Non sports- censoring

Actually I cancelled my script during the first few months of the Plandemic also bc was getting my stuff taken down....along with OSU being the leader of college athletics in social justice warriors....but it wouldn't cancel!!!!
So I stayed along just for some 24/7 stuff- have enjoyed the back and forth over there- I have a lot of fans there as well 😎
I always love it when posters claim to have "fans" on the site. I only see the claim from guys who the overwhelming majority of members either dislike them or are ambivalent about them. But they feel vindicated because 2-3 other posters care what they have to say.
Not that anybody asked, but the issue I have had isn't what you are saying. I totally understand the interest in covid and what is happening around the world and how the whole thing has been largely mismanaged. The issue is the redundancy and when called on some of the numbers, you fail to back up what you state and fend it off with "I've posted it X times, go find it." Yet you will state the same things over and over again. That doesn't promote discussion, instead it shuts it down or turns people away. I fall into the pit of going off-topic as much as anybody. I admit that and many times I'll just delete a long reply I made instead of posting it, because after I re-read what I have written, I realize that either I'm being redundant, or too far off topic. I can't speak to what has happened to you or your posts.

But in regards to the vaccine, there are a lot of reasons that people have taken them. My wife and I took them so as to make travel to places that will require the vaccine possible. I know it isn't the greatest reason from a health perspective, but it is our reason. My sister and her fiancé got the vaccine because she works in health care and he's an on set camera man so a ton of interaction and she has latent TB that covid could have triggered. My mother and her husband were vaccinated because he smoked for 50 years and has lost a lung and covid would likely kill him. Not many on this board, I would guess, do not disagree with you about the concerns of the vaccines, we all live our own lives and have our own view points on why or why not to put that into our systems. I think that a large percentage of the people on here would also agree that the government shouldn't pick winners and losers based on personal health decisions. The thing is that nobody comes to this board to be preached at by a person they do not know. A good portion of your postings come across that way to me.

Now if anybody hasn't seen it, here is John Stewart on Colbert talking about the virus leak from the Wuhan lab. While funny, the best part is the hate that it generated from many on the left.
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What a drama queen.
Yes you are- Same just because you're a shot lover you like the fact they threw me off that thread, even though you were the name caller on the thread and you continue to be
dude....give it up. you've become so predictable that most don't even read your posts anymore. I'm surprised some are even responding. We like you and want you to remain a poster, but your relentless vax obsession needs to stop. We understand your point of view, just don't need to be reminded of it 15,000 times a day. It's the same $hit every day.
Oh but the 15,000 I love experimental shots is OK? So you're OK with one side being thrown off the thread? OK then. I'll reply to any reply on this thread and when it's all said and done I'll be back to the 24 seven board. This board is dang sure the shot lovers dream which is fine.But I'm gonna call out the cancel culture when I see it for sure and yes it is dang sure rampant on this board I promise
I always love it when posters claim to have "fans" on the site. I only see the claim from guys who the overwhelming majority of members either dislike them or are ambivalent about them. But they feel vindicated because 2-3 other posters care what they have to say.
You're dang sure conversing Eh? - you want Gods immune system loving free from
Countless Big pharma shots People banned I know- it's ok I be gone pretty quick and y'all can get back to your echo chamber hail gates and fauci - it's cool
I always love it when posters claim to have "fans" on the site. I only see the claim from guys who the overwhelming majority of members either dislike them or are ambivalent about them. But they feel vindicated because 2-3 other posters care what they have to say.
I took it as a joke, hence the "there as well" part.
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Good Talk on here Guys!!! Isn't it Way better Than just silencing One side?! LMAO no ones died on here from having the debate eh? I think some If you think you are sure gonna😬
Good Talk on here Guys!!! Isn't it Way better Than just silencing One side?! LMAO no ones died on here from having the debate eh? I think some If you think you are sure gonna😬
Only thing dead is brain cells.
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Only thing dead is brain cells.
Sorry I'm an outsider- sorry not part of the experimental shot circle jerk. But I'm not sorry- tickled as heck I can think for Myself and See through the BS. Love my God given immune system- in my 50s and no way in heck have worn a crappy mask and no way will take the Gates and Fauci shots...and sure as heck wouldn't allow my kids to wear those nasty fear diapers....or be part a lab tests

Even though I'm (wrongly) removed from that thread- I'm still watching. The way y'all give up your liberties and wear your nasty masks and allow your kids to mask is unreal actually. Let Johnny Govt sell you a load and give up your freedoms and take experimental shots from crooks. I'm only rebutting so hope the cancel culture stays away. Get away from the TV-
There's truth out there and not hard to find
Quoting wrong VAERS numbers and saying shots help- it's just wrong
Great article shared by Windriverchange on tests done on the masks the parents took from their kids and sent to a lab- feel free to venture over to 24/7 board- it's not near as woke as this place. Yes this is sports Board but I didn't start the vax thread once again 😳
There's a wonderful feature on this board called "ignore". I highly recommend it! :D
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I always love it when posters claim to have "fans" on the site. I only see the claim from guys who the overwhelming majority of members either dislike them or are ambivalent about them. But they feel vindicated because 2-3 other posters care what they have to say.
I wonder if I have fans on here. I am going to start telling people I am a social media influencer. 👺
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I wonder if I have fans on here. I am going to start telling people I am a social media influencer. 👺

I would never tell you this, because I get the impression that your self worth is high enough that you don't need to hear it. But, I'm a fan of yours.


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I would never tell you this, because I get the impression that your self worth is high enough that you don't need to hear it. But, I'm a fan of yours.


Sweet I wonder what endorsements I can get ahold of now.

I also really enjoy your post on here also. I don't know why so many come at you like they do. I really think for the most part you are a pretty fair moderator.
Man- the love that's on here sometimes is so touching.....peace on OSU board I love it🤙
Ya, the real stuff is buried in the bowls of internet message boards. Youre a sheeple if you don’t learn your shit from billybobs Facebook shares.
Sooo CNN? ABC? Internet is where Truths on HCQ - now proven true.....Russia Russia etc ...CDC Overcounting covid numbers- now proven. VAERS correct numbers are On there- but not on cnn, not Fox except maybe Tucker some.

Who's the sheeple? Keep trusting in the mainstream- good stuff there👍
Lotsa stuff on the shots but cognitive dissonance is riding high on status quo on people taking them- people don't seem to feel that have to really find out about them- trusts the news and big Pharma which is their right. Nice to know how much doctors make per every vaccine or similar type covid shot - Amazing how much money hospitals got for classifying deaths as covid.....astronomical what the hospitals got paid to put people on ventilators. Which 90 plus percent died on ventilators when same age group were put on HCQ treatments- high 90
Percent of those were fine. But you won't see that on the 10 o'clock news. Gotta give it to Tucker- at least he has called out a lot of the BS
I get most my news from a man down by the river oh wait that was just hoops sucking pein for natties.
Why do you feel you need to "educate" everyone? Do you believe "they" are out to get you/us and you're one of the only ones that can save us? I never had an opinion about you good or bad before Covid but now after all your unhinged rants about people choosing to take the vaccine you just come off like one of the thousands of paranoid facebook loons whose friends and family have to make excuses for when an acquaintance asks what happened to the normal person they always you were. The downward spiral is just sad to watch. I hope you seek out help and conquer your struggles.
Ooo I'm a no Waves one edited my stuff- well aren't you special- keep up the nice polite rhetoric so you can be in the "big circle jerk" club that's left on the covid vax thread.
on the thread It was stated. "The vaccine clearly works. You have to be really f*cking stupid at this point to say that the vaccine doesn’t work."

But I got taken off the thread -And that uninformed tacky person stayed! Again I'm not a gene therapy lover echo chamber Member so I get censored- I still can't reply on there- yet they say I'm not censored?!

Big ole joke- same as the real media- censure any truth so big Pharma makes billions and they can steal an election......couldn't have done that if they didn't censor Ivermectin and HCQ eh?

And the only way in case most didn't know ( which I'm almost sure most don't bc everything gets censored) the ONLY WAY That the gene therapies could have possibly obtained "emergency authorization" is if there were ....wait for it....." no other remedies" LMAO. I.E. for the non understanding.....if they hadn't banned Ivermectin and HCQ truths- they couldn't have gotten mail in ballots, couldn't have stolen the election (at least as Easy) ,
Couldn't have locked us down, couldn't have controlled us with the fear face diapers, and couldn't have made hundreds and hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars off of the experimental gene therapies, and executed all the control over us - holy crap.
NI’m not particularly nice or polite but I’m not intentionally an ass like you. That’s why I don’t get edited, cancelled, or censored, whichever term you prefer.

Pay close attention to the first paragraph and the sentence with “sel-awareness” in it.

This is you. You are literally an idiot who believes himself an expert.
Why do you feel you need to "educate" everyone? Do you believe "they" are out to get you/us and you're one of the only ones that can save us? I never had an opinion about you good or bad before Covid but now after all your unhinged rants about people choosing to take the vaccine you just come off like one of the thousands of paranoid facebook loons whose friends and family have to make excuses for when an acquaintance asks what happened to the normal person they always you were. The downward spiral is just sad to watch. I hope you seek out help and conquer your struggles.
I'm not the one being part of the experiment- proud to be a part of the "control group". I'm not the one you should be worried about but thank ya
NI’m not particularly nice or polite but I’m not intentionally an ass like you. That’s why I don’t get edited, cancelled, or censored, whichever term you prefer.

Pay close attention to the first paragraph and the sentence with “sel-awareness” in it.

This is you. You are literally an idiot who believes himself an expert.
Now that's nice- careful you might get banned. Many would call what you preach and what you say being different would define as a hypocrite. Idk JS

Funny y'all can slam me but I slam and I am an ass- good for me but not for thee? It's just bc I'm part of the control group and y'all are part of the experimental group- see how we end up
Now that's nice- careful you might get banned. Many would call what you preach and what you say being different would define as a hypocrite. Idk JS

Funny y'all can slam me but I slam and I am an ass- good for me but not for thee? It's just bc I'm part of the control group and y'all are part of the experimental group- see how we end up
No it’s because you go on lunatic rants with no purpose or basis or really any other objectives. Go get some edibles and chill
Im Amazed The shot loving, mask loving, lock me Down, Mask my kids, offer my kiddos up for experimental shots crowd took time to come join me from the safe willows of love for Fauci "covid vax thread" lol. Of
Course I still can't post on there bc I'm dangerous😬

It's nauseating seeing the grown men falling hook, line and sinker for the media propaganda - would say it's kinda cute but nauseating is all I could come up with.

Said it before- as a whole we deserve to get taken over by the Leftist Commi Movement...I damn sure don't but my goodness at how easy they played all you guys giving up your freedoms for a little bit of safety. Only thing is- you lose both.
So get the shot or no? TIA.
Someone needs birth control!
Lol You guys kill me. So let's take a Q and A. Y'all won't bc I will prove my point to some degree but let's shall....shall we?

Who here:
-trusts the govt and think they really care about you more than their $$ and power? Worst words to hear - "we are from The govt and are here to help you"😳

- Who trusts the media and thinks they really care about you?

- Who thinks Big Pharma cares more about your health than they do the Hundred of Billions Of dollars they make sticking you with unneeded shots and the make even more treating your cancer?

- Who trusts Fauci? Who trusts Gates?

- Who doesn't know mRNA "vaccines" have had two animal tests through the years and 100 percent of the cats and let's see- 100 percent of the ferrets died either right after the injection or when re introduced to the corona virus. 100 percent 😬. Think there's a reason we've never had a corona virus vaccine in all the years and then in 6 months voila?! Yeah y'all aren't sheep

All these are begging, pleading, coercing you all to take these experimentals - if the shots were so good why do they have to offer Krispy Kreme's lmao
Im Amazed The shot loving, mask loving, lock me Down, Mask my kids, offer my kiddos up for experimental shots crowd took time to come join me from the safe willows of love for Fauci "covid vax thread" lol. Of
Course I still can't post on there bc I'm dangerous😬

It's nauseating seeing the grown men falling hook, line and sinker for the media propaganda - would say it's kinda cute but nauseating is all I could come up with.

Said it before- as a whole we deserve to get taken over by the Leftist Commi Movement...I damn sure don't but my goodness at how easy they played all you guys giving up your freedoms for a little bit of safety. Only thing is- you lose both.

Lemme ask ya this, do you think you could walk into your local restaurant, immediately start ranting about..well, the top of your lungs. The "what" doesn't even matter. Do you think you could do that and not be forcibly quieted or removed?

Is that "censorship"? Of course not.
This sounds like something @Kenny Orange Powers does all the time at Applebees when his fries are served cold .
I sort of scanned after the first few posts, but ‘circle jerk’ and ‘vagina’ both caught my eye.