If it existed

LOL, I was watching one tonight. I'd only go if Bryce Howard was there.
Depending on cost of the trip, I would definitely go. I'm way too optimistic and trusting. I would totally think that if anything goes wrong, it would probably happen before I visited or after I left.
Just posed this question to 5 of my employees (all female). I got four "**** yeah"s and one "maybe".
Honestly I think I would go regardless of Bryce Howard but so far not one of those parks have ended on a high note. I would just start looking for the little scientist who has been in every movie and just follow him around. He knows how to get out without being hurt.
No. Zoos hold animals captive. I disagree with their existence.
Yup. Pretty sure I could outsmart a beast with a 65 million year old reptilian brain,

PS Dinosaurs aren’t extinct - birds absolutely, 100% are the real deal, having fully evolved prior to the K-T extinction event.

The present scientific consensus is that birds are a group of maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs that originated during the Mesozoic Era.

We are literally in a Jurassic Park every day we go outside. Admittedly, not the same as seeing a T-Rex, but cool nonetheless.
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PS Dinosaurs aren’t extinct - birds absolutely, 100% are the real deal, having fully evolved prior to the K-T extinction event.

The present scientific consensus is that birds are a group of maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs that originated during the Mesozoic Era.

We are literally in a Jurassic Park every day we go outside. Admittedly, not the same as seeing a T-Rex, but cool nonetheless.
I wonder if dinosaurs would laugh at my golf game/swing the way those freaking crows always do at mine?

I officially hate dinosaurs now!