I’m Just Spitballing Here

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
What are the odds the people in charge of Joe Biden decide it would be beneficial to their continued rule for them to provoke a hot war with Russia and/or China to get voters’ minds off the impending economic collapse their policies are driving our country toward, concluding voters would be reluctant to change leadership in the middle of WW3?
What are the odds the people in charge of Joe Biden decide it would be beneficial to their continued rule for them to provoke a hot war with Russia and/or China to get voters’ minds off the impending economic collapse their policies are driving our country toward, concluding voters would be reluctant to change leadership in the middle of WW3?

Uh, any war would be too short to get that senile fool over the finish line again.
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What are the odds the people in charge of Joe Biden decide it would be beneficial to their continued rule for them to provoke a hot war with Russia and/or China to get voters’ minds off the impending economic collapse their policies are driving our country toward, concluding voters would be reluctant to change leadership in the middle of WW3?
lol, this is the craziness you sit around and ponder?

I'd give your insane delusion the same odds as all of the other delusions you had. Such as, Biden being forced to give up the nomination he won by those really controlling everything. Or Biden withdrawing from the 2020 presidential campaign after the first debate against Trump. Etc.
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What are the odds the people in charge of Joe Biden decide it would be beneficial to their continued rule for them to provoke a hot war with Russia and/or China to get voters’ minds off the impending economic collapse their policies are driving our country toward, concluding voters would be reluctant to change leadership in the middle of WW3?

Maybe I'm giving leftists to much credit but I don't think even they would think Biden could lead during a war.
Stupid premise.

The voters would oust Biden in hopes of electing someone that didn't get the US into a war, although a hot war with Russia would be over in weeks and we'd look like bosses kicking Russia back to the bronze age. They'd be slightly harder to topple than Saddam in 1992. That could win Biden a few votes, but not many.
Look at the bright side, there are 81 million people in this country ready to stand up and support this war with China.
You get peace with China through strength. We won’t provoke them into war, IMO.

A weak and desperate China would go to war with us. Unfortunately that’s where things are trending. And there’s no guarantee our Navy can beat the Chinese Navy. If we can’t and China takes Taiwan, then the world is completely f’d.
You get peace with China through strength. We won’t provoke them into war, IMO.

A weak and desperate China would go to war with us. Unfortunately that’s where things are trending. And there’s no guarantee our Navy can beat the Chinese Navy. If we can’t and China takes Taiwan, then the world is completely f’d.
I do not agree with this analysis. We absolutely can provoke China into war, not least over our changing policy on Taiwan. Our Neocons either do not believe China’s word that Taiwan is a red line, or they do believe it and are counting on it to use as a provocation to get a war started.
You get peace with China through strength. We won’t provoke them into war, IMO.

A weak and desperate China would go to war with us. Unfortunately that’s where things are trending. And there’s no guarantee our Navy can beat the Chinese Navy. If we can’t and China takes Taiwan, then the world is completely f’d.

With Biden's record of being wrong on every foreign policy position he's ever had. anyone trust him to get this one right? Let's just hope the blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while theory is true.
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We absolutely can provoke China into war, not least over our changing policy on Taiwan.
China no more wants a war with us than we do. Especially after they have set back and watched Russia's blunder in Ukraine.

It seems sometimes that you are hoping for a war between the USA and China or the USA and Russia. It is rather pitiful to observe.
China no more wants a war with us than we do. Especially after they have set back and watched Russia's blunder in Ukraine.

It seems sometimes that you are hoping for a war between the USA and China or the USA and Russia. It is rather pitiful to observe.
You are entitled to your opinion, even when you are off 180 degrees from the truth, like you are with this last comment.
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You are entitled to your opinion, even when you are off 180 degrees from the truth, like you are with this last comment.
You have never been remotely close to the truth on this board. Not once. Remember you lecturing us about how Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and how such a notion was all just a lie created by our government? lol

One can trust that if they disagree with you, they are definitely on the right path.
You have never been remotely close to the truth on this board. Not once. Remember you lecturing us about how Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and how such a notion was all just a lie created by our government? lol

One can trust that if they disagree with you, they are definitely on the right path.
Like I said you are entitled to your opinions, even when they are wrong.
You have never been remotely close to the truth on this board. Not once. Remember you lecturing us about how Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and how such a notion was all just a lie created by our government? lol

One can trust that if they disagree with you, they are definitely on the right path.
Yer a piece of work. 🤣
Like I said you are entitled to your opinions, even when they are wrong.
And again, when have you ever been right with your opinion?

Was it when you insisted Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine?

When you insisted Biden was lying about Putin's intentions regarding Ukraine?

Was it when you insisted that Biden wouldn't win the Democratic nomination in 2020?

Was it when you insisted that Biden would be forced to reject the nomination he won?

Was it when you insisted that Biden would withdraw from the 2020 campaign after he mopped the floor with Trump in their first debate?

Was it when you insisted that Biden wouldn't be elected President?

Was it when you insisted that Tulsi Gabbard had a political future but Kamala Harris didn't?

Was it when you insisted I was wrong that Tulsi Gabbard wanted a position with Fox News?

Was it when you insisted that the 2022 midterms were going to be horrible for Biden and great for Republicans?

Seriously, exactly when have you EVER been right about anything concerning politics on this board?

Yeah, never. All you are is consistently perplexed!🤣🤣
And again, when have you ever been right with your opinion?

Was it when you insisted Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine?

When you insisted Biden was lying about Putin's intentions regarding Ukraine?

Was it when you insisted that Biden wouldn't win the Democratic nomination in 2020?

Was it when you insisted that Biden would be forced to reject the nomination he won?

Was it when you insisted that Biden would withdraw from the 2020 campaign after he mopped the floor with Trump in their first debate?

Was it when you insisted that Biden wouldn't be elected President?

Was it when you insisted that Tulsi Gabbard had a political future but Kamala Harris didn't?

Was it when you insisted I was wrong that Tulsi Gabbard wanted a position with Fox News?

Was it when you insisted that the 2022 midterms were going to be horrible for Biden and great for Republicans?

Seriously, exactly when have you EVER been right about anything concerning politics on this board?

Yeah, never. All you are is consistently perplexed!🤣🤣
I expect you to fluff yer feathers after the 24 election. For entertainment purposes of course. 👍
What are the odds the people in charge of Joe Biden decide it would be beneficial to their continued rule for them to provoke a hot war with Russia and/or China to get voters’ minds off the impending economic collapse their policies are driving our country toward, concluding voters would be reluctant to change leadership in the middle of WW3?