Gun Safes


Gold Member
Aug 28, 2006
I'm in the market for a gun safe, at least a 24 gun. Any of you guys have any recommendations?
My friend recommends a liberty. The biggest difference is if you want one that is fire proof or not. I know a lot of places have big gun safe sales after Christmas. You can save big money then.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Honest question: What makes one gun safe better than another?

I only 4 guns at home (3 shotguns and a 308) and have always just kept them under my bed, but with at 3 year old little boy at home who is getting more and more curious about things like guns I know that it is time to start thinking about a safe.
I don't own what I would call "hi end" guns but I have a number of them, and had a sherrif friend of mine just say that anything you can lock will do just about as well as another, with the exception of moving to a fire-rated safe. Mine isn't fire-rated, though if I had Boone's pocketbook, I'd probably own one that was.

You can even get a servicable safe for under or about $400 bucks that will be all you need. I got mine because the grandkids were hanging out a lot and I just wanted the peace of mind to know they weren't accessing them without supervision. There are some economical key-lock gun cabinets that hold guns (i.e. Gander Mountain is where I saw some of various sizes) that would also serve the purpose.... screw one of those down to studs or floor bolts and you are good to go too.). Just another option for you other folks on a budget.
Thanks TCP. That's kind of what I figured. I think I want an actual safe so I can keep other stuff (ammo, calls, etc) in there and have it all together. I have one nice gun (Benelli Mont), but don't care all that much if it burns as I have more than enough firearm limit on my homeowners insurance policy. Like you I'm more worried about the kids getting into them.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You show me an under $400 safe and I will show you one that is junk.

Safe's are full of candy in the eyes of a thief. If I break into your house and you have a $400 safe, I may not have time to get in (although I bet someone who knew what he was doing could mess it up real bad and probably get in) but I guarantee you I could lift or dolly the thing into the back of a truck and take it to where I could get in.

If it is protection from your own kids then a $400 safe is fine if it is theft then that is a different story.
I have a $400 safe because of my kids. I installed that safe 8 days before my house was broke in to, all my guns would be gone if i didnt have a $400 dollar safe. Ya, I won't keep big heist criminals from taking my guns, but it definitely wont be an in and out job.
Most come with the ability to be bolted down and this is important aspect to having them cart the dang thing out. I don't thin my safe weighs more than a few hundred pounds (plus add more for contents), so if loose, it would be not that hard to dolly it out if that's their inclinations. Most thieves won't take the time or have the time to do that.
Here is the affordable gun safe I bought.

I bought it at security center in tulsa
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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