Kenjantes making her mark.

Could you agree there's something wrong with our SCOTUS! Answer honestly now.
I'll answer this question.

Absolutely! Yes, yes, yes.

We need to reform the Supreme Court at this moment by adding at least four new justices and creating a binding code of ethics for the justices. I don't really support term limits but if you do, I'm willing to compromise on this in an effort to reform the Court. I would prefer term limits that simply expire over a justice seeking "re-election" though.

Are we in agreement?
I'll answer this question.

Absolutely! Yes, yes, yes.

We need to reform the Supreme Court at this moment by adding at least four new justices and creating a binding code of ethics for the justices. I don't really support term limits but if you do, I'm willing to compromise on this in an effort to reform the Court. I would prefer term limits that simply expire over a justice seeking "re-election" though.

Are we in agreement?
Oh the old progressive playbook. When you don't have control change the rules to make sure you do. SMFH I'll be sure to ask you this when the next Republican is in the Whitehouse and Republicans control the Senate. No doubt your opinion on stacking the court will be the polar opposite.
Oh the old progressive playbook. When you don't have control change the rules to make sure you do. SMFH I'll be sure to ask you this when the next Republican is in the Whitehouse and Republicans control the Senate. No doubt your opinion on stacking the court will be the polar opposite.

I would still support every proposal I referenced. I would still seek bi-partisan reform of the Supreme Court with the likes of @LAY THE WOODY.

As I've told you many times Bearcat, stop projecting. I don't think like you do. I don't change my positions based on who is currently in control, as you do.
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I would still support every proposal I referenced. I would still seek bi-partisan reform of the Supreme Court with the likes of @LAY THE WOODY.

As I've told you many times Bearcat, stop projecting. I don't think like you do. I don't change my positions based on who is currently in control, as you do.
Yea that's why you threw in the 4 additonal SCOTUS Justices. SMFH
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Yea that's why you threw in the 4 additonal SCOTUS Justices. SMFH
Again, I would support such a proposal along with other reforms, even with a Republican President.

Increasing the number of Supreme Court justices is nothing new in our nation's history. Perhaps study some of that history you don't want taught.

I know. You are struggling to understand right now. Maybe one day you will escape your programming.
Again, I would support such a proposal along with other reforms, even with a Republican President.

Increasing the number of Supreme Court justices is nothing new in our nation's history. Perhaps study some of that history you don't want taught.

I know. You are struggling to understand right now. Maybe one day you will escape your programming.
Lil Bitches gonna lil Bitch. Right lil Bitch?
Again, I would support such a proposal along with other reforms, even with a Republican President.

Increasing the number of Supreme Court justices is nothing new in our nation's history. Perhaps study some of that history you don't want taught.

I know. You are struggling to understand right now. Maybe one day you will escape your programming.
Don't be ridiculous, you would throw a fit if Trump were to win and appointed 4 more conservative Justices to the bench. There is no reason to add justices to the court, other than to politicize the court and that's not good for the country.
It's sad every time your progressive ideology is rejected or defeated you throw a fit and try to change the rules to put you back in control.
The reversal of Roe v Wade is perfect example. Your side first manipulated the law to get the original decisions out of the courts to the point even the most progressive of judges said the ruling was problematic. Then when the problematic ruling is rightfully overturned you whine and demand to change the makeup of the court so your side can continue to shove your ideology down the throats of the country.
It only takes 4 justices to see a case. However a case like this may backfire on those who bring it. If you don't think you can win
You don’t think at all, and you don’t really take positions on anything.
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I'll answer this question.

Absolutely! Yes, yes, yes.

We need to reform the Supreme Court at this moment by adding at least four new justices and creating a binding code of ethics for the justices. I don't really support term limits but if you do, I'm willing to compromise on this in an effort to reform the Court. I would prefer term limits that simply expire over a justice seeking "re-election" though.

Are we in agreement?
I would agree with this if we created the requirement that judges also receive a 2/3rds of the Senate confirmation vote. Adding judges via party line confirmations is a big reason why the SC has lost trust with the American people. So simply creating more judge roles who get negligible support from the other party won't solve the court's current problems.
I would agree with this if we created the requirement that judges also receive a 2/3rds of the Senate confirmation vote.
I'd be willing to consider this, but the main problem with this is that given our political environment right now, we may never be able to confirm any Supreme Court justice again. Then what do we do? Temporary justices? How does that work?

You make the argument that such a proposal would stop confirmations that only receive negligible support from the other party, however, this proposal would also empower the extremes in both parties regarding confirmations. I don't see how that solves the problem.

On top of that, I don't necessarily believe the SC has lost trust with the American people simply because of party line confirmations. Recent rulings are playing a big role in why the SC is losing trust among the American people.