genocide happens it should be condemned by the whole world if we consider ourselves civilised.
I have never said Muslims are innocent of crimes against humanity in the past or in some instances today.
When in previous post I mentioned Christians were responsible were responsible for the holocaust I didn't mean common citizens. Among Nazi elite there were several practising Christians.
Same thing happens when Muslim country commits atrocities it is the govt yes some people would agree with their actions and some won't.
So wherever atrocities and genocide happens it should be condemned by the whole world if we consider ourselves civilised.

All of the Nazi's were originally Christian until the figured out Hegelian Nihilism gave them ideological carte blanche to do their evil. All of the Germans were Christian that took the orders.

Gets even worse for our Bible waving Okie rednecks as the Nazi's took several pages of notes from the American "Indian Solution" strategy and tactics on how to spin the propaganda, attrition, and exterminate. Do a little research and you can work that one into the jousting match.

I'll still point out that even as horrific as what Israel is doing in Gaza, it pales in comparison to what Muslims are doing to Muslims and Christians today.
All of the Nazi's were originally Christian until the figured out Hegelian Nihilism gave them ideological carte blanche to do their evil. All of the Germans were Christian that took the orders.

Gets even worse for our Bible waving Okie rednecks as the Nazi's took several pages of notes from the American "Indian Solution" strategy and tactics on how to spin the propaganda, attrition, and exterminate. Do a little research and you can work that one into the jousting match.

I'll still point out that even as horrific as what Israel is doing in Gaza, it pales in comparison to what Muslims are doing to Muslims and Christians today.
Agree with most of what you said. Please elaborate what Muslims are doing to Muslims and Christians.
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Agree with most of what you said. Please elaborate what Muslims are doing to Muslims and Christians.
All the Christians and Jess have been pushed out of Muslim majority countries by systemic Pressure or outright violence..

Ali, what are the Top 3 Muslim majority countries you want to raise your daughters and sons in?
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I started an Aramaic thread that seems you missed completely, but others did add in some Semitic history.

I know for myself (born in Oklahoma) I had virtually no historical knowledge of the Middle East until a few years ago. It's not something we readily find this far West. I would recommend starting with the history (pre-Islamic) rather than jumping straight to pro-Islamic stuff - that's a huge leap few will make with you.
Actually the reason I bring Muslims in my posts is because that is how most on this forum understand the mideast.
Arab history is rich prior to advent of islam. So is Indian history also.
Just to simplify I don't differentiate between people's belief system.
Individuals andgovts are responsible for the chaos in the world most of the population are innocent bystanders.
All the Christians and Jess have been pushed out of Muslim majority countries by systemic Pressure or outright violence..

Ali, what are the Top 3 Muslim majority countries you want to raise your daughters and sons in?
Actually not. Most of the middle eastern countries were formed and ruled by western touts.
Some of them have a form of islam that I don't even recognize.
I would prefer a secular country without prejudice against people's faith.
I'm not letting you off the hook.

Why did every Muslim country around Israel choose instead of peace, war?

Why does Israel choose war?

In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forcibly displaced from the area that became Israel, and 500 Palestinian villages, as well as Palestinian-inhabited urban areas, were destroyed.[28][29] Although considered by some Israelis to be a "brutal twist of fate, unexpected, undesired, unconsidered by the early [Zionist] pioneers", some historians have described the Nakba as a campaign of ethnic cleansing.[28]

In the aftermath of the Nakba, Palestinian land was expropriated on a large scale and Palestinian citizens of Israel were encircled in specific areas.[30] Arnon Degani argues that ending military rule over Israel's Palestinian citizens in 1966 shifted from colonial to settler-colonial governance.[31] After the Israeli capture of the Golan Heights in 1967, there was a nearly complete ethnic cleansing of the area, leaving only 6,404 Syrians out of about 128,000 who had lived there before the war. They had been forced out by campaigns of intimidation and forced removal, and those who tried to return were deported. After the Israeli capture of the West Bank, about 250,000 of 850,000 inhabitants fled or were expelled.[32]

Gosh…I just can’t fathom why Israel gets attacked…

carry on
Why does Israel choose war?

In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forcibly displaced from the area that became Israel, and 500 Palestinian villages, as well as Palestinian-inhabited urban areas, were destroyed.[28][29] Although considered by some Israelis to be a "brutal twist of fate, unexpected, undesired, unconsidered by the early [Zionist] pioneers", some historians have described the Nakba as a campaign of ethnic cleansing.[28]

In the aftermath of the Nakba, Palestinian land was expropriated on a large scale and Palestinian citizens of Israel were encircled in specific areas.[30] Arnon Degani argues that ending military rule over Israel's Palestinian citizens in 1966 shifted from colonial to settler-colonial governance.[31] After the Israeli capture of the Golan Heights in 1967, there was a nearly complete ethnic cleansing of the area, leaving only 6,404 Syrians out of about 128,000 who had lived there before the war. They had been forced out by campaigns of intimidation and forced removal, and those who tried to return were deported. After the Israeli capture of the West Bank, about 250,000 of 850,000 inhabitants fled or were expelled.[32]

Gosh…I just can’t fathom why Israel gets attacked…

carry on
Oh that. That’s nothing. You’re making a way bigger thing about a land grab, a little ethnic cleansing, murder, apartheid and racist Zionist supremacy than you should. Really, it’s nothing.
Mooslums in no way wants any kinda peace. Muhammad wasn't wired that way. It shows in them raghead terrorist motherfvckers. The whole lot of em including their children terrorizing our universities
Christians have killed more in last 2000 years than any other religion. Read history I am not saying that Muslims are innocent I am saying look at the other side also
Why does Israel choose war?

In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forcibly displaced from the area that became Israel, and 500 Palestinian villages, as well as Palestinian-inhabited urban areas, were destroyed.[28][29] Although considered by some Israelis to be a "brutal twist of fate, unexpected, undesired, unconsidered by the early [Zionist] pioneers", some historians have described the Nakba as a campaign of ethnic cleansing.[28]

In the aftermath of the Nakba, Palestinian land was expropriated on a large scale and Palestinian citizens of Israel were encircled in specific areas.[30] Arnon Degani argues that ending military rule over Israel's Palestinian citizens in 1966 shifted from colonial to settler-colonial governance.[31] After the Israeli capture of the Golan Heights in 1967, there was a nearly complete ethnic cleansing of the area, leaving only 6,404 Syrians out of about 128,000 who had lived there before the war. They had been forced out by campaigns of intimidation and forced removal, and those who tried to return were deported. After the Israeli capture of the West Bank, about 250,000 of 850,000 inhabitants fled or were expelled.[32]

Gosh…I just can’t fathom why Israel gets attacked…

carry on
Fvck you, you slimy, Jew hating rape denier.
I mean, he was only the incarnate spiritual leader of the entirety of Islam. 🤣
Since I have never heard of him he must have great influence of the entire Muslim world.
Germans Italy and the catholic church did whatever he wanted them to do.
Besides mid east there are more Muslim countries who are not Arabic speaking or not influenced by Arab ideology.
Pakistan Bangladesh Malaysia Indonesia Morocco Tunisia and many more
Besides moral support they have never had any war with Israel.

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Since I have never heard of him he must have great influence of the entire Muslim world.
Germans Italy and the catholic church did whatever he wanted them to do.
Besides mid east there are more Muslim countries who are not Arabic speaking or not influenced by Arab ideology.
Pakistan Bangladesh Malaysia Indonesia Morocco Tunisia and many more
Besides moral support they have never had any war with Israel.

You may be a Muslim living in a Muslim world but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. These Americans you’re debating have been scouring the internet for a couple of hours so they obviously are expert on the subject. So you might as well throw in the towel now before they humiliate you with all their newfound knowledge. Who do you think you are?
Actually the reason I bring Muslims in my posts is because that is how most on this forum understand the mideast.
Arab history is rich prior to advent of islam. So is Indian history also.
Just to simplify I don't differentiate between people's belief system.
Individuals andgovts are responsible for the chaos in the world most of the population are innocent bystanders.

You might not be concerned about religion, but the societies that have adopted Islam over Christianity simply aren't very good to their people. Even devout Muslims do not choose for their daughters to grow up and live in Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, or even Turkey. Hence why you dodged the question and are having the discussion with me in English.
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You may be a Muslim living in a Muslim world but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. These Americans you’re debating have been scouring the internet for a couple of hours now so they obviously are expert on the subject. So you might as well throw in the towel now before they humiliate you with all their newfound knowledge. Who do you think you are?
Change yer name to "slick" Dan. 👍
You may be a Muslim living in a Muslim world but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. These Americans you’re debating have been scouring the internet for a couple of hours so they obviously are expert on the subject. So you might as well throw in the towel now before they humiliate you with all their newfound knowledge. Who do you think you are?

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Well you have
What is the only approved language in which a Muslim can worship
Well you have a point there. But what surprises me is that most of the non Arabic Muslims don't even know what they are reciting.
Christianity for a long time gave their summons in Latin. In fact in Catholics some still have a Latin part.
Jews pray in Hebrew.
I haven't read the Quran in Arabic for a long time neither has my wife we read in English.
Lot of sermons now are being given in the native far as the five time prayers are concerned are still in Arabic.
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You might not be concerned about religion, but the societies that have adopted Islam over Christianity simply aren't very good to their people. Even devout Muslims do not choose for their daughters to grow up and live in Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, or even Turkey. Hence why you dodged the question and are having the discussion with me in English.
Not true a lot of devout Muslims move back to their country of origin when their daughters start getting of age.
I raised two daughters in Pakistan one of them got married here and lives in Pakistan, I still do.
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