Explaining Why

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
The persecution (and I mean persecution, not prosecution) of Donald Trump is politically motivated. You could not call this article a legal defense that could be used in a court of law, but it is an ideal defense for use in the court of public opinion, Trump’s an idiot that does not deserve to be president, that should be something on which we all agree. However, driving him away via the political third-world-style machinations of an authoritarian, as the Biden administration is doing, should ring the alarm bells of anyone who wants to preserve what little liberty this country has left. This guy hits the nail on the head.

The persecution (and I mean persecution, not prosecution) of Donald Trump is politically motivated. You could not call this article a legal defense that could be used in a court of law, but it is an ideal defense for use in the court of public opinion, Trump’s an idiot that does not deserve to be president, that should be something on which we all agree. However, driving him away via the political third-world-style machinations of an authoritarian, as the Biden administration is doing, should ring the alarm bells of anyone who wants to preserve what little liberty this country has left. This guy hits the nail on the head.
What fence are you thinking I have straddled?

Let's review what you have said on other threads . . .
But Trump stepped in it big time when he bragged on tape that he knowingly committed a crime. The "political line" got crossed because of his big mouth.
and when Trump admitted on tape he knowingly committed a crime he deserved to be indicted.

DJT And His Big Mouth​

Has finally caught up with him.
That being said Trump did many more things that were wrong than that. And he finally shot his mouth off one too many times and has landed in a pickle that he may not be able to escape. Ergo: he talked too much.
Knowingly taking classified documents when he left the White House, and knowingly telling a reporter he knowingly did it and offering to show the documents to the reporter is a bridge (or big mouth) too far, and it will be interesting to see how he spins it to get out of the mess he made by talking too much.
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And then there was this:
I don’t know how you could have missed my answer that Trump deserves to be charged
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Tell me what the fence is.
Do you believe this is a persecution of Trump or a prosecution? If you believe it is a persecution, then why did you claim before that Trump deserves to be charged?

Did the "political line" got crossed because of Trump's big mouth? Or is this whole thing political from start to finish?

Make up your mind.
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Do you believe this is a persecution of Trump or a prosecution? If you believe it is a persecution, then why did you claim before that Trump deserves to be charged?

Did the "political line" got crossed because of Trump's big mouth? Or is this whole thing political from start to finish?

Make up your mind.
How many times does it need to be said? It’s a political assassination attempt that has been ongoing for years. Trump’s enemies have tried to destroy him any way they can, and it looks like they may finally have something to hang their collective hats on. Paul Craig Roberts makes a compelling argument. I agreed with Ann Coulter that Trump’s whining about there being a double standard, while absolutely true, is fruitless to pretend he didn’t know about it. We *all* know about it and have known about it since at least the Clinton administration. Trump got sloppy with his arrogance, thinking if everybody else could get away with what he did (which they have) he could get away with it, too. It’s not that hard to understand.
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How many times does it need to be said? It’s a political assassination attempt that has been ongoing for years. Trump’s enemies have tried to destroy him any way they can, and it looks like they may finally have something to hang their collective hats on. Paul Craig Roberts makes a compelling argument. I agreed with Ann Coulter that Trump’s whining about there being a double standard, while absolutely true, is fruitless to pretend he didn’t know about it. We *all* know about it and have known about it since at least the Clinton administration. Trump got sloppy with his arrogance, thinking if everybody else could get away with what he did (which they have) he could get away with it, too. It’s not that hard to understand.
Oh hell, if someone doesn't look the other way and actually expects the law to be followed, they're trying to destroy Trump. It's such a clumsy attempt to normalize lawless behavior.
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Oh hell, if someone doesn't look the other way and actually expects the law to be followed, they're trying to destroy Trump. It's such a clumsy attempt to normalize lawless behavior.
Are you thinking replying with snarky sarcasm is convincing? There are two things at play here, both of them true. First there has been a relentless drive by the establishment to destroy DJT and remove him from all political consideration. It has run unabated since he first descended on the escalator. At first they jeeringly promoted his nomination because they knew deep within their evil souls he would be cannon fodder for Hillary Clinton, who they thought would waltz into the White House and put the finishing touches on their drive to transform the country into a collectivist oligarchy they would rule forever. When the unthinkable happened and Trump won, the wailing and gnashing of teeth became unbearable and they set out on a relentless drive for revenge, not just against him but also the ungrateful deplorables that had put their vision on pause. But no matter what they tried they couldn’t root him out.

Secondly they went on a fishing expedition by raiding his house in the dead of night when they knew he wouldn’t be there. And lo and behold they found one singular piece of evidence they are sure they can pin on him, a smoking gun, if you will, where by all appearances he shot himself in the foot with his big mouth. At last they could bring charges that should stick! And maybe they will. He’ll get to present his side at trial. But the Paul Craig Roberts’ article convinced me a guilty verdict may be harder to come by than I had thought.

So there are two true things in play here. One: this whole episode is another chapter in the years long political witch hunt, which is undeniable. Two: Trump brought this episode on himself, and he has no one to blame but himself for the mess he has gotten into.
Are you thinking replying with snarky sarcasm is convincing? There are two things at play here, both of them true. First there has been a relentless drive by the establishment to destroy DJT and remove him from all political consideration. It has run unabated since he first descended on the escalator. At first they jeeringly promoted his nomination because they knew deep within their evil souls he would be cannon fodder for Hillary Clinton, who they thought would waltz into the White House and put the finishing touches on their drive to transform the country into a collectivist oligarchy they would rule forever. When the unthinkable happened and Trump won, the wailing and gnashing of teeth became unbearable and they set out on a relentless drive for revenge, not just against him but also the ungrateful deplorables that had put their vision on pause. But no matter what they tried they couldn’t root him out.

Secondly they went on a fishing expedition by raiding his house in the dead of night when they knew he wouldn’t be there. And lo and behold they found one singular piece of evidence they are sure they can pin on him, a smoking gun, if you will, where by all appearances he shot himself in the foot with his big mouth. At last they could bring charges that should stick! And maybe they will. He’ll get to present his side at trial. But the Paul Craig Roberts’ article convinced me a guilty verdict may be harder to come by than I had thought.

So there are two true things in play here. One: this whole episode is another chapter in the years long political witch hunt, which is undeniable. Two: Trump brought this episode on himself, and he has no one to blame but himself for the mess he has gotten into.
You know Dan you keep running these chuckleheads off the road! I'm impressed. 👍
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First there has been a relentless drive by the establishment to destroy DJT and remove him from all political consideration.
No, that plainly is not true. The conservative establishment carefully nurtured and assisted him. THat's just not true.
And lo and behold they found one singular piece of evidence they are sure they can pin on him, a smoking gun, if you will,
That's plainly not true. They found lots of documents, not just one. He also lied about it, hid them, tried to get other people and lawyers to help him hide the classified him. If open source reporting is to be believed he was plainly touting and showing them off.

Secondly they went on a fishing expedition by raiding his house in the dead of night when they knew he wouldn’t be there.
That's plainly not true. They had a very specific warrant, looking for classified documents they knew that he had and he lied about. I'm sorry that he has to face the law just like anybody else, but they bent over backwards to accommodate him and he just lied and hid the documents.

For someone that doesn't like Trump, you sure sing his cult's narrative pretty well. Poooooor Trump.
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Trump brought this episode on himself, and he has no one to blame but himself for the mess he has gotten into.
Oh hell Dan make up your mind. He's a victim that was ganged up on unfairly but he has only himself to blame. WTF kind of word salad is that?
Try again chuckles. I mean it! 🤣

Make em' give you one of the fresh pizza pockets, not one that's been warmed over in front all day!

It’s a word salad that makes sense to anyone who can think.

Poor Trump the victim, unfairly ganged up on from the get-go, never given a chance, but he brought it on himself.

I'm starting to think someone just likes the sound of their own keyboard.
Make em' give you one of the fresh pizza pockets, not one that's been warmed over in front all day!

Poor Trump the victim, unfairly ganged up on from the get-go, never given a chance, but he brought it on himself.

I'm starting to think someone just likes the sound of their own keyboard.
Yer a piece of work. Good luck. 😉
Make em' give you one of the fresh pizza pockets, not one that's been warmed over in front all day!

Poor Trump the victim, unfairly ganged up on from the get-go, never given a chance, but he brought it on himself.

I'm starting to think someone just likes the sound of their own keyboard.
Until now Trump was never a victim, he was a target. Now he is a victim only because in a narcissistic weak moment he let his guard down and spoke on tape about things he should have kept to himself.
Until now Trump was never a victim, he was a target. Now he is a victim only because in a narcissistic weak moment he let his guard down and spoke on tape about things he should have kept to himself.
Meanwhile joe and kamala are feeling each other out. 🤣
Make em' give you one of the fresh pizza pockets, not one that's been warmed over in front all day!

Poor Trump the victim, unfairly ganged up on from the get-go, never given a chance, but he brought it on himself.

I'm starting to think someone just likes the sound of their own keyboard.
Until now Trump was never a victim, he was a target. Now he is a victim only because in a narcissistic weak moment he let his guard down and spoke on tape things he should have kept to himself
Meanwhile joe and kamala are feeling each other out. 🤣
What people like @Syskatine can’t seem to comprehend is I don’t like Trump any more than they like Trump, I don’t want Trump to be president any more than they want him to be president. What they fail to understand is the methods used by the Democrats and the establishment to demolish him are precedents that can and will be used to ultimately destroy the fading promise for which this country was exalted. You beat Trump’s ideas with better ideas, not blind force. They’re happy today, but they will be miserable when the tables get turned on them and they realize that, like Trump, they brought it on themselves.
Until now Trump was never a victim, he was a target. Now he is a victim only because in a narcissistic weak moment he let his guard down and spoke on tape things he should have kept to himself

What people like @Syskatine can’t seem to comprehend is I don’t like Trump any more than they like Trump, I don’t want Trump to be president any more than they want him to be president. What they fail to understand is the methods used by the Democrats and the establishment to demolish him are precedents that can and will be used to ultimately destroy the fading promise for which this country was exalted. You beat Trump’s ideas with better ideas, not blind force. They’re happy today, but they will be miserable when the tables get turned on them and they realize that, like Trump, they brought it on themselves.
Dimms like joes hair. Inspiration. 😂