His Dark Materials - HBO


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Apr 5, 2011
Starts tonight. I’m pretty nervous, these are my favorite books of all time and has already been butchered w the movie attempt (Golden Compass). Reviews are pretty good so far as BBC1 released it in England last night. Cast is great and the cinematography looks incredible. Ringer writer didn’t love it but I don’t always trust their reviews. We shall see we tonight!
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Just recently read the first book. Thought it was meh. Didn't have the inclination to read the other 2 books in the trilogy.
Great second episode. A lot better than the first IMO. Interesting change from the books, I think it makes sense for TV though.

(Yes I’m going to keep this going the whole season!)
I watched most of the first episode. Sticking with "meh".
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Just burned through all three episodes today and I love it. What night does this come on?
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Just burned through all three episodes today and I love it. What night does this come on?
Monday night. This next episode should be a make or break episode. If they hit, it could be really, really good.
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Best episode yet. They nailed Iorek, absolutely perfect. Lin Manuel Miranda is definitely a different take on Lee but it works. Especially since him and Dafne Keen (Lyra) have instant chemistry. Will be fun to watch them banter more. The final run of episodes is going to be intense!
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I am gonna watch as soon as this horrible Thunder game is over
Show finally really screwed up w regards to source material. It’s probably fine for show watchers, but for lovers of the book they messed up an incredibly important scene last night. Pretty disappointing honestly.
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Show finally really screwed up w regards to source material. It’s probably fine for show watchers, but for lovers of the book they messed up an incredibly important scene last night. Pretty disappointing honestly.

Tried to warn you in advance. Meh ;)
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Show finally really screwed up w regards to source material. It’s probably fine for show watchers, but for lovers of the book they messed up an incredibly important scene last night. Pretty disappointing honestly.
How did they do this?
How did they do this?
The scene where Billy was found was completely different in the books. It’s just a random kid (Tony Makarios) and he’s holding a frozen fish. He’s so lost/hollow inside without his deamon he tries to hold onto the fish in hopes it will serve as a daemon. It’s an absolutely crushing scene, but I understand why they did it this way. The human/daemon connection just can’t be portrayed adequately on screen so they attached this more to a human/human connection. Again, this works a little better w the way they’ve treated daemons and the tone of the show. In the book, although you had evil Mrs Coulter and magisterium stealing children, the tone was much lighter (bc its only following Lyra and she thinks it’s a fun adventure) and this is the extremely jarring turn to how serious it all is.
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was Monday's show good still trying to get time to sit down and watch it.
Interesting episode tonight.
Haven’t seen it yet but heard the bear fight was less than impressive, which really bums me out. Hopefully that’s just from people w super high expectations.
Haven’t seen it yet but heard the bear fight was less than impressive, which really bums me out. Hopefully that’s just from people w super high expectations.
Weakest part of the episode IMO
Weakest part of the episode IMO
Ugghhhh, I was afraid of that. Such an awesome scene in the book. I heard they aren’t even wearing armor and the fight doesn’t really end. In the book he Iorek feigns to be almost dead and has no use of his right arm (which tricking a bear is impossible except Iofur wants to human) and then ends it by using his right arm/paw to rip Iofurs jaw off his head. Would have been incredible haha.
Ugghhhh, I was afraid of that. Such an awesome scene in the book. I heard they aren’t even wearing armor and the fight doesn’t really end. In the book he Iorek feigns to be almost dead and has no use of his right arm (which tricking a bear is impossible except Iofur wants to human) and then ends it by using his right arm/paw to rip Iofurs jaw off his head. Would have been incredible haha.
Ya you will be disappointed greatly.
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Heard they nailed the finale. Can’t wait to watch