Europe’s Largest Wind Farm Facing Bankruptcy


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

"In other words, the wind farm is obliged to pay the costs of its own intermittency. And, of course, when wind power is low, spot market prices rise.

This highlights the worthlessness of wind power, as when there is plenty of wind, the value of the product is low.

In this country it is energy consumers who have to pay the costs of intermittency, something which needs changing."

Sucker, you wanted it, now you got it. Quit electing these gree energy dumbasses.
Hadn't heard of this company, but am fully aware of Siemens asking for another $17B in secured government loans, and Orstead writing off $6B (iirc) in losses as well. To put those numbers in perspective, OGE's annual revenue is only $3.5B and that's the year long cost for energy for basically every Oklahoman. The amount of money wasted on Wind Energy has been staggering.

The most ironic part though is that the only people better off are the corporate millionaire CEOs whom the libtards scream loudly about while pushing policies that solely serve to line their pockets.
Fossil fuels companies famously never go bankrupt
Fossil fuels companies famously never go bankrupt
Didn't he go to jail or was he the one who killed himself? I assume by your post that you agree we should apply one or the other to the Wind Energy CEOs.
He finds pleasure and satisfaction in the tragedy of suicide? Or he's just being a dick.
Or maybe getting smacked up side the head with a reality check is more than you know how to respond to. He's right, you know, fossil fuel companies go under just like wind farms do. The appropriate response is to say neither fossil fuel companies nor wind farms should be the corrupt recipient of taxpayers' largesse.
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Or maybe getting smacked up side the head with a reality check is more than you know how to respond to. He's right, you know, fossil fuel companies go under just like wind farms do. The appropriate response is to say neither fossil fuel companies nor wind farms should be the corrupt recipient of taxpayers' largesse.

Press the button on the wall Dan. Maybe they’ll bring you pudding.

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