Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election​

By Wayne Allyn Root

May 9, 2021

Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand.
Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black."
How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is bodycam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life.
What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right?
Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
I thought we're all allowed to have our opinion in America. I thought we have free speech. I thought we have a right to investigate. I thought we have a right to see the videotapes. I thought we have a right to forensic audits.

I was wrong.
The fix is in. It's crystal clear to me now that not only was the election rigged but so is everything post-election. It's simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or overreaction, by Democrats.
Would anyone dare ban the right to discuss a possibly racist police killing? Can you imagine the reaction by liberals, black activists and the American Civil Liberties Union? What if the Minneapolis police were to permanently ban any discussion of George Floyd's death? What if every black American trying to give his or her opinion on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube were banned for life?
Who would react like that? Only guilty people.
Here are the questions I want answered.
— If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?
— When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?
— How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?
— How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?
— How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?
— Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?
— There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes?
— How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes?
— How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?
— How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?
These are all valid questions. Why do we get backlash for asking them and posting them on social media? What are Democrats hiding? What are they so afraid of?
In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into or even talking about this.
Democrats are guilty as sin.

Valid points......
The election was stolen. Anyone who's slept through a course in classical mechanics knows it.

Trump won handily on Election Day.

Anyone here read Article II of our Constitution? It uses small words from the dominant West Germanic language. Was it 5 states who continued counting past Election Day till they achieved the numbers they sought?

Many analysts believe some judges fear the BLM and Antifa arms of the Communist Party.

RNC internal polling saw possible flips in NV, NM, CT, NH and VA and keeping all 2016 Trump states.

Trump received 74 million votes, up from the 63 million he received in 2016, an incumbent record.

There are 331 million people in the U. S. with an average IQ of 98. There is not an all time record 81 million stupid enough to vote for one who draws 11.6 million to TV for his first address to Congress.

Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election​

By Wayne Allyn Root

May 9, 2021

Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand.
Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black."
How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is bodycam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life.
What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right?
Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
I thought we're all allowed to have our opinion in America. I thought we have free speech. I thought we have a right to investigate. I thought we have a right to see the videotapes. I thought we have a right to forensic audits.

I was wrong.
The fix is in. It's crystal clear to me now that not only was the election rigged but so is everything post-election. It's simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or overreaction, by Democrats.
Would anyone dare ban the right to discuss a possibly racist police killing? Can you imagine the reaction by liberals, black activists and the American Civil Liberties Union? What if the Minneapolis police were to permanently ban any discussion of George Floyd's death? What if every black American trying to give his or her opinion on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube were banned for life?
Who would react like that? Only guilty people.
Here are the questions I want answered.
— If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?
— When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?
— How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?
— How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?
— How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?
— Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?
— There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes?
— How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes?
— How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?
— How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?
These are all valid questions. Why do we get backlash for asking them and posting them on social media? What are Democrats hiding? What are they so afraid of?
In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into or even talking about this.
Democrats are guilty as sin.

Valid points......

When they stopped counting in key States that night I knew right then they were stealing it. It was Plan Z to get rid of Trump. Plans A thru Y all failed.

Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election​

By Wayne Allyn Root

May 9, 2021

Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand.
Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black."
How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is bodycam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life.
What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right?
Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
I thought we're all allowed to have our opinion in America. I thought we have free speech. I thought we have a right to investigate. I thought we have a right to see the videotapes. I thought we have a right to forensic audits.

I was wrong.
The fix is in. It's crystal clear to me now that not only was the election rigged but so is everything post-election. It's simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or overreaction, by Democrats.
Would anyone dare ban the right to discuss a possibly racist police killing? Can you imagine the reaction by liberals, black activists and the American Civil Liberties Union? What if the Minneapolis police were to permanently ban any discussion of George Floyd's death? What if every black American trying to give his or her opinion on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube were banned for life?
Who would react like that? Only guilty people.
Here are the questions I want answered.
— If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?
— When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?
— How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?
— How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?
— How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?
— Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?
— There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes?
— How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes?
— How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?
— How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?
These are all valid questions. Why do we get backlash for asking them and posting them on social media? What are Democrats hiding? What are they so afraid of?
In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into or even talking about this.
Democrats are guilty as sin.

Valid points......

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.


Anything else?
This election needs to be fixed- NOW. Not that Trump is the bestest ever- but bc it was taken from him and evil was inserted into office. Ain't no "wait for 22 or 2024" -this needs fixed asap
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This election needs to be fixed- NOW. Not that Trump is the bestest ever- but bc it was taken from him and evil was inserted into office. Ain't no "way for 22 or 2024- this needs fixed asap

the most elemental function of democracy was absconded from the people

and that’s is what trump needs to campaign on

not the election was stolen from him

democracy was stolen
the most elemental function of democracy was absconded from the people

and that’s is what trump needs to campaign on

not the election was stolen from him

democracy was stolen
I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.
I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.
They despise him bc the media tells them to- it's that simple
They despise him bc the media tells them to- it's that simple
It’s immaterial why they despise him. The fact is they despise him and would never accept anything he says or tries to do. It would be twice as bad as the first time around. For the good of the country he should stay in the background.
I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.

Maybe we need a second civil war.......libcomdems against conservatives and constitutionalists. That a man shouldn't run because it would trigger further divide or a civil war is just silly and it shows what a bunch of wimps this world has become. At some time or another we're going to have to stand up and be counted for what we believe in and Trump, love him or hate him, did actually do what he said he would after elected.

Have no idea whether he'll run again or not, but suspect many who were told to despise him won't after they pay $4+ a gallon for gas, outrageous commodity prices and continue to experience outright lies/duplicity regarding the chinese flu among other things, for the next three years, will still feel like he is as bad as they're told he is.

Be nice to see a Trump DeSantis ticket which would almost assuredly give the US 12 years of prosperity, but I'd be happy with Desantis and VP Noem/Jordan/Pompeo/Hawley/Klacik for 16 years of prosperity.
Maybe we need a second civil war.......libcomdems against conservatives and constitutionalists. That a man shouldn't run because it would trigger further divide or a civil war is just silly and it shows what a bunch of wimps this world has become. At some time or another we're going to have to stand up and be counted for what we believe in and Trump, love him or hate him, did actually do what he said he would after elected.

Have no idea whether he'll run again or not, but suspect many who were told to despise him won't after they pay $4+ a gallon for gas, outrageous commodity prices and continue to experience outright lies/duplicity regarding the chinese flu among other things, for the next three years, will still feel like he is as bad as they're told he is.

Be nice to see a Trump DeSantis ticket which would almost assuredly give the US 12 years of prosperity, but I'd be happy with Desantis and VP Noem/Jordan/Pompeo/Hawley/Klacik for 16 years of prosperity.
I don’t think wanting to avoid a bloody civil war makes one a wimp.

The insistence by some people (I don’t know if that includes you) to reinstall Trump as president strikes me as a cult of personality , not advocates for a particular philosophy. If MAGA has any purposeful meaning it should be able to stand on its own without needing the crutch of one man. The best way to show its purposeful meaning is to have multiple candidates that lack the baggage Trump brings.
I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.
Trump moved his vote count from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record. Trump shows at an airport in northern Minnesota and is greeted by 23,000.
It’s immaterial why they despise him. The fact is they despise him and would never accept anything he says or tries to do. It would be twice as bad as the first time around. For the good of the country he should stay in the background.
Dan do you really think if Ted Cruz or Ron Desantis we're in power it would be any different? They crucify Any conservatives or those That conservatives get behind. Trump (directly or indirectly) exposed The deep state so much more- another reason they hate him. He defeated New World order one global govt Hillary- of course they hate him
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I don’t think wanting to avoid a bloody civil war makes one a wimp.

The insistence by some people (I don’t know if that includes you) to reinstall Trump as president strikes me as a cult of personality , not advocates for a particular philosophy. If MAGA has any purposeful meaning it should be able to stand on its own without needing the crutch of one man. The best way to show its purposeful meaning is to have multiple candidates that lack the baggage Trump brings.
This you say as we are eroding the country expeditiously ? You really want where we're headed? You really think it can wait years before we do something?

Putting him back tells them we ain't putting up with it. I would rather have Desantis but it's rightfully Trumps- least of all Biden and the deep state global left running the country into the ground at an exponentially increasing rate
I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.
I agree with some of this. Trump is not electable IMO. He lost voters in 2020 that voted for him in 2016. Him running again would be like Hillary running again. I liked Trump's policies and he did his best to carry them out but in the end his mouth cost him. He also should have cleaned the swamp, he should have fired everyone in the DOJ,FBI, CIA, and the military and started over. All of those agencies have become far too political.

I am in a real pickle, there is no way in hell I vote for a liberal with what I consider their insane policies, and right now I am really frustrated with Republicans in terms of when they get in power to not use it wisely. The political test I took years ago showed me barely left of center with slightly libertarian leanings. I vote for a candidate, the worst of the 2 evils right now is a "Trump conservative" in terms of what is available, but I really want another option.

I would love to vote all Reps and Dems out, I would love for a legit 3rd party candidate to emerge that can cut thru all the BS. Just frustrating as hell.

The MO of both the Dims and Reps appears to be to ratchet up the rhetoric to get their base motivated and they go to the extremes to do this. Neither party is trying to get voters to cross political lines. The Dims were more successful in doing this in the last election not because of their policies, but Trump handed the Dims opportunity after opportunity to build hate on Trump and pull on the emotions of voters rather than their brains. You can not make the same mistake twice.

IMO if Reps want to put forward a winning ticket it is not that hard, all Trump had to do was STFU and concentrate on his accomplishments, his mouth cost Reps the Senate and Georgia IMO, that is not a great politician in my eyes. He lost it, he drank his own kool aid. He won the 2016 election and treated each day as if he was still the under dog and was running for re-election each day. He needed to let Sarah Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany do their jobs. Trump should have stayed off Twitter and let those 2 to just drill his accomplishments home in each press briefing.

If Reps are serious here is what they have to do:

- You should not run a victimhood candidacy to fight another victimhood candidacy for Prez. Just stop the stolen election stuff, it insults the voters that voted for Trump in 2016 and did not in 2020. Let your ego go.

-Libs have provided in a short period of time a long list of failures that happened fast, let go of the 2020 election and do not re-run that race again, concentrate on Lib failures and keep focused on solutions.

- Speaking of victimhood, take a close look at Tim Scott's messaging - He said he was pulled over like 17 times just for being black? He is not playing the victimhood card, not complaining about election outcomes, he said there is not systemic racism. He believes opportunity exists for all and uses from cotton to congress messaging. He brought out the worst in Dims after his state of the union rebuttal and they went racist on him. This is what the Dims did to Trump, they knew what buttons to push to bring out the worst in Trump. The beauty of here is Tim Scott did not even have to wail, lie, and have MSM lie for him to cause this reaction, that is how ate up Dims are to retain power. Scott offers a positive message and common sense solutions. I want to keep an eye on him and learn more about him and what he stands for. He just might be the guy that can take the best of Trump's policies, expands them with other common sense solutions, and bridge the racial divide in this country. Biden is a white man that we now know can not unite this country, Trump is a white man that can not unite this country. Biden's VP is a dimwit that California AA's see as a phony and media made politician, she is flawed. It might take an African American like Scott to truly unit this country. We already had a African American President that labeled all of law enforcement as racist, that lit the fuse for what we have today. Scott's speech and messaging was very popular, Reps or any other 3rd party candidate would be wise to pay attention.

Dims are an easy target in the next election IMO, but putting up Trump to run a victimhood candidacy? BIG mistake IMO and he has baggage opponents can use against him. Americans are getting tired of the extreme crap from both sides, someone needs to put up a candidate that is likeable and can move a candidacy past victimhood politics and to improving the future with a positive message.

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It's hard to tell what the people actually believe. I know I don't' think Biden won. I also don't believe he received 50% o the vote. I would say 40-45% would be a more accurate depiction. 36% of people will vote straight Dem no matter what. I just don't see how an additional 5-10% is added to that when Trump increases his vote total by 10 million votes, not only that increases his African American vote as well from 6 to 10%. Record turn out to vote of 73.7% of eligible voters cast a vote, the highest percentage since 1876. This while sleepy joe slept in his basement, and watched cities burn between oatmeal meals. Republicans gain seats in the House, and didn't lose a seat until special elections in Georgia to decide the senate, that were sketchy at best and ran the same way as the Presidential election. Now all of sudden Georgia wants to fix the laws? The numbers don't add up with what we are seeing. Everything smells like a fishing wharf that hasn't been cleaned in a year, and now when we the people want to audit the election we are told to sit down, shut up, and accept the results, and you can't speak about the election numbers. When you do you are called names, and insulted. What happened to investigate everything and let the chips fall where they may? I guess that only applies if you are investigating what Dems want. The Russia collusion story had less to go on. Scary times.
I agree with some of this. Trump is not electable IMO. He lost voters in 2020 that voted for him in 2016. Him running again would be like Hillary running again. I liked Trump's policies and he did his best to carry them out but in the end his mouth cost him. He also should have cleaned the swamp, he should have fired everyone in the DOJ,FBI, CIA, and the military and started over. All of those agencies have become far too political.

I am in a real pickle, there is no way in hell I vote for a liberal with what I consider their insane policies, and right now I am really frustrated with Republicans in terms of when they get in power to not use it wisely. The political test I took years ago showed me barely left of center with slightly libertarian leanings. I vote for a candidate, the worst of the 2 evils right now is a "Trump conservative" in terms of what is available, but I really want another option.

I would love to vote all Reps and Dems out, I would love for a legit 3rd party candidate to emerge that can cut thru all the BS. Just frustrating as hell.

The MO of both the Dims and Reps appears to be to ratchet up the rhetoric to get their base motivated and they go to the extremes to do this. Neither party is trying to get voters to cross political lines. The Dims were more successful in doing this in the last election not because of their policies, but Trump handed the Dims opportunity after opportunity to build hate on Trump and pull on the emotions of voters rather than their brains. You can not make the same mistake twice.

IMO if Reps want to put forward a winning ticket it is not that hard, all Trump had to do was STFU and concentrate on his accomplishments, his mouth cost Reps the Senate and Georgia IMO, that is not a great politician in my eyes. He lost it, he drank his own kool aid. He won the 2016 election and treated each day as if he was still the under dog and was running for re-election each day. He needed to let Sarah Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany do their jobs. Trump should have stayed off Twitter and let those 2 to just drill his accomplishments home in each press briefing.

If Reps are serious here is what they have to do:

- You should not run a victimhood candidacy to fight another victimhood candidacy for Prez. Just stop the stolen election stuff, it insults the voters that voted for Trump in 2016 and did not in 2020. Let your ego go.

-Libs have provided in a short period of time a long list of failures that happened fast, let go of the 2020 election and do not re-run that race again, concentrate on Lib failures and keep focused on solutions.

- Speaking of victimhood, take a close look at Tim Scott's messaging - He said he was pulled over like 17 times just for being black? He is not playing the victimhood card, not complaining about election outcomes, he said there is not systemic racism. He believes opportunity exists for all and uses from cotton to congress messaging. He brought out the worst in Dims after his state of the union rebuttal and they went racist on him. This is what the Dims did to Trump, they knew what buttons to push to bring out the worst in Trump. The beauty of here is Tim Scott did not even have to wail, lie, and have MSM lie for him to cause this reaction, that is how ate up Dims are to retain power. Scott offers a positive message and common sense solutions. I want to keep an eye on him and learn more about him and what he stands for. He just might be the guy that can take the best of Trump's policies, expands them with other common sense solutions, and bridge the racial divide in this country. Biden is a white man that we now know can not unite this country, Trump is a white man that can not unite this country. Biden's VP is a dimwit that California AA's see as a phony and media made politician, she is flawed. It might take an African American like Scott to truly unit this country. We already had a African American President that labeled all of law enforcement as racist, that lit the fuse for what we have today. Scott's speech and messaging was very popular, Reps or any other 3rd party candidate would be wise to pay attention.

Dims are an easy target in the next election IMO, but putting up Trump to run a victimhood candidacy? BIG mistake IMO and he has baggage opponents can use against him. Americans are getting tired of the extreme crap from both sides, someone needs to put up a candidate that is likeable and can move a candidacy past victimhood politics and to improving the future with a positive message.


I would agree with just about everything you said except a conservative/republican will never get a fair shake in the media so their messaging will always be lied about. Have you noticed the uptick in the news about Trump this or Trump that lately? Promise its to draw attention away from the absolutely dismal job Cho Xiden is doing.

Don't think anyone could have united the country with the negative press like Trump got...granted some of it deserved but most not. In fact through history there are very few things that unite a country except for catastrophic events that cut across all races, genders and ages; 9/11, world wars etc. As long as the press is the mouthpiece and cheerleaders for one side, no matter their actions and a wholly corrupting lying enterprise for the opposite side there will never be a "united" anything, so to strive for that goal isn't realistic.

I watch some of the R's finally fighting back and it actually resonates with me (as it does millions of others). Being likable, like McCain, Bush and Romney tried got them nowhere and if fact made them less "likeable" for many and once they served their docile purpose they were still kicked in the balls.

PD a "new" civil war wouldn't last long promise. Bloody for a bit, maybe, but in reality you just choke off supplies to the huge wholly liberal infested urban areas and its over. Seriously doubt it would come to that since balkanization would be way easier and less costly, but you never know.

Completely agree with you on Tim Scott though, but make no mistake if he is ever up for a Prez or VP spot the press will kick his ass to and liberals, especially the white useless kind, will continue to call him an "uncle Tim," or "oreo," so an otherwise honorable, intelligent and humble man can be portrayed as a race traitor and conservative stooge.
You guys saying Trump gets a lot of the blame bc the left and media crucify him is a joke. They would do that with anyone fighting for the conservative cause.

The Left is vile, evil, scum POS PERIOD!!! Trump lowered taxes, closed the border (as much as he could fighting evil everyday), resurrected the VA, made animal cruelty a felony, gave small biz tax breaks, achieved more world and Middle East Peace than any modern Prez, held China accountable (or was sure trying), called out the corrupt media, Bright soldiers home (only Prez to not start another easy- MORE OF IUR YOUNG SOLDIERS LIVE) and many other things so positive and had the election stolen from him and now the evil cabal is now controlling our country.

If you still want to walk the "politically correct line" and call out Trump after how much good he did and how vile they treated him EVERYDAY then god help y'all.
Trump moved his vote count from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record. Trump shows at an airport in northern Minnesota and is greeted by 23,000.
If only unemployed mobs = votes.

It's hard to tell what the people actually believe. I know I don't' think Biden won. I also don't believe he received 50% o the vote. I would say 40-45% would be a more accurate depiction. 36% of people will vote straight Dem no matter what. I just don't see how an additional 5-10% is added to that when Trump increases his vote total by 10 million votes, not only that increases his African American vote as well from 6 to 10%. Record turn out to vote of 73.7% of eligible voters cast a vote, the highest percentage since 1876. This while sleepy joe slept in his basement, and watched cities burn between oatmeal meals. Republicans gain seats in the House, and didn't lose a seat until special elections in Georgia to decide the senate, that were sketchy at best and ran the same way as the Presidential election. Now all of sudden Georgia wants to fix the laws? The numbers don't add up with what we are seeing. Everything smells like a fishing wharf that hasn't been cleaned in a year, and now when we the people want to audit the election we are told to sit down, shut up, and accept the results, and you can't speak about the election numbers. When you do you are called names, and insulted. What happened to investigate everything and let the chips fall where they may? I guess that only applies if you are investigating what Dems want. The Russia collusion story had less to go on. Scary times.

I would agree with just about everything you said except a conservative/republican will never get a fair shake in the media so their messaging will always be lied about. Have you noticed the uptick in the news about Trump this or Trump that lately? Promise its to draw attention away from the absolutely dismal job Cho Xiden is doing.

Don't think anyone could have united the country with the negative press like Trump got...granted some of it deserved but most not. In fact through history there are very few things that unite a country except for catastrophic events that cut across all races, genders and ages; 9/11, world wars etc. As long as the press is the mouthpiece and cheerleaders for one side, no matter their actions and a wholly corrupting lying enterprise for the opposite side there will never be a "united" anything, so to strive for that goal isn't realistic.

I watch some of the R's finally fighting back and it actually resonates with me (as it does millions of others). Being likable, like McCain, Bush and Romney tried got them nowhere and if fact made them less "likeable" for many and once they served their docile purpose they were still kicked in the balls.

PD a "new" civil war wouldn't last long promise. Bloody for a bit, maybe, but in reality you just choke off supplies to the huge wholly liberal infested urban areas and its over. Seriously doubt it would come to that since balkanization would be way easier and less costly, but you never know.

Completely agree with you on Tim Scott though, but make no mistake if he is ever up for a Prez or VP spot the press will kick his ass to and liberals, especially the white useless kind, will continue to call him an "uncle Tim," or "oreo," so an otherwise honorable, intelligent and humble man can be portrayed as a race traitor and conservative stooge.

You guys saying Trump gets a lot of the blame bc the left and media crucify him is a joke. They would do that with anyone fighting for the conservative cause.

The Left is vile, evil, scum POS PERIOD!!! Trump lowered taxes, closed the border (as much as he could fighting evil everyday), resurrected the VA, made animal cruelty a felony, gave small biz tax breaks, achieved more world and Middle East Peace than any modern Prez, held China accountable (or was sure trying), called out the corrupt media, Bright soldiers home (only Prez to not start another easy- MORE OF IUR YOUNG SOLDIERS LIVE) and many other things so positive and had the election stolen from him and now the evil cabal is now controlling our country.

If you still want to walk the "politically correct line" and call out Trump after how much good he did and how vile they treated him EVERYDAY then god help y'all.

Be nice to see a Trump DeSantis ticket which would almost assuredly give the US 12 years of prosperity, but I'd be happy with Desantis and VP Noem/Jordan/Pompeo/Hawley/Klacik for 16 years of prosperity.

I miss the posts where MAGA was gloating about another 16 years of Trump.

I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.

Why is it only Republicans are labeled as dividers? Did you see what Obama did to this country? Do you not see what Biden and the Democrats in Congress are doing to this country? They damn sure are not working to unite the country, they are working to dominate the country. Free speech is no longer free speech. They are trying to federalize elections to insure Democrats can continue to commit voter fraud at will and as needed to keep Democrats in power. Democrats have successfully split a large part of the country into different tribes based on race, gender, sexual preference, wealth, education level, political support going all the way to whether people eat meat. Look to the Middle East to see how grouping people into different tribes works to unite a country for all you need to know about which person or party is working to divide the country.
Dan do you really think if Ted Cruz or Ron Desantis we're in power it would be any different? They crucify Any conservatives or those That conservatives get behind. Trump (directly or indirectly) exposed The deep state so much more- another reason they hate him. He defeated New World order one global govt Hillary- of course they hate him
I think Ted Cruz has shot his wad and is no longer a viable choice. He is a valuable media tool and gives succor to those who enjoy watching people like AOC be put in their place. But I don’t think there would be a groundswell of support for him. He seems to be a little too calculating. Desantis is an intriguing possibility. There is concern he might peak too soon. He certainly has Trump-like fighting spirit without being quite so unlikable. Of course the MSM will pull out all the stops to make him as unlikeable to as many people as possible between now and 2024. So far he has handled himself very well.

I think you concede too much power to the media. People know exactly who they are and what they are trying to do. I don’t think they carry near the influence you seem to think they do. Their only job now is to keep the Democrat base in line. I think that’s as far as their influence goes.

Someone somewhere needs to become a politician with a calming influence. It needs to be someone neither side gloms onto as “their guy,” but simultaneously is someone they don’t fear. In 2020 I had high hopes that would be Tulsi Gabbard. That didn’t pan out, much to my dismay. But it needs to be someone like her. Maybe she’s a one-off. Maybe there is no one. Maybe Windriver will get his wish and we’ll have a civil war. I do think that as long as the electorate keeps choosing divisive candidates things are only going to get worse. Trump did some good things in his administration. But his legacy may be that he split to country irretrievably apart.
I think Ted Cruz has shot his wad and is no longer a viable choice. He is a valuable media tool and gives succor to those who enjoy watching people like AOC be put in their place. But I don’t think there would be a groundswell of support for him. He seems to be a little too calculating. Desantis is an intriguing possibility. There is concern he might peak too soon. He certainly has Trump-like fighting spirit without being quite so unlikable. Of course the MSM will pull out all the stops to make him as unlikeable to as many people as possible between now and 2024. So far he has handled himself very well.

I think you concede too much power to the media. People know exactly who they are and what they are trying to do. I don’t think they carry near the influence you seem to think they do. Their only job now is to keep the Democrat base in line. I think that’s as far as their influence goes.

Someone somewhere needs to become a politician with a calming influence. It needs to be someone neither side gloms onto as “their guy,” but simultaneously is someone they don’t fear. In 2020 I had high hopes that would be Tulsi Gabbard. That didn’t pan out, much to my dismay. But it needs to be someone like her. Maybe she’s a one-off. Maybe there is no one. Maybe Windriver will get his wish and we’ll have a civil war. I do think that as long as the electorate keeps choosing divisive candidates things are only going to get worse. Trump did some good things in his administration. But his legacy may be that he split to country irretrievably apart.
Yes nice guy to deal with the left-
I see that really working well.
Why is it only Republicans are labeled as dividers? Did you see what Obama did to this country? Do you not see what Biden and the Democrats in Congress are doing to this country? They damn sure are not working to unite the country, they are working to dominate the country. Free speech is no longer free speech. They are trying to federalize elections to insure Democrats can continue to commit voter fraud at will and as needed to keep Democrats in power. Democrats have successfully split a large part of the country into different tribes based on race, gender, sexual preference, wealth, education level, political support going all the way to whether people eat meat. Look to the Middle East to see how grouping people into different tribes works to unite a country for all you need to know about which person or party is working to divide the country.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea only Republicans are called dividers. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were relentlessly hounded by Republicans and the media that supports them. Hillary Clinton lost because she was more divisive than Trump, and that was pounded upon continuously by right wing media.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea only Republicans are called dividers. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were relentlessly hounded by Republicans and the media that supports them. Hillary Clinton lost because she was more divisive than Trump, and that was pounded upon continuously by right wing media.
Clinton - yes. Obama - no. Obama got a huge pass.
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I think it would be a huge mistake for Trump to run again. Like it or not Trump is a divider, not a uniter. There is a gigantic segment of the population - not a majority, but a large segment - that utterly despise the man. A second Trump term, interrupted by the Biden travesty, would only increase tension within the country. We are already on the brink of civil war. That might push us over the edge. He should use his influence to be a king maker, go around the country supporting candidates that agree with his MAGA policies. But he should not run again. It would be bad for the country.

Yeah because Dims, Libs, BLM, Antifa and the leftist Propagandist Media are Great Uniters.
We shouldn't elect people based on feelers, gender or color.
Everything the Left did for 4 yrs was to get rid of Trump because Hillary was supposed to be the First Woman President and I use the term Woman loosely. Didn't happen so they threw a 4 yr tantrum.
Part of that I believe was to make Trump not want to run again in 2020. What was done to Trump was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen done to a President. He didn't cause the divide, the lefties did that because they didn't get their way. He should run again if he wants not because I think he should but because this is America. Saying he shouldn't becuase it will divide the Country is ludicrous, who care if it hurts the liberal pussies feelers again. He should run again just because it does make them insane, we shouldn't allow tantrums to be a deciding factor on who should run or not.
He won't win because the Dims will just cheat again. 81 Million Votes my ass.
I would agree with just about everything you said except a conservative/republican will never get a fair shake in the media so their messaging will always be lied about. Have you noticed the uptick in the news about Trump this or Trump that lately? Promise its to draw attention away from the absolutely dismal job Cho Xiden is doing.

Don't think anyone could have united the country with the negative press like Trump got...granted some of it deserved but most not. In fact through history there are very few things that unite a country except for catastrophic events that cut across all races, genders and ages; 9/11, world wars etc. As long as the press is the mouthpiece and cheerleaders for one side, no matter their actions and a wholly corrupting lying enterprise for the opposite side there will never be a "united" anything, so to strive for that goal isn't realistic.

I watch some of the R's finally fighting back and it actually resonates with me (as it does millions of others). Being likable, like McCain, Bush and Romney tried got them nowhere and if fact made them less "likeable" for many and once they served their docile purpose they were still kicked in the balls.

PD a "new" civil war wouldn't last long promise. Bloody for a bit, maybe, but in reality you just choke off supplies to the huge wholly liberal infested urban areas and its over. Seriously doubt it would come to that since balkanization would be way easier and less costly, but you never know.

Completely agree with you on Tim Scott though, but make no mistake if he is ever up for a Prez or VP spot the press will kick his ass to and liberals, especially the white useless kind, will continue to call him an "uncle Tim," or "oreo," so an otherwise honorable, intelligent and humble man can be portrayed as a race traitor and conservative stooge.

You can be a very strong conservative and fight back tremendously without being a a complete dickhead. Scott pissed off a whole bunch of libs being a strong conservative voice, lost their marbles matter of fact. "Likable" for me I guess in terms of a politician is not that you really like the guy on a personal level, but you like their politics and there is nothing about them on a personal level that makes you totally hate them. Some will always vote on their emotions. The Lib media will try to destroy any non-Lib candidate, that is given. But if they want to smear Scott and go racist on him and not debate the actual issues and make it all about race? They will lose voters, a significant amount. You can already look down the road and see a Lib failed economy as well in 2024.

Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election​

By Wayne Allyn Root

May 9, 2021

Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand.
Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black."
How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is bodycam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life.
What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right?
Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
I thought we're all allowed to have our opinion in America. I thought we have free speech. I thought we have a right to investigate. I thought we have a right to see the videotapes. I thought we have a right to forensic audits.

I was wrong.
The fix is in. It's crystal clear to me now that not only was the election rigged but so is everything post-election. It's simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or overreaction, by Democrats.
Would anyone dare ban the right to discuss a possibly racist police killing? Can you imagine the reaction by liberals, black activists and the American Civil Liberties Union? What if the Minneapolis police were to permanently ban any discussion of George Floyd's death? What if every black American trying to give his or her opinion on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube were banned for life?
Who would react like that? Only guilty people.
Here are the questions I want answered.
— If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona?
— When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning?
— How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden?
— How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4?
— How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand?
— Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside?
— There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes?
— How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes?
— How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines?
— How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?
These are all valid questions. Why do we get backlash for asking them and posting them on social media? What are Democrats hiding? What are they so afraid of?
In the end, that's the proof Democrats rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. The truth is in their ridiculous, heavy-handed overreaction. They're desperate to stop you from looking into or even talking about this.
Democrats are guilty as sin.

Valid points......
The great lengths that were gone to to silence anyone claiming the election was rigged is a pretty good indication that the election was rigged. That's the sort of things that the Soviets did, and that the Chicoms are still doing.
Dan do you really think if Ted Cruz or Ron Desantis we're in power it would be any different? They crucify Any conservatives or those That conservatives get behind. Trump (directly or indirectly) exposed The deep state so much more- another reason they hate him. He defeated New World order one global govt Hillary- of course they hate him
This is what Ted Cruz does best. And this is why he is far more important in this role than he would be as a presidential candidate.

the most elemental function of democracy was absconded from the people

and that’s is what trump needs to campaign on

not the election was stolen from him

democracy was stolen
Lolz. You need to push hard for this. I mean really hard.
When they stopped counting in key States that night I knew right then they were stealing it. It was Plan Z to get rid of Trump. Plans A thru Y all failed.
i had a buddy who was much more into politics than me tell me play by play exactly how the election would go, the excuses and tactics they would use etc about a month before the election. I of course lovingly told him he was insane. but i stayed up that whole night and watched him be dead on, even down to the shutdown of counting, the overnight vote jump, and the logic being credited all to mail in voters being dems etc. about the only thing he didnt call was arizona being so oddly called that early with so much time left. but yea when they shut it down for the night and i heard the confidence in bidens speech to his crowd i knew it was being massively rigged.

i just cant believe how many refuse to see or dont care about something so important as election fraud, right or left. amazing to me.
I think Ted Cruz has shot his wad and is no longer a viable choice. He is a valuable media tool and gives succor to those who enjoy watching people like AOC be put in their place. But I don’t think there would be a groundswell of support for him. He seems to be a little too calculating. Desantis is an intriguing possibility. There is concern he might peak too soon. He certainly has Trump-like fighting spirit without being quite so unlikable. Of course the MSM will pull out all the stops to make him as unlikeable to as many people as possible between now and 2024. So far he has handled himself very well.

I think you concede too much power to the media. People know exactly who they are and what they are trying to do. I don’t think they carry near the influence you seem to think they do. Their only job now is to keep the Democrat base in line. I think that’s as far as their influence goes.

Someone somewhere needs to become a politician with a calming influence. It needs to be someone neither side gloms onto as “their guy,” but simultaneously is someone they don’t fear. In 2020 I had high hopes that would be Tulsi Gabbard. That didn’t pan out, much to my dismay. But it needs to be someone like her. Maybe she’s a one-off. Maybe there is no one. Maybe Windriver will get his wish and we’ll have a civil war. I do think that as long as the electorate keeps choosing divisive candidates things are only going to get worse. Trump did some good things in his administration. But his legacy may be that he split to country irretrievably apart.
ron desantis is the clear guy to me. hes articulate, has backbone, wont put up with media and dem bs, and is a guy i think even moderate libs can mostly see through the bs from the media if elected.

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