Loudoun County schools are worse even than you imagined


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008
By Andrea Widburg

We’ve written before about the madness in the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), most recently when it comes to parents protesting LGBTQ pornography in the school system’s libraries. There’ve also been newsworthy moments when parents spoke out about Critical Race Theory in the school district. One of the most explosive moments occurred when the school board, tired of having angry parents (i.e., voters) yell at them, called the cops, with several arrests, including that of one man getting physically dragged out. It now turns out that the man was protesting the fact that the school’s policies led to a boy in a skirt sexually assaulting his daughter in a girl’s bathroom.

Luke Rosiak’s full story is at the Daily Wire, behind a paywall. This report is so important, though, that I splurged on a reader’s pass ($4/mo) so I could get to it. I’ll try to summarize the report’s high points but there are so many important details I can only touch the surface.

On June 22, Scott Smith, a White plumber was filmed as the police arrested him and dragged him out of an LCPS board meeting. It was his arrest, writes Rosiak, that the National School Boards Association cited when it sought the federal help that AG Merrick Garland so willingly gave, referred to as a possible form of “domestic terrorism.”

But that’s not where the actual "domestic terrorism" occurred. It took place three weeks before at Stone Bridge High School. On May 28, a boy wearing a skirt entered the girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School and subjected Scott Smith’s ninth-grade daughter to a violent sexual assault.

The school called Smith but, when he arrived, told him they were going to handle the matter “in-house.” When the school eventually called the sheriff’s office, it wasn’t to arrest the alleged perpetrator (who later admitted the act) but was because Smith was making a scene—he wasn’t violent, but he launched obscenities at the principal. Still, the sheriff’s deputies took Smith’s daughter to a hospital, where a rape kit showed that she had, in fact, been sexually assaulted.

The principal then sent a message to the school community saying that, while the deputies had shown up at school, everyone at the school was fine. He made no mention of the fact that a sexual assault had occurred on campus.

Fast forward to June 22. Rosiak writes that, immediately before Smith’s arrest, the LCPS superintendent “lectured the public that concerns about the [proposed] transgender policy [on the agenda] were misplaced because the school system had no record of any assault occurring in any school bathroom.” That was followed by Jackie Schworm, a leftist activist telling Smith she thought his daughter was lying and threatening to destroy his business. Smith responded angrily and suddenly found himself handcuffed and dragged across the floor with his pants trailing behind him, a perfect image for leftists of a violent, White, transphobic man.

The local prosecutor, a Soros-style activist who opposes “mass incarceration,” did her best to get Smith locked up. At this point, of course, she knew or should have known what happened to Smith’s daughter, for the suspect was charged and under house arrest. Although Smith doesn’t know what happened to the boy (his records, as a juvenile, are sealed), he does know that, in October, the boy sexually assaulted another girl at the school.

Although Smith and his wife are L(esbian) and G(ay) friendly, they’re not into the “T(ransgender)” stuff—and the boy who assaulted their daughter was a B(isexual). Still, when they heard that the LCPS board was planning to expand protections for Ts, they felt they’d better show up—only to have Beth Barts and other board members insult and ridicule them. Moreover, board members denied that there was any safety issue for girls in the restrooms. “Smith tried to contain himself as activists who prioritize ‘lived experience’ and ‘believe women’ ignored his daughter.”

About this Beth Barts—you’ve heard of her before, for she was so aggressively hostile to anyone that challenged leftist policies that people moved to get her off the board, which resulted in her setting up a Facebook group to attack parents. One of the Facebook women was Jackie Schworm, the same person who verbally attacked Smith at the board meeting, leading to Smith’s arrest. During his arrest, Smith cried, “I can’t breathe,” but nobody cared.

The Daily Wire interviewed Schworm who denied everything, even as she claimed Smith’s daughter—who passed the rape kit test—had mental stability issues and accused Smith’s wife of confessing that there’s no such thing as CRT but that she still planned to incite parents at board meetings over CRT.

Ultimately, based upon the LCPS superintendent’s either ignorant or fraudulent denial that sexual assault happened in girls’ bathrooms, the LCPS passed its transgender policies—which might not have happened had Smith been allowed to tell his daughter’s story.

There’s so much more but what’s clear is that a formerly middle-of-the-road-conservative-ish community of working- and middle-class people is seeing a massive culture shift to the left. Many parents are unhappy and claiming that (a) the shift is hurting their children (and Smith’s daughter and the other girl prove this) and (b) that the board and its allies are lying and defaming people, including students, to advance their goals.

As Rosak writes, the aftermath is “Two girls, allegedly sexually assaulted in school, four months apart, by the same person. And so far, the only person to be convicted of a crime is the victim’s father.” And the ultimate irony, despite Smith’s daughter being sexually assaulted and later beaten, is that she’s a progressive. What kids learn in school matters.
For as long as I can remember statists from both sides of the aisle - but especially those on the left - have demanded America abandon the individualist ideology that set it apart from the from the rest of human history and reassume the collectivism that had previously prevailed. They did so knowing what they advocate is anathema to human prosperity and a bludgeon to human liberty. They also knew that the individualists (the adults in charge) would always rein them in when they got too far out over their skis. It gave them an ability to be as crazy as they wanted because they knew they would be stopped short by American institutions and the American people.

However they made a tactical mistake. They infiltrated the education establishment decades ago and now there are precious few people with independent critical thinking skills to put them back on the rails. It has become their show now. And that surely scares the wits out of them. Their addiction to collectivism has overpowered everything, and true political insanity has gained control. They know they have stepped way over the line, but they are unable to self correct, and to their private dismay they realize there are not enough individualists left to put them in check.

In short things are a complete cluster bomb.
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Really need sys and Dave to weigh in on this.

Don't be cowards. Just domestic terrorists causing problems, right?
Really need sys and Dave to weigh in on this.

Don't be cowards. Just domestic terrorists causing problems, right?
LOL. You really need a comment on this ridiculous article? LOL. LOL. And yet again LOL. Is the article internally consistent, let alone true?
LOL. You really need a comment on this ridiculous article? LOL. LOL. And yet again LOL. Is the article internally consistent, let alone true?
Right on cue. "ridiculous article" Man put in jail because his daughter was raped and nothing was done about. So he protested. Another girl raped by the same perpetrator. Dave's response is three LOL's. You libs are freaking dirt bags.
Right on cue. "ridiculous article" Man put in jail because his daughter was raped and nothing was done about. So he protested. Another girl raped by the same perpetrator. Dave's response is three LOL's. You libs are freaking dirt bags.
Yeah. He was put in jail because his daughter was raped. You believe that don't you.
Yeah. He was put in jail because his daughter was raped. You believe that don't you.
Watch the video he wasn't doing anything but protesting nothing was being done about his raped daughter, which a rape kit proved, then the police put there hands on him and he resisted.

I couldn't have less respect for you than if you were the rapist. You are scum.
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Watch the video he wasn't doing anything but protesting nothing was doing done about his raped daughter, which a rape kit proved, then the police put there hands on him and he resisted.

I couldn't have less respect for you than if you were the rapist. You are scum.
Was he arrested?

'Thank God that I drew enough attention to it, without getting arrested, that we got an escort to the hospital and they administered a rape kit that night.'
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Was he arrested?
That's your standard of him not having a legit beef with school? He was standing at poteum expressing his grievance and he was dragged down he never initiated any contact.

So your position is that the father of a raped girl shouldn't be able to express his outrage?

You are truly a work of woke sh!tness.
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That's your standard of him not having a legit beef with school? He was standing at poteum expressing his grievance and he was dragged down he never initiated any contact.

So your position is that the father of a raped girl shouldn't be able to express his outrage?

You are truly a work of woke sh!tness.
He has every right to be outraged and express that outrage. The article is clickbait shit - sorry you got sucked in by it. Hope that helps.
He hasn’t admitted doing those things against the victim’s wishes is rape even once on this forum so let it’s wife/daughter fend for themselves
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He has every right to be outraged and express that outrage. The article is clickbait shit - sorry you got sucked in by it. Hope that helps.
The article was truth and are you the shit that denies that this man and his daughter are the abused victims.

When did raped children become the the hill libs die on to get at conservatives?
The article was truth and are you the shit that denies that this man and his daughter are the abused victims.

When did raped children become the the hill libs die on to get at conservatives?
Dude, there is absolutely a story to tell. Unfortunately, the quoted American Thinker post is trying way too hard (as you are) to play to a particular audience to be worth any serious consideration. The underlying article at The Daily Wire is actually pretty decent.
The article was truth and are you the shit that denies that this man and his daughter are the abused victims.

When did raped children become the the hill libs die on to get at conservatives?
When it became expedient.
Was he arrested?

'Thank God that I drew enough attention to it, without getting arrested, that we got an escort to the hospital and they administered a rape kit that night.'

Why are you a blind follower of the left and such an argumentative prick? The little 14 or 15 year old girl was raped in May, the school board meeting was just a couple of weeks ago. The dad had been advised to stay silent in an effort to receive justice for his little girl. He decided to go public with their side of the story after finding out Friday night the school board and the DA lied to their family about keeping the rapist confined in the rapist's family home. The reason it came to his attention is his wife received a text from another parent asking what the rapist's name was. The reason for the question is the rapist was enrolled in another school and just recently raped another girl. In addition the night of the School Board meeting they School board was voting to give the mentally ill freaks the ability to use the girls restroom. Seems they didn't want the public to know they had one of the left's little freaks raping innocent little girls so they could put in place their woke policies, putting more innocent girls in danger.
Maybe instead of being a blind follower of the left you might should try to inform yourself.

Here is the dad's interview last night on Laura Ingram's Show.
Hey everybody. You just need to accept that the raped girl is really just a transphobe. If she wasn’t she would have gladly taken the dick that woman offered.
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