More From Matt Taibbi

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
You can’t read the whole thing without subscribing, but there’s enough there for you to get the gist. Plus the video is available. One thing I respect about Matt Taibbi is that even though he’s a left winger he’s an honest left winger, unlike our friend, PINO (aka @my_2cents) who is an establishment Democrat, but claims to be a progressive. He’s a Progressive In Name Only, a PINO.

You can’t read the whole thing without subscribing, but there’s enough there for you to get the gist. Plus the video is available. One thing I respect about Matt Taibbi is that even though he’s a left winger he’s an honest left winger, unlike our friend, PINO (aka @my_2cents) who is an establishment Democrat, but claims to be a progressive. He’s a Progressive In Name Only, a PINO.

I’m not surprised that’s what would be your takeaway. God forbid you’d respond to a true progressive that shows just how establishment Democrat you really are.
Even if I responded, you would dismiss my response, mock it, and resort back to playing your silly games. When you want to have serous conversations, let me know. Till then...

Even if I responded, you would dismiss my response, mock it, and resort back to playing your silly games. When you want to have serous conversations, let me know. Till then...

Indeed, I will continue to mock you for what you really are as compared to what you want the rest of us to believe. You ain’t no progressive. You’re establishment Democrat from the soles of your feet to the top of your noggin. You’re PINO!
Indeed, I will continue to mock you for what you really are as compared to what you want the rest of us to believe. You ain’t no progressive. You’re establishment Democrat from the soles of your feet to the top of your noggin. You’re PINO!
So quit shucking and jiving, PINO, answer Taibbi's question as a "true progressive." Should Hillary Clinton, the Grand Dame of Establishment Democrat Politics, be banned from social media for knowingly and intentionally fomenting disinformation about Trump and Russia *for years* for breaking the same rules that have gotten others banned, mostly people from the right? Tell us what you think as a "true progressive." We're all anxious to see how you skirt around the question, trying to come up with the perfect formula, the perfect answer that will let you defend the establishment Democrats while pretending you're not. Show us what you've got, PINO!
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So quit shucking and jiving, PINO, answer Taibbi's question as a "true progressive." Should Hillary Clinton, the Grand Dame of Establishment Democrat Politics, be banned from social media for knowingly and intentionally fomenting disinformation about Trump and Russia *for years* for breaking the same rules that have gotten others banned, mostly people from the right? Tell us what you think as a "true progressive." We're all anxious to see how you skirt around the question, trying to come up with the perfect formula, the perfect answer that will let you defend the establishment Democrats while pretending you're not. Show us what you've got, PINO!

Even if I responded, you would dismiss my response, mock it, and resort back to playing your silly games. When you want to have serous conversations, let me know. Till then...
I asked a serious question (via the progressive, Matt Taibbi) in hopes of getting a serious answer, PINO. Can't you answer the progressive with a truly progressive reponse?

Even if I responded, you would dismiss my response, mock it, and resort back to playing your silly games. When you want to have serous conversations, let me know. Till then...
Oh, please, PLEASE, PINO, what I want more than anything is for you, a not-so-noted progressive (a progressive in name only in fact) to respond to the progressive Matt Taibbi and tell us what should happen to Mrs. Democrat Establishment for breaking social media rules that got others, mostly from the right wing, banned. Should the leader of the the establishment Democrats be banned for promoting and disseminating misinformation for years until she was finally caught?
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Oh, please, PLEASE, PINO, what I want more than anything is for you, a not-so-noted progressive (a progressive in name only in fact) to respond to the progressive Matt Taibbi and tell us what should happen to Mrs. Democrat Establishment for breaking social media rules that got others, mostly from the right wing, banned. Should the leader of the the establishment Democrats be banned for promoting and disseminating misinformation for years until she was finally caught?
PINO, it's been nearly an hour, and I know how you insist on having the last word on every thread in which you engage, so I assume you're busy concocting an appropriate reply to Taibbi's question, one that will sound both reasonably progressive while simutaneously defending the Queen of Establishment Democrats, just enough so you can continue to pretend you're a real progressive. So take your time. I'll bump this thread every now and then so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. I for one am really curious to see how you resolve your dilemma.
PINO, it's been nearly an hour, and I know how you insist on having the last word on every thread in which you engage, so I assume you're busy concocting an appropriate reply to Taibbi's question, one that will sound both reasonably progressive while simutaneously defending the Queen of Establishment Democrats, just enough so you can continue to pretend you're a real progressive. So take your time. I'll bump this thread every now and then so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. I for one am really curious to see how you resolve your dilemma.
PINO, another 45 minutes has gone by. Haven't you put together a defensible response to Taibbi yet?
another 45 minutes has gone by.
For the last time, you have my response. If you want a different response, my previous post explains how you can go about obtaining that...

Even if I responded, you would dismiss my response, mock it, and resort back to playing your silly games. When you want to have serous conversations, let me know. Till then...
For the last time, you have my response. If you want a different response, my previous post explains how you can go about obtaining that...

It’s really surprising that the man who claims to know everything about everything so cowardly refuses to respond to a question being put forth by a progressive, especially since he insists he’s a progressive, too, although we all know that is a lie, he is an establishment Democrat that spouts word for word the rhetoric/spin provided to him by establishment Democrat leadership. His refusal to take up the question being asked by an actual progressive regarding the heinous actions of an establishment Democrat further proves the point that he’s not a progressive and never has been. I’m talking about you, PINO!
It’s really surprising that the man who claims to know everything about everything so cowardly refuses to respond to a question being put forth by a progressive, especially since he insists he’s a progressive, too, although we all know that is a lie, he is an establishment Democrat that spouts word for word the rhetoric/spin provided to him by establishment Democrat leadership. His refusal to take up the question being asked by an actual progressive regarding the heinous actions of an establishment Democrat further proves the point that he’s not a progressive and never has been. I’m talking about you, PINO!
I'll engage your silliness for a moment Dan, even though I know it is pointless to do so.

Are conservatives on this board who may disagree with opinion articles George Will writes not true conservatives?

See how easy that was.
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I'll engage your silliness for a moment Dan, even though I know it is pointless to do so.

Are conservatives on this board who may disagree with articles George Will writes not true conservatives?

See how easy that was.
Classic PINO! Answer a question with a “what-about question.” PINO deflection at its finest! Come on, PINO, Taibbi will never know how you answer. This is your golden opportunity to prove to the rest of us your progressive chops. A true progressive would not be afraid to criticize the Establishment Diva. Your reluctance to do so says all we need to know about where your real loyalty lies.
Answer a question with a “what-about question.”
I addressed your underlying silly assertion with a rheotical question. And it was rather easy to do.

Looking forward to you calling all the conservatives on this board who may disagree with George Will not true conservatives.🤣🤣

A true progressive would not be afraid to criticize the Establishment Diva.
You seem to be confusing progressivism with populism. You clearly need to read up on the differences between the two.

And I'm not afraid to criticize Hillary Clinton when it is warranted. I've done it often and I've stated numerous times that the Democrats should have nominated Sanders in 2016. As usual, you ignore all of this.
I addressed your underlying silly assertion with a rheotical question. And it was rather easy to do.

Looking forward to you calling all the conservatives on this board who may disagree with George Will not true conservatives.🤣🤣

You seem to be confusing progressivism with populism. You clearly need to read up on the differences between the two.

And I'm not afraid to criticize Hillary Clinton when it is warranted. I've done it often and I've stated numerous times that the Democrats should have nominated Sanders in 2016. As usual, you ignore all of this.
Yes, I ignore the feckless trivial baloney you spout when you’re faced with a dilemma. Just answer the question, Mr. PINO, quit beating around the bush! What are you afraid of? If social media bans people who spread lies and disinformation should it not ban the world record holder of such practices, even though its Her Royal Establishment Democrat Majesty? As a practicing progressive this should be an easy no-brainer for you to answer. It is for Matt Taibbi, Why is it so hard for you to man up and give an honest response?
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Why is it so hard for you to man up and give an honest response?
It isn't hard for me. I just know you aren't going to accept my honest response.

As I have stated before on this board, Twitter is a private company and can ban who ever they want to if they believe that person has violated their terms of service. If Twitter believes Clinton has done this, they have every right to ban her and I would support their right to do so. Just as I did when they chose to ban Trump. If Twitter ever decides to reinstate Trump's membership, that is their right too and I would support their right to do so.
It isn't hard for me. I just know you aren't going to accept my honest response.

As I have stated before on this board, Twitter is a private company and can ban who ever they want to if they believe that person has violated their terms of service. If Twitter believes Clinton has done this, they have every right to ban her and I would support their right to do so. Just as I did when they chose to ban Trump. If Twitter ever decides to reinstate Trump's membership, that is their right too and I would support their right to do so.
My goodness you’re as big a dodger as @davidallen! You’re circling all around the edges. Twitter being a private entity has no bearing on the question. Zero. Zilch. Nada. In your progressive opinion, PINO, since Queen Hillary engaged in the same skullduggery as so many others who got banned, should she be banned, too?

And why should you care if I don’t accept your answer? Provided it’s an honest answer and not an attempt to evade, give your answer and defend it! That’s what you demand of everybody else, Be a man and behave like you insist from the rest of us.
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My goodness you’re as big a dodger as @davidallen! You’re circling all around the edges. Twitter being a private entity has no bearing on the question. Zero. Zilch. Nada. In your progressive opinion, PINO, since Queen Hillary engaged in the same skullduggery as so many others who got banned, should she be banned, too?

And why should you care if I don’t accept your answer? Provided it’s an honest answer and not an attempt to evade, give your answer and defend it! That’s what you demand of everybody else, Be a man and behave like you insist from the rest of us.
I gave you my honest answer. And your response is exactly what I said it would be.

If you disagree with my answer and believe Twitter shouldn't have the right to decide who they ban, state your disagreement and I'll be happy to defend my answer.
I gave you my honest answer. And your response is exactly what I said it would be.

If you disagree with my answer and believe Twitter shouldn't have the right to decide who they ban, state your disagreement and I'll be happy to defend my answer.
Your answer is poppycock and you know it. You began your answer with the word “If” which is a well known method of converting the question into a hypothetical, not reality. Answer without the “if.” I dare you. Is the correct progressive response that the Establishment Democrat Royal should face the same sanctions as the rest of us? Getting a true answer out of you is like having root canal. But I’m not going to give up until you bite the bullet and answer like a man.
I gave you my honest answer. And your response is exactly what I said it would be.

If you disagree with my answer and believe Twitter shouldn't have the right to decide who they ban, state your disagreement and I'll be happy to defend my answer.
This is a typical time-honored PINO attempt to switch the subject so the answer will not be so painful. Twitter’s rights have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE QUESTION, and you know it. It’s not about Twitter’s rights. It’s TOTALLY about your opinion as a declared progressive whether any social media, Twitter or otherwise, should apply their rule equally across the board. It has now bern admitted by the Hillary team that she knew she was lying and perpetuated the lie for years. There is no gray zone here. Perceived disinformation has been subject to banning. There is no unproven perception here. Hillary engaged in willful disinformation. Would a true progressive say therefore that Hillary should be banned?

The thing is you should be furious that Hillary lied to you, misled you for years, made a mockery of the truth and made you look like a complete idiot for believing her. That’s how real progressives react. But not you. No, you run away like a squeamish child. This whole thread is living proof that you are a progressive in name only. You’re PINO!
Your answer is poppycock and you know it. You began your answer with the word “If” which is a well known method of converting the question into a hypothetical, not reality. Answer without the “if.” I dare you. Is the correct progressive response that the Establishment Democrat Royal should face the same sanctions as the rest of us? Getting a true answer out of you is like having root canal. But I’m not going to give up until you bite the bullet and answer like a man.
This is a typical time-honored PINO attempt to switch the subject so the answer will not be so painful. Twitter’s rights have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE QUESTION, and you know it. It’s not about Twitter’s rights. It’s TOTALLY about your opinion as a declared progressive whether any social media, Twitter or otherwise, should apply their rule equally across the board. It has now bern admitted by the Hillary team that she knew she was lying and perpetuated the lie for years. There is no gray zone here. Perceived disinformation has been subject to banning. There is no unproven perception here. Hillary engaged in willful disinformation. Would a true progressive say therefore that Hillary should be banned?

The thing is you should be furious that Hillary lied to you, misled you for years, made a mockery of the truth and made you look like a complete idiot for believing her. That’s how real progressives react. But not you. No, you run away like a squeamish child. This whole thread is living proof that you are a progressive in name only. You’re PINO!
As I stated . . .
It isn't hard for me. I just know you aren't going to accept my honest response.
As I stated . . .
PINO, that’s about as cowardly a chickenshit answer as you could make. Are you saying you only make responses on this board when you know everyone will accept them? Because if you are I’m calling you out as a bald faced liar. Why don’t you just act like a man instead of a sniveling little coward and admit there are no circumstances under which you will criticize an establishment Democrat, and that especially holds true when it comes to Hillary. We all know that is the truth anyway. So be a man and just say it. You have never been shy about criticizing actual progressives when they step off the establishment Democrat plantation, but boy oh boy you’d rather look like a bigger fool than usual than get caught dead saying something negative about the establishment.

Awhile back I caught you pretending to be someone else, using a new name on the board. You denied it until you could no longer get away with it. And now you have proven beyond any doubt that you are nothing more than an establishment stooge. So quit pretending to be a committed progressive. Everyone on this board knows what you really are. You’re PINO!
and admit there are no circumstances under which you will criticize an establishment Democrat, and that especially holds true when it comes to Hillary.
I've criticized establishment Democrats, including Hillary Clinton. I have no problem doing so when it is warranted.

Awhile back I caught you pretending to be someone else, using a new name on the board. You denied it until you could no longer get away with it.
Incorrect. You accused me of being another poster who I never admitted to being. I simply stated I had one previous username I posted under on this board years ago. And that username was not the other poster you were claiming I was.
I've criticized establishment Democrats, including Hillary Clinton. I have no problem doing so when it is warranted.

Incorrect. You accused me of being another poster who I never admitted to being. I simply stated I had one previous username I posted under on this board years ago. And that username was not the other poster you were claiming I was.
It’s laughable that you say you have no problem criticizing establishment Democrats, including Hillary, when it’s warranted. So tell us, PINO, is it warranted to criticize Hillary for lying on social media, and everywhere else, about Trump and Russia, in clear violation of social media’s rules about disinformation, rules that are supposed to get you banned, and call for Hillary to be banned? Prove to us your fearlessness! Give Hillary an earful for lying to us with such callousness and with the design to tear this country apart. Can you do that, PINO?
Though I know you will scoff at this request - can you provide an example?

Edit: is this one?
I want to congratulate you, David, for your herculean attempt to defend Mrs. Clinton to the very end. It’s an exceptionally nice job you are doing to create a scenario whereby Mrs. Clinton should only be considered guilty when she personally admits her guilt. That’s truly inspired spin! It is well understood that pathological liars and habitual criminals almost never admit their malfeasance. They go to their graves with a well practiced look of bewilderment on their faces that anyone would know of their guilt. As Mrs. Clinton is the undisputed queen of political liars and criminals, you have created a situation you believe is no-lose for you. No amount of sworn testimony from people close to her will do. Until she admits her shame you will doggedly defend her. Really, I have to say that’s impressive!

As for me sharing links: do you remember how you act when I ask you to prove a point you have tried to make? Let me refresh your memory. You tell me to do my own “research,” that you’re only in the conversation to make fun of others, because your intelligence is insulted when one of us underlings dares to question you. So I say you should apply your attitude here: I ain’t your servant boy!
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I want to congratulate you, David, for your herculean attempt to defend Mrs. Clinton to the very end. It’s an exceptionally nice job you are doing to create a scenario whereby Mrs. Clinton should only be considered guilty when she personally admits her guilt. That’s truly inspired spin! It is well understood that pathological liars and habitual criminals almost never admit their malfeasance. They go to their graves with a well practiced look of bewilderment on their faces that anyone would know of their guilt. As Mrs. Clinton is the undisputed queen of political liars and criminals, you have created a situation you believe is no-lose for you. No amount of sworn testimony from people close to her will do. Until she admits her shame you will doggedly defend her. Really, I have to say that’s impressive!

As for me sharing links: do you remember how you act when I ask you to prove a point you have tried to make? Let me refresh your memory. You tell me to do my own “research,” that you’re only in the conversation to make fun of others, because your intelligence is insulted when one of us underlings dares to question you. So I say you should apply your attitude here: I ain’t your servant boy!
It’s almost like yore upset HRC was a more adept politician than Trump. Weird. Weirder still that you think of that as a compliment to her.
It’s almost like yore upset HRC was a more adept politician than Trump. Weird. Weirder still that you think of that as a compliment to her.
Obviously not more adept since she couldn’t beat him. But there’s no doubt she’s more corrupt. So, yes I find her corruption and willingness to utilize it, even if it helps destroy our society, to be upsetting. You should, too. But as you have clearly established you find her corruption to be a positive in the drive for your party’s ascension to power. Wasn’t that the attitude the pro-Stalinists had until he turned against even them?

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