Long bow buck...


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 22, 2003
Small ranch North of Denton, TX
I finally scored with my Longbow this Friday morning. It was gorgeous out and around 30 degrees or so where I hunted.
Had a little symmetrical 8 point about 14 -15 inches inside width come my and I arrowed him double lung. He ran about 70 yards. I'll post a pic when I can. I missed two bigger deer with that bow last year, one going about 160 or better. I've broken the ice now,. :)
By comparison, here is the buck I MISSED by an inch over his back with my longbow last year. I was sick! I did practice more this year.

This post was edited on 11/9 6:13 PM by TexasCowPoke
OK, here he is (I hope the pic posts ok) . With longbow- a Horne Flintquest (Mr. Horne has his custom shop in Bowie TX, but has a national reputation now.)

btw, I also shot a pig, about 150 lb boar, on Thurs am and this buck on Friday early. I also shot at and missed a tom turkey at 28 yds. (I actually hit a small branch that knocked the arrow down). I missed high on a second hog- a big sow- right at dark. Man, she was ANGRY! I wasn't sure I wanted to get down out of my treestand. :) She must have been well over 250 and had about 8 to 10 little ones that would have been tasty on the spit (I'm guessing they would have weighed 80 lbs each or so) I've never seen so many pigs. Corn eatin' Vermin!


This post was edited on 11/9 6:24 PM by TexasCowPoke
Nice!!! I think that is bad ass you can harvest with a long bow!! bad. ass.

what is the longest range you would feel comfortable taking a nice whitetail
Pokem, Good question. I practice the most at between 15 and 20 yards. This year, I practiced out to 30, but never really felt as confident as i wanted at that range yet. I can hit a pieplate, but that isn't really great. Maybe someday. If I had been shooting particularly well in practice and needed to take a 30 yd shot at a record book buck,.... If I had the time to make sure my form was right, I'd take that shot. I'm sure there are guys who can shoot that or longer very consistently, but I'm not in that class yet. I love shooting 3-D ranges as it most realistically captures shots at unknown distances out to pretty extreme ranges. That's a ot of fun.

For those hunting McAlester, what is the distance most hunters practice at at the range there?
Last year, at the range there were distance markers for 10 yds, 15yds, 20yds, and "way too far".

BTW, with both the pig and buck, I had clean passthroughs and great bloodtrails. My arrows fly at about 190 fps and they weight just over 600 gr. with extreme FOC.

This post was edited on 11/10 4:16 PM by TexasCowPoke
10-4 TCP, that is man huntin bruh... respect on that
Congrats TCP great job. I still have yet to kill anything with my recurve.