I Keep Seeing Articles From Leftist Talking About Civil War, How Trump Is A Authoritarian And To Blame For It All


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010
I find this strange considering the only authoritarian signs I see are coming from the Democrats. I thought maybe I was missing something so I google 'signs of an authoritarian government".
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of a strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting.

From everything I see the Democrat Party is the one that is rejecting plurality by ignoring traditional minority rights in the Senate. They use the strong central power of government to attack their political opponents with numerous investigations based on wild untrue, accusation. They have used the FBI to advance their false narrative on Russian Collusion, used the IRS to target conservative groups and use the DOJ to go after anyone they deem to be an enemy. Democrats refuse to enforce our immigration laws and we have numerous big city DAs that refuse to prosecute crime that naturally results in more crimes being committed. Democrats by pressing the repeal of the filibuster and threatening the idea of packing the SCOTUS are reducing our governments separation of powers. Then we have the Democrat desires to federalize the entire voting system giving Democrats complete control of the voting process. As Joe has said it's about who gets to count the vote and Democrats do not want Republicans in volved in that process.
Once again Democrats are accusing their opposition of exactly what they are in fact doing. Don't fall for the MSM gas lighting it's all BS.
you see how this works?

just a start, but it’s right on the ccp/dnc’s doorstep

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Sadly no. Leftist are the most closed-minded individuals I've ever met
I know scoring order for TPOKE, CoastGuardCowboy, Tulsaaggieson, OUSOONER67 and the board leftists in the intelligence quotient class room. So do you. Technically I would need test results for the first 4 principals I mentioned. I would give huge odds for the board leftists. HUGE!!! No brainer.

Biden drew dozens to a rare campaign rally in Scranton, many wearing MAGA hats and jeering. Biden called the jeering, "chumps." An all time record 81 million of us voted for him after he promised economic stagnation and higher crime rates in Democrat debates. Thinking people enrage the left by suggesting hanky panky.
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