Leon Panetta tour

Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
Had a buddy suggest the same thing, and I don't see it. How does it help Hill? I honestly think that Panetta is a throw-back politician who, while definitely a loyal Democrat, is more about country than party.

Panetta is certainly friendly with the Clinton's, but he has never been in their inner/inner circle of friends.
This is about getting Panetta and Hillary on the same page with respect to Benghazi and the clusterf**k that represents the Obama foreign policy albeit designed by Clinton.
Originally posted by imprimis:
This is about getting Panetta and Hillary on the same page with respect to Benghazi and the clusterf**k that represents the Obama foreign policy albeit designed by Clinton.

Bingo! Book/2014 and Cankles/2016.

This post was edited on 10/7 9:20 PM by JimmyBob
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
Had a buddy suggest the same thing, and I don't see it. How does it help Hill? I honestly think that Panetta is a throw-back politician who, while definitely a loyal Democrat, is more about country than party.

Panetta is certainly friendly with the Clinton's, but he has never been in their inner/inner circle of friends.
Helping her distance herself from Obama for '16. It will ultimately help him. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours kind of thing. Could be wrong. I'm wrong every once in awhile.
Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Could he end up as her running mate?

Last night he said he knew IMMEDIATELY that Benghazi was a terrorist attack. That sort of demolishes the comments she made in support of the anti-Islam video being the thing that sparked the attack. It also makes her look like either an incompetent fool or a cold, calculating liar (or some of both) for the comments she made to the father of one of the dead Americans upon the return of his remians to the U.S.

Besides, if she runs, she's going to want to pick someone younger as a running mate.
This post was edited on 10/9 12:50 PM by Marshal Jim Duncan
I don't think he is doing hrc any favors. Her employee went on the Sunday shows with the lies. Unless she says she was overridden by the CIA I don't see how she escapes the blame for the Benghazi cover up.

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