If You Don’t Pay To Read Matt Taibbi

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
On his Substack site you are missing some great journalism peppered with honest progressive opinion. Here he covers Matt Waksh’s video, *What Is A Woman.” Establishment Democrats who pretend to be progressives (here’s looking at you, PINO, aka @my_2cents) will be dismayed that their pretense of what they claim to be is so easily exposed and dismantled by a real progressive. And that’s one of the main reasons to sign on and read what Taibbi writes.

Here’s more:

He’s awesome. Pay the $5 for a month to read his four-part series on why Virginia flipped read. Pulitzer-level reporting. The clowns in the media blamed it on the boogeyman of “white supremacy.” In reality it was highly educated suburban Asians and Indians in Fairfax County who voted Republican for the first time ever after seeing what the “equity” agenda was doing to the highly-rated Fairfax County schools (they got rid of midterms and finals and got rid of entrance requirements for the STEM school). Fascinating read.