Ivermectin = NO COVID-19

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My small town of 8000 had 4 obituaries in the paper this week, 3 were Covid deaths, all otherwise healthy people. 2 were males in their early 60s the 3rd was a female in her late 50s. In our community we have otherwise healthy people dying every week. Our City Manager, also healthy, is hospitalized with Covid and double pneumonia. A town of 8000 is a small sample, but trying to treat this like the flu is politically motivated horseshit.
My brother’s father in law, and his wife, both got sick. Weak. Couldn’t catch their breath. Fever. Tested positive for Covid. Sh e was only there a couple of days and has been home for about ten days now. Mostly recovered, but still very weak and can hardly do anything without needing to sit/lay down. My sister in law had to leave Austin and go To Houston to care for her (had to take a hiatus from her work). He developed a rare condition called Covid Encephalopathy. Can’t speak, swallow, stand. Can move his limbs, but can’t grasp anything. It is unclear as to how lucid he is. Currently on a feeding tube and will likely get a PEG tube in the next few days.

My point is that you can quote 99% survival rate all you want, but there are millions of people in this country who are alive, and suffering due to this disease. I didn’t even get into the overwhelmed hospitals, and health care workers , whose lives have been turned upside down by this virus.
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My small town of 8000 had 4 obituaries in the paper this week, 3 were Covid deaths, all otherwise healthy people. 2 were males in their early 60s the 3rd was a female in her late 50s. In our community we have otherwise healthy people dying every week. Our City Manager, also healthy, is hospitalized with Covid and double pneumonia. A town of 8000 is a small sample, but trying to treat this like the flu is politically motivated horseshit.
do some damn research -none of what I said is false. Listen to what the crap media says is the horseshit. We don't want anyone dying do we all have to say that in each POST?!?!?! You're being fed a line of BS- the death rate in the US is DOWN this year - flu rate is zero- get a friggin clue. "Well channel 9 said covid is bad" - it's all Bullshit- 90 plus percent of those labeled covid are other things and yes- some of them kill. Wearing a damn face diaper is all about control wake the F up. PCR rest inventor even says it's all BS.

But hey wear your damn face diaper and cringe in the corner like my mother who has thrown away 8 months at the end of her life isolated from everyone.... she said we can go by and wave to her. Screw you People who won't think for yourselves and reseach just a little bit. I and many many others have been to many many hospitals to prove the fake BS.

CDC who is government bureaucrap EVEN says less than 6 percent those numbers killed were caused by covid ALONE. Can't argue with people who won't even think for themselves and want to listen to the scare- it's 100 percent to get y'all submissive- sadly y'all gonna oblige. Wear your little bandana POC nasty do nothings to submit toBS media and daddy Uncle Sam- you're an enabler of us losing our freedoms. I wouldn't say a damn word and let you virtue signaling with your do nothing face cloths but sadly you're letting our leaders turn into friggin tyrants and y'all let them
My brother’s father in law, and his wife, both got sick. Weak. Couldn’t catch their breath. Fever. Tested positive for Covid. Sh e was only there a couple of days and has been home for about ten days now. Mostly recovered, but still very weak and can hardly do anything without needing to sit/lay down. My sister in law had to leave Austin and go To Houston to care for her (had to take a hiatus from her work). He developed a rare condition called Covid Encephalopathy. Can’t speak, swallow, stand. Can move his limbs, but can’t grasp anything. It is unclear as to how lucid he is. Currently on a feeding tube and will likely get a PEG tube in the next few days.

My point is that you can quote 99% survival rate all you want, but there are millions of people in this country who are alive, and suffering due to this disease. I didn’t even get into the overwhelmed hospitals, and health care workers , whose lives have been turned upside down by this virus.
99.9 percent is a fact - sorry to quote. Death rate is down in the US this year period. Viruses and other things KILL I wish we could stop things from happening. I'm only saying there's way worse things than the Plandemic and we aren't freaking out about those. POS shit people are hyping this thing and y'all are drinking the kool aid. Covid scare is padded- period. Let's freak out a bit heart disease- it kills way more. Let's speak out about abortion- we could save millions of lives of babies holy shit!!!!!. But no- the media won't cover l this. But let's freak the F out and keep kids out of school, makes kids wear bandanas on their faces all day , let leaders who don't EVER miss a paycheck take away our livelihoods and get MORE control over us. Damn really? Why don't you get passionate about those things?
99.9 percent is a fact - sorry to quote. Death rate is down in the US this year period. Viruses and other things KILL I wish we could stop things from happening. I'm only saying there's way worse things than the Plandemic and we aren't freaking out about those. POS shit people are hyping this thing and y'all are drinking the kool aid. Covid scare is padded- period. Let's freak out a bit heart disease- it kills way more. Let's speak out about abortion- we could save millions of lives of babies holy shit!!!!!. But no- the media won't cover l this. But let's freak the F out and keep kids out of school, makes kids wear bandanas on their faces all day , let leaders who don't EVER miss a paycheck take away our livelihoods and get MORE control over us. Damn really? Why don't you get passionate about those things?

Mazel Tov on being the biggest useful idiot in the country. One day, you are going to realize that you are wrong about all of this, and all you have posted on this topic. When that happens, I hope you are healthy enough and man enough to come back and eat your crow. Merry XMas!
Mazel Tov on being the biggest useful idiot in the country. One day, you are going to realize that you are wrong about all of this, and all you have posted on this topic. When that happens, I hope you are healthy enough and man enough to come back and eat your crow. Merry XMas!
Yeah you'd rather it be a horrible killer to make a point- just like your daddy cable news. I'd rather it not be so bad but that's me.

Mazel Tov on being the biggest useful idiot in the country. One day, you are going to realize that you are wrong about all of this, and all you have posted on this topic. When that happens, I hope you are healthy enough and man enough to come back and eat your crow. Merry XMas!
Merry Xmas- liberal hate term gotcha hint there. y'all Libturds hate everything lol sooo unhappy group of people.
Flip on over to the Lefty loon- sounds like your a government worshiper so no love lost from true conservatives- hasta luego
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You realize that the anti-vax movement started with the far, far (and I mean FAR) left-wing nut jobs. And then the fringe looney religious organizations didn’t want to be outdone, so they jumped into the shallow end as well. Who’s following whom?
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No sir- conservatives have been the leaders on the anti vax from my memory (May have missed left doing this but doesn't matter to me I don't care one lick about the left) – especially when the big Pharma is not even liable if they kill you or mess you up with them. I took my share of vaccines till I found this detail out. The left wing nut jobs seem to come out in force only because Trump was getting the VAX ready this this year. If there are any left wingers were anti-VAX before that I guess I missed. I'm not saying vax are bad- my trust in Uncle Sam couldn't be lower right now and the fact they are not liable is scary.
Realizing That the people recommending the shots get filthy rich off you taking them and Bill Gates (greedy nut job) is for population control!!
Fauci (moron) gets rich also as he's on board of pharma
No thanks
And I'm not saying vaccines cause autism but many years ago there were almost 0 cases of autism and now the rate is very high per birth and going up exponentially each year. Coincidence? IDK
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And I'm not saying vaccines cause autism but many years ago there were almost 0 cases of autism and now the rate is very high per birth and going up exponentially each year. Coincidence? IDK
And there it is.

You still have no idea who you’re arguing with. It is amusing. Your facts and figures are top shelf comedy. Please continue.
No sir- conservatives have been the leaders on the anti vax from my memory (May have missed left doing this but doesn't matter to me I don't care one lick about the left) – especially when the big Pharma is not even liable if they kill you or mess you up with them. I took my share of vaccines till I found this detail out. The left wing nut jobs seem to come out in force only because Trump was getting the VAX ready this this year. If there are any left wingers were anti-VAX before that I guess I missed. I'm not saying vax are bad- my trust in Uncle Sam couldn't be lower right now and the fact they are not liable is scary.
Realizing That the people recommending the shots get filthy rich off you taking them and Bill Gates (greedy nut job) is for population control!!
Fauci (moron) gets rich also as he's on board of pharma
No thanks

I remain in awe at how total and complete your ignorance is on this subject.
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