NYC Mayor Adams calls Governor Abbott racist for bussing illegal migrants to "black-run" cities

Mayor Adams might need grease up his kiester just to git his swollen incompetent melon out. He knows sleepy will bail him out if he ain't already.

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I want to see some more DrEaMeRs (illegals) dropped off in Marthas Vineyard. That was some funny shit right there, watching those White Wealthy Liberals reactions was Pure Gold.

I say send the majority of them buses to DC right in front of the Whitehouse, and joes home state of Delaware. And then all the way north from there.
I say send the majority of them buses to DC right in front of the Whitehouse, and joes home state of Delaware. And then all the way north from there.
With estimates of ten thousand illegals a day about to start coming in there will be more than enough to send to all the Democrat sanctuary cities.
Why is Adams upset with Abbott? Isn't he one that says illegal immigrants should be welcomed with open arms?

They don't really mean it when they say it. Makes feelers feel good to say it though and the easily manipulated feelers feel good as well.
They don't really mean it when they say it. Makes feelers feel good to say it though and the easily manipulated feelers feel good as well.
Sarcasm doesn't some across well on a message board, I should have used blue font.