Harvard President Apologies


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

The testimony of the Ivy League Presidents before Congress is a perfect example of what is wrong in this country. Instead of allowing personal principles of right and wrong to guide their thinking, they allow themselves to be guided by opposition to opposing politics. The question asked was a no brainer for anyone that understands right and wrong, yet these radical political activist couldn't allow themselves to say promoting genocide against the Israelis was wrong until and only until the blow back effected them personally. SMFH and these idiots are leading what was once the nations most prestigious Universities. If you wonder why this country is falling apart look no further than the current education system.
Looks to be one down, two to go.

I believe she did apologize as well.
Don't most apologies come with the person saying I apologize or I'm sorry? I don't hear those words, what I hear is oh shit I had a donor pull 100 million dollars from the University, the Board is pissed and I better try to walk this back before i lose my position of power and prestige.
Bottom line she is an Anti-Semite and has no place in any position in education.
Just passed along to Greg a moment ago. Flood Cambridge with full capacity double Decker buses.

They would probably do what Chiraq is trying to do.
SaNcTuArY CiTiEs 🤣

Chicago looks to implement stricter rules for migrant bus operators​

CHICAGO - As five buses filled with migrants were expected to arrive in Chicago on Friday, the city is looking to implement a new penalty system targeting private bus operators that fail to adhere to regulations on migrant drop-offs.

Harvard President survived the first salvo calling for resignation. Now someone is bringing up the plagiarism and Harvard trying to deflect it. The university believes they can weather the donation fallout using endowment. Maybe so, but Gay has pissed off some very wealthy people and they are coming after her with anything and everything they can find. IMO she will not survive this in the long run and might be better to cut and run versus face the potential stink storm that is coming.
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Carl Hart at Columbia university professor and admitted heroin addict and tenured at that. Hello?

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