I Don’t Vote

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
But if I did I would vote for Jill Stein. I have made no secret that IMO anti-war is such a high priority with me I consider it more important than all others combined. Jill Stein is the only candidate I trust 100% to seek to end our wars if she was Prez. I disagree with her about 95-99% of the time, but I would join her in a march on the Pentagon. Would she succeed? Of course not. The “intelligence community” would off her within 24 hours of her assuming office.
But if I did I would vote for Jill Stein. I have made no secret that IMO anti-war is such a high priority with me I consider it more important than all others combined. Jill Stein is the only candidate I trust 100% to seek to end our wars if she was Prez. I disagree with her about 95-99% of the time, but I would join her in a march on the Pentagon. Would she succeed? Of course not. The “intelligence community” would off her within 24 hours of her assuming office.
Why don't you take some time, take a trip over to Gaza and tell the Palestinians to stop attacking Israel. You could win a Nobel Peace Prize for your efforts if they would stop.
Why don't you take some time, take a trip over to Gaza and tell the Palestinians to stop attacking Israel. You could win a Nobel Peace Prize for your efforts if they would stop.
What does your reply have to do with the topic of the thread? Here, let me answer for you: your reply has *nothing* to do with the topic of the thread.
Isn't your only concern anti war?
The thread is about my endorsement of Jill Stein because of her anti-war attitude. I think it’s funny that you and others often accuse me of making everything about me when it’s you that always try to twist threads about me. This thread is a perfect exsmple,
The thread is about my endorsement of Jill Stein because of her anti-war attitude. I think it’s funny that you and others often accuse me of making everything about me when it’s you that always try to twist threads about me. This thread is a perfect exsmple,
You didn't need to waste all those words. You could have just said " Your are right". :)
The thread is about my endorsement of Jill Stein because of her anti-war attitude. I think it’s funny that you and others often accuse me of making everything about me when it’s you that always try to twist threads about me. This thread is a perfect exsmple,
When will you post the next soccer article?
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But if I did I would vote for Jill Stein. I have made no secret that IMO anti-war is such a high priority with me I consider it more important than all others combined. Jill Stein is the only candidate I trust 100% to seek to end our wars if she was Prez. I disagree with her about 95-99% of the time, but I would join her in a march on the Pentagon. Would she succeed? Of course not. The “intelligence community” would off her within 24 hours of her assuming office.
So do you fight back when attacked? Can pacifists defend themselves? How far can a pacifist go to defend themselves? Do we get involved if our allies are attacked? Your position has the intellectual naivety of a 6 year old, which might be great for an old retired guy, but is a terrible description for a world leader.
Marxism 101:

A Jill Stein administration will:

  • Guarantee lifelong free public education for all institutions of learning, including trade schools and Pre-K through college and graduate school
  • Abolish all student debt for 43 million encumbered Americans
  • Increase and equalize public school funding
  • End the privatization of public schools
  • Guarantee free childcare
  • Reduce taxes on incomes below the real median income of $75,000 per household
  • Strengthen Social Security - remove the artificial cap on the Social Security tax for the wealthy, and apply the Social Security payroll tax to all income, including capital gains and dividends.
  • Remove loopholes that allow foundations to hide wealth from taxation
  • Institute strongly progressive taxation for incomes and wealth, and increase the estate tax
  • Guarantee affordable, efficient utilities through a transition of all utilities to public not-for-profit ownership
  • Free high-speed internet across the U.S. with rural broadband via fiber optics
  • Put “too big to fail” banks into public ownership as public utilities (currently the four largest banks which own 25% of all banking assets)
  • Create nonprofit public state and local banking
  • Implement postal banking
  • Replace corporate trade agreements with global fair trade agreements
  • Prohibit finance capital from buying up single-family homes and rental housing stock
  • Ban corporate stock buybacks
  • Break up monopolies in big tech and elsewhere
  • Tax the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations heavily
Marxism 101.1

A Jill Stein administration will:

  • Pass a $25 minimum wage, indexed to cost inflation and productivity growth, whichever is higher, with special consideration for geographic locations where cost of living greatly exceeds other areas
  • Guaranteed Livable Income above poverty
  • Guarantee housing as a human right
  • Implement universal rent control
  • Increase federal support for worker-owned cooperatives
  • Expand and defend workers’ right to unionize to include domestic, agricultural, and so-called “gig” workers
  • Ensure worker representation on corporate boards (co-determination) at 50%
  • Give voting rights in pension funds to the workers
  • Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and end the "right-to-work for less" laws
  • Federalize workers' compensation to standardize and ensure full funding for worker’s comp
  • Close the pay gap and end wage discrimination based on race, gender, or other factors
  • Pass a Federal jobs guarantee to end unemployment
  • Pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
  • Pass the Wage Theft Prevention and Recovery Act
  • End the Landrum-Griffin Act restrictions that bar unions from hiring some formerly incarcerated people
  • Eliminate the sub-minimum wage loophole in the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Create a National Solidarity Fund, funded by a one cent ($0.01) per worker-hour tax, paying stipends to workers who are striking or locked out
  • Encourage Sectoral bargaining through the Department of Labor and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
  • Utilize civil asset forfeiture against companies guilty of violating workers’ protections (standards to be determined)
  • Federally mandate and fund three weeks of paid sick leave, eight weeks of paid vacation per year, and one-year parental leave for all new parents.
  • Ban “at-will“ employment by requiring just cause to terminate employment.
  • Unionize all federal employees
  • Commit to veto any legislation that breaks strikes
Environmentalist Whackoism 101:


  • Declare a climate emergency utilizing presidential powers associated with the National Emergencies Act, Defense Production Act, and the Stafford Act, and issue executive actions to expedite national and international climate action. This would release $650 billion per year to support the manufacture of renewable energy and clean transportation technology, jump-starting the Green New Deal by generating millions of good-paying union jobs that green the economy - while improving the health of workers, ecosystems and communities. It also enables the reinstatement of the crude oil export ban overturned in 2015, comparable to closing 42 coal plants. It also enables suspension of the operations of all offshore leases and reduces fossil fuel exports, imports and investments in overseas fossil fuel projects.
  • Create an Office of Climate Mobilization to coordinate policy changes and other needed interventions to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately achieve climate justice
  • Achieve 100% clean renewable energy and zero-to-negative carbon emissions by no later than 2035
  • Ensure all climate solutions are global in scope
  • Fund full climate reparations to developing nations as part of a Global Green New Deal
  • Reduce the size and budget of the military, as hyper-militarized foreign policy and military-dependent domestic economy are major contributors to the climate emergency, while also ensuring the military transitions to green energy
  • Codify and implement the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice and require all federal agencies to be trained in, and implement the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
  • Ensure a Just Transition for workers shifting from the fossil fuel and other extractive and polluting industries to alternative work of their choosing
  • End all forms of subsidies to the fossil fuel industry
  • Prioritize disadvantaged and other environmental justice communities with 60 percent of green investments and climate justice projects
  • Take the energy industry into public ownership using a democratic federated structure, with municipal and regional utilities
  • Take all railroad systems into democratic public ownership, including freight, commuter, and high-speed rail
  • Build an electrified coast to coast high-speed rail and local Solutionary Rail
  • Provide clean baseload power using responsibly sourced energy storage technologies that capture renewable energy surpluses
  • Fully fund and strengthen the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior and superfund site cleanup
  • Support a Constitutional Green amendment to guarantee the right of all people to clean air, land, and water
  • Invest in renewable energy infrastructure across the nation, including wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, battery and energy storage, and green hydrogen for limited uses where appropriate
  • Build a nationwide, publicly-owned smart electricity grid
  • Ban all forms of fracking, mountaintop removal, tar sands mining, and new fossil fuel infrastructure
  • Establish a moratorium on funding, constructing, and operating false climate solutions including carbon capture and sequestration, carbon offsets, cap and trade, biofuels, hydrogen combustion, “renewable natural gas”, waste incineration, and other forms of geoengineering
  • Phase out nuclear power, a dirty, dangerous, expensive, and uninsurable unneeded technology, and ensure no new nuclear energy facilities are constructed
  • Incentivize circular economies and zero-waste manufacturing
  • Invest in geothermal energy infrastructure
  • Prioritize energy efficiency and conservation, require new buildings to demonstrate zero emissions by 2035 and retrofit existing buildings as part of a larger plan to phase out all existing gas hookups
  • Subsidize installation of heat pumps to replace fossil fuels for heating and cooling
  • Expand and transform the American Climate Corps into a public agency that employs millions for ecosystem restoration, climate damage mitigation, and renewable energy development
  • Rescind toxic provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act including those that provide subsidies, direct payments, and other forms of financial assistance to the fossil fuel industry, and provisions to fast-track the Mountain Valley Pipeline
  • Rescind permits for the Line 3, Line 5, and Dakota Access Pipelines, and implement an immediate and permanent ban on all Liquefied Natural Gas exports and infrastructure projects
  • Establish a Federal commission to deliver justice for residents of Cancer Alley, including recompense for all residents impacted by decades of environmental racism
  • Address the crisis of contaminated water supplies with national efforts to remove lead, PFAS, and other toxins from our water
Crazy bitch was apparently part of the “better red than dead crowd” back in the 80s:

A Jill Stein administration will:

  • Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights
  • End existing wars, military actions, proxy wars and secret wars
  • Cut military spending by 50-75% and ensure a just transition that replaces military jobs with Green New Deal jobs
  • Invest the peace dividend in a Global Green New Deal to prevent climate collapse, and build toward universal access to basic human needs for food, clean water and sanitation, education, and health care for every human being on Earth
  • Close the vast majority of the 700+ foreign US military bases
  • Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers
  • Lead on global nuclear disarmament
  • End unilateral economic sanctions that primarily harm civilian populations
  • Remove war powers from the president and restore Congress’ sole power to declare war
  • Disband NATO and replace it with a modern, inclusive security framework that respects the security interests of all nations and people
  • Demand an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine, an end to the blockade of Gaza, immediate humanitarian and medical relief, and release of hostages and political prisoners
  • Immediately end all military aid to Israel and adopt sanctions until Israel complies with international law to put an end to decades of violence, illegal occupation, displacement, dispossession, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing
  • End the longstanding US practice of vetoing UN Security Council resolutions to hold Israel accountable to international law
  • Move to end the UN Security Council to ensure the UN is a true democratic body
  • Remove U.S. troops from Iraq and Syria
  • Stop fueling the war between Russia and Ukraine and lead on negotiating a peaceful end
  • End the embargo of Cuba and normalize relations
  • End sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela that amount to collective punishment of civilian populations
  • End US interventionist policies that drive people to become migrant refugees
  • End the failed drug wars and stop regime change attempts against foreign governments
  • Ban the use of killer drones, robots, and artificial intelligence
  • Close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp
  • Ensure family-supporting wages and benefits for military service members
  • Fully fund veterans’ programs and benefits, including healthcare, mental health, housing, and job training, for a transition to civilian life
  • Protect the rights of service members, including conscientious objectors
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Perhaps none of you read anything past my saying I’d vote for Jill Stein. You missed the part where I said I disagree with her 95%+ of the time. On the other hand I doubt a single one of you knows anything about the woman beyond the dirt Hillary spread about her when she was worried Stein would hurt her electoral chances (guess what: Stein did hurt Hillary’s chances - even more than Tulsi. You MAGA ought to love the woman). I doubt that any of you have ever heard her speak more than 5 minutes combined, and even then she was probably interrupted every 5 seconds. If you did sit down and listen to her speak uninterrupted for an hour or so you would discover to your amazement that she’s highly intelligent and capable of expressing her policy proposals in an articulate and well defined manner. I don’t agree with most of them and if she were Prez I would work against most of what she’d propose. But as I originally said: she’s the only anti-war candidate worth paying attention to, and for that reason alone I prefer her by order of magnitude over either Biden or Trump.
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Perhaps none of you read anything past my saying I’d vote for Jill Stein. You missed the part where I said I disagree with her 95%+ of the time. On the other hand I doubt a single one of you knows anything about the woman beyond the dirt Hillary spread about her when she was worried Stein would hurt her electoral chances (guess what: Stein did hurt Hillary’s chanced - even more that Tulsi. You MAGA ought to love the woman). I doubt that any of you have ever heard her speak more than 5 minutes combined, and even then she was probably interrupted every 5 seconds. If you did sit down and listen to her speak uninterrupted for an hour or so you would discover to your amazement that she’s highly intelligent and capable of expressing her policy proposals in an articulate and well defined manner. I don’t agree with most of them and if she were Prez I would work against most of what she’d propose. But as I originally said: she’s the only anti-war candidate worth paying attention to, and for that reason alone I prefer her by order of magnitude over either Biden or Trump.
So you support a candidate, but only support 5% of her platform? That makes you as much of a dumbshit as the marxists who are all in for her.
So you support a candidate, but only support 5% of her platform? That makes you as much of a dumbshit as the marxists who are all in for her.
I endorse her for her anti-war attitude and that alone. I do not “support” her and I will not vote for her. Relax, Brother, she’s no threat to DJT’s chances to get the throne back.
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I endorse her for her anti-war attitude and that alone. I do not “support” her and I will not vote for her. Relax, Brother, she’s no threat to DJT’s chances to get the throne back.
I’m not worried about her defeating Trump (her candidacy helps Trump by splitting the dumbshit vote that would otherwise go to Biden) I was merely making an observation about your own dumbshittery. You would actually give the presidency to a left wing lunatic to end the war against the Palesterrorists. That’s pretty fvckin’ dumb.
I endorse her for her anti-war attitude and that alone. I do not “support” her and I will not vote for her. Relax, Brother, she’s no threat to DJT’s chances to get the throne back.
You dodged my questions (surprise, surprise). What does anti-war (your words) look like in today's world? Is that no support for Israel? Taiwan? Ukraine? How does that platform address the Taliban, ISIS, Hamas or other aggressive terrorist orgs? What's the support for NATO? How does your platform address Russia or North Korea? I'm honestly curious what an anti-war platform looks like to you, and how it would address just some of the obvious questions like those above?
But if I did I would vote for Jill Stein. I have made no secret that IMO anti-war is such a high priority with me I consider it more important than all others combined. Jill Stein is the only candidate I trust 100% to seek to end our wars if she was Prez. I disagree with her about 95-99% of the time, but I would join her in a march on the Pentagon. Would she succeed? Of course not. The “intelligence community” would off her within 24 hours of her assuming office.
World is changing very fast. For us to survive as human beings we have to make a move towards peace.
Too many countries have nuclear capabilities all we need is a crazy nut to start a nuclear war. Just read about what would happen if there is a nuclear war it doesn't have to be with three major powers but could North Korea attacking South Korea or India and Pakistan.
The nuclear cloud would be catastrophic for everybody.
US should lead the world towards peace.
Nostradamus predicted that nut would be from the Middle East no?
Just can't get your shit together can you?
You dodged my questions (surprise, surprise). What does anti-war (your words) look like in today's world? Is that no support for Israel? Taiwan? Ukraine? How does that platform address the Taliban, ISIS, Hamas or other aggressive terrorist orgs? What's the support for NATO? How does your platform address Russia or North Korea? I'm honestly curious what an anti-war platform looks like to you, and how it would address just some of the obvious questions like those above?
I haven’t dodged your questions. It would take a 40-50,000 word essay to answer in depth. I have written on here before that I advocate for a “porcupine” defense strategy. Be a threat to no one but make it obvious should you be attacked your attacker will suffer mightily. The “platform” would be non-interventionist from beginning to end. Be a nation of traders. Militarily support no one besides our own country and its citizens. Seek no entangling alliances. Hope that’s answer enough for you.
I haven’t dodged your questions. It would take a 40-50,000 word essay to answer in depth. I have written on here before that I advocate for a “porcupine” defense strategy. Be a threat to no one but make it obvious should you be attacked your attacker will suffer mightily. The “platform” would be non-interventionist from beginning to end. Be a nation of traders. Militarily support no one besides our own country and its citizens. Seek no entangling alliances. Hope that’s answer enough for you.
Hmmmm, seems your actions do not back up your words. Israel was brutally attacked on October 7th but when Israel counter attacks you cry about the suffering of those that attacked Israel. SMFH
Hmmmm, seems your actions do not back up your words. Israel was brutally attacked on October 7th but when Israel counter attacks you cry about the suffering of those that attacked Israel. SMFH
You aren’t very bright, are you? Oh well, it takes all kinds to make up the world.
You aren’t very bright, are you? Oh well, it takes all kinds to make up the world.
Are you or are you not crying about Israel's retaliation for the October 7th attack? Did you or did you not just post, I have written on here before that I advocate for a “porcupine” defense strategy. Be a threat to no one but make it obvious should you be attacked your attacker will suffer mightily?
Israel is doing exactly what you proposed but based on your previous posts you are crying about the suffering of those that were stupid enough to have attacked Israel. Like I said your actions do not match your words.
Are you or are you not crying about Israel's retaliation for the October 7th attack? Did you or did you not just post, I have written on here before that I advocate for a “porcupine” defense strategy. Be a threat to no one but make it obvious should you be attacked your attacker will suffer mightily?
Israel is doing exactly what you proposed but based on your previous posts you are crying about the suffering of those that were stupid enough to have attacked Israel. Like I said your actions do not match your words.
Go somewhere you can sit quietly and contemplate what I wrote. Try, if you can, to factor in the notion of non-interventionism. And consider the interventionist method used to create the state of Israel and the interventionist necessity to keep it propped up. As slow witted as you are given enough time I still have confidence you can discover the stupidity of your argument.
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Go somewhere you can sit quietly and contemplate what I wrote. Try, if you can, to factor in the notion of non-interventionism. And consider the interventionist method used to create the state of Israel and the interventionist necessity to keep it propped up. As slow witted as you are given enough time I still have confidence you can discover the stupidity of your argument.
Did you ever stop to think maybe it is you that refuses to contemplate? Of course you haven't. Israel did not start this conflict, Iran and the Palestinians did.
But if I did I would vote for Jill Stein. I have made no secret that IMO anti-war is such a high priority with me I consider it more important than all others combined. Jill Stein is the only candidate I trust 100% to seek to end our wars if she was Prez. I disagree with her about 95-99% of the time, but I would join her in a march on the Pentagon. Would she succeed? Of course not. The “intelligence community” would off her within 24 hours of her assuming office.
OK, Boy Dan.

Go somewhere you can sit quietly and contemplate what I wrote. Try, if you can, to factor in the notion of non-interventionism. And consider the interventionist method used to create the state of Israel and the interventionist necessity to keep it propped up. As slow witted as you are given enough time I still have confidence you can discover the stupidity of your argument.
I'm contemplating what you wrote and have come to the same question. Is this not exactly what Israel was doing? They built extreme defensive measures (Anti-tunneling Wall, Iron Dome, Security Checkpoints, and DMZs). And trained their military every single day. That sounds A LOT like the porcupine defense you advocated. Then when the attack did come, they've done all they can to make their attacker suffer mightily.

Non-interventionism? So we can have no allies in the world? Or we won't support them if they need it? Should we stop world trade? Isn't that economic interventionism? Should we end all immigration? That would end cultural interventionism. And how far back do we undo interventionism that has already occurred? Do we all return to Europe and Africa and return the entire Western Hemisphere to Native tribes? Give all of the Middle East to Turkey to rule and restore the Ottoman Empire? Does Ukraine go back to Russia?

But regardless of Israel or interventionism, you still skipped my questions. You avoided all of my questions and instead gave an unserious answer "Be like a porcupine". That's the kind of answer that leaves me with 1 of 2 conclusions: You are either terribly naive about the real world, or you are just a farce and completely unserious about any of these topics. I'll let you tell me which it is.
I'm contemplating what you wrote and have come to the same question. Is this not exactly what Israel was doing? They built extreme defensive measures (Anti-tunneling Wall, Iron Dome, Security Checkpoints, and DMZs). And trained their military every single day. That sounds A LOT like the porcupine defense you advocated. Then when the attack did come, they've done all they can to make their attacker suffer mightily.

Non-interventionism? So we can have no allies in the world? Or we won't support them if they need it? Should we stop world trade? Isn't that economic interventionism? Should we end all immigration? That would end cultural interventionism. And how far back do we undo interventionism that has already occurred? Do we all return to Europe and Africa and return the entire Western Hemisphere to Native tribes? Give all of the Middle East to Turkey to rule and restore the Ottoman Empire? Does Ukraine go back to Russia?

But regardless of Israel or interventionism, you still skipped my questions. You avoided all of my questions and instead gave an unserious answer "Be like a porcupine". That's the kind of answer that leaves me with 1 of 2 conclusions: You are either terribly naive about the real world, or you are just a farce and completely unserious about any of these topics. I'll let you tell me which it is.
When one discusses what a “Porcupine Defense” practiced by a non-interventionist country would look like the state of Israel is about the last society one would use as an example. I know you have the requisite intelligence to see that.

Non-interventionism means having no entangling alliances, *especially* not in a military sense. It means not participating in disputes others have amongst themselves. It means seeking peaceful cooperation with those who want to cooperate. I understand your desire to find points of disagreement with me. Your questions are valid on their face. But like I said earlier to satisfy your curiosity about how a peaceful society would operate would take a very long essay. There is a small library of books you could read if you’re really interested and not just trying to score what you hope would be gotcha points. I would recommend you start with *Our Enemy The State* by Albert J. Nock. It’s not very long, less than 100 pages if memory serves, and it would answer your questions.

As for not answering your questions to your satisfaction all I can say is “deal with it.” I have not the patience to sort through a litany of questions you have no interest in discussing, but instead are just looking for an insult-fest.
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When one discusses what a “Porcupine Defense” practiced by a non-interventionist country would look like the state of Israel is about the last society one would use as an example. I know you have the requisite intelligence to see that.

Non-interventionism means having no entangling alliances, *especially* not in a military sense. It means not participating in disputes others have amongst themselves. It means seeking peaceful cooperation with those who want to cooperate. I understand your desire to find points of disagreement with me. Your questions are valid on their face. But like I said earlier to satisfy your curiosity about how a peaceful society would operate would take a very long essay. There is a small library of books you could read if you’re really interested and not just trying to score what you hope would be gotcha points. I would recommend you start with *Our Enemy The State* by Albert J. Nock. It’s not very long, less than 100 pages if memory serves, and it would answer your questions.

As for not answering your questions to your satisfaction all I can say is “deal with it.” I have not the patience to sort through a litany of questions you have no interest in discussing, but instead are just looking for an insult-fest.

You have a real time example of what a non interventionist policy looks like. See Portland, New York City, Chicago for how that works out. Should a man do nothing when he sees a woman being assaulted? Should we do nothing when we witness child abuse? Should we sit by and do nothing when a criminal is committing crimes against another? Of course not but that's the policy you want the US to have with all the evil in the world. And yes Dan, Hamas is evil, as is the Iranian regime.

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