Covid baaaack??

it’s a slight towards anyone who is making policy decisions based on the mountains of bullshit we’ve been fed about this stuff - what works, what is de-wormer etc.

We’ve been lied to since day 1

Well day one we didn’t know anything about it. So hard to lie at that point.
ok. Good point. But that actually makes it even more damning when we were being lied to in the spring summer and fall of 2021, yes? Watch the video later. But get off your phone and enjoy your movie first!
I'm going with they knew it all in late Spring 2020- latest. Front line doctors were calling for HCQ and Ivermectin March ish saying mild
Virus if those were implemented ....right about the time all those were All censored, villified, shamed, and in some cases license revoked- and our propagandist media and big tech aided as usual.

RFKJ talks about how Fauchi does this everytime he wants his big Harma meds implemented (See AZT for HIV patients)- it was murder then and its murder now. He censors early cheap non harmful therapeutics and then rolls out his $3k per dose Remdesivirs- like clockwork.

Media is our biggest problem and Fauchi is pure evil- recommended read by RFKJ "real Fauchi"


No comment on any of this? Too dig in on your “masks are useless narrative”? Just going to ignore this logical scientific information?
Hey Fear diaper worshipper- there's ZERO peer reviewed studies that say a masks stop coronavirus- I think the analogy is "chainlink stopping mosquitos". You must like those poor
Children sitting in classrooms inhaling their waste huh? Child abuse.

HundredS of studies saying not only are they not effective- they are harmful.

Leading cause of death during the spanish flu was from Bacterial Pneumonia that collected in the fear diapers and moved into the lungs. (Per your hero sociopath Anthony Fauchi (look it up)

You should be more concerned that the CDC just admitted the PCR tests couldn't tell the difference between the Coof, flu and the common cold- the whole Scamdemic has been a fraud- and you ate it up hook, line and sinker.

ok. Good point. But that actually makes it even more damning when we were being lied to in the spring summer and fall of 2021, yes? Watch the video later. But get off your phone and enjoy your movie first!
Was during the 30 minutes of movie trailers. Spider man was good though.
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Was during the 30 minutes of movie trailers. Spider man was good though.
Two more studies out while you were watching Spidee-

These studies to go along with recently released Columbia U Study surmising the true shot death counts were 20 x what was being reported:

400k deaths and 4 million (mostLy permanent) injuries

Will these be reported on nightly propaganda - err I mean "news"?

My mom (main stream news Watcher) did say making the news yesterday was the corrupt CDC admitting all this time the PCR Covid tests couldn't tell the difference between the Coof, flu and common cold- I was surprised to hear they actually reported that.
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Two more studies out while you were watching Spidee-

These studies to go along with recently released Columbia U Study surmising the true shot death counts were 20 x what was being reported:

400k deaths and 4 million (mostLy permanent) injuries

Will these be reported on nightly propaganda - err I mean "news"?

My mom (main stream news Watcher) did say making the news yesterday was the corrupt CDC admitting all this time the PCR Covid tests couldn't tell the difference between the Coof, flu and common cold- I was surprised to hear they actually reported that.
This isn’t 100% true. There are good PCR tests (Cepheid, Roche, Abbott). They are just in the minority, and you have to know where to go to make sure you are receiving a reliable test.
This isn’t 100% true. There are good PCR tests (Cepheid, Roche, Abbott). They are just in the minority, and you have to know where to go to make sure you are receiving a reliable test.
The inventor of them said this is not what they are made for. Also they were running them over 40 cycles most all of 2020- at that rate shoelaces can be positive for the Coof.
Talked to my "head of nursing" friend 4 months ago they still had them at 20- she didn't know why. 17 cycles is what they are designed to run at and NOT test for kung flu in a mass population. They have some uses but this is totally not it.

Leftists and big Harma love them bc they're 90 percent plus false positive and can not detect between the flu and the Coof.

The whole thing was a fraud- I'm angry but you guys they coerced or lied to to get you to take those experimental shots should be SO FREAKING PISSED your heads should be spinning.

Im so pissed off and want to see all these assholes tried for crimes against humanity and in violation of the Nuremberg code- this is wrong beyond belief.

All Made possible by everyone's OVER trust if the media, govt and big Harma- none of them care a lick about any of us.
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The inventor of them said this is not what they are made for. Also they were running them over 40 cycles most all of 2020- at that rate shoelaces can be positive for the Coof.
Talked to my "head of nursing" friend 4 months ago they still had them at 20- she didn't know why. 17 cycles is what they are designed to run at and NOT test for kung flu in a mass population. They have some uses but this is totally not it.

Leftists and big Harma love them bc they're 90 percent plus false positive and can not detect between the flu and the Coof.

The whole thing was a fraud- I'm but you guys they coerced or lied to to get you to take those experimental shots should be SO FREAKING PISSED your heads should be spinning.

Im so pissed off and want to see all these assholes tried for crimes against humanity and in violation of the Nuremberg code- this is wrong beyond belief.

All Made possible by everyone's OVER trust if the media, govt and big Harma- none of them care a lick about any of us.
Dude. I wasn’t coming at you. I’m simply stating the truth.

I live COVID every day thanks to my significant other who works for one of the fore-mentioned companies. She knows more about PCR testing and COVID testing than 95% of Drs and nurses. It isn’t a rapid test. These are the ones you are talking about and they are grossly inaccurate. Her companies PCR test is clinically proven at 99.9% accurate due to the molecular analysis the test performs. If it says you have COVID, you 100% have COVID.

I’ll take this even further for ya. They are toting that all these cases are Omicron, but unless they are sequencing every test that comes across they simply don’t know. All these idiots who run and get tested at the hint of a cough or sniffle are ridiculous. They are adding to the fear being spread by the media.
Dude. I wasn’t coming at you. I’m simply stating the truth.

I live COVID every day thanks to my significant other who works for one of the fore-mentioned companies. She knows more about PCR testing and COVID testing than 95% of Drs and nurses. It isn’t a rapid test. These are the ones you are talking about and they are grossly inaccurate. Her companies PCR test is clinically proven at 99.9% accurate due to the molecular analysis the test performs. If it says you have COVID, you 100% have COVID.

I’ll take this even further for ya. They are toting that all these cases are Omicron, but unless they are sequencing every test that comes across they simply don’t know. All these idiots who run and get tested at the hint of a cough or sniffle are ridiculous. They are adding to the fear being spread by the media.
It’s incredible to listen to these people talk about PCR like they actually understand it. I used PCR assays for my graduate work in food science. If it’s detected by PCR it is without a doubt present. It isn’t possible for it to not differentiate between Flu and Covid. The genetic sequencing is different and their primers to start the polymerase chain reaction is specific to Covid.

This guy and peanut man talking about too many cycles is absolutely astonishing. He has no idea what that means. It hilarious and he repeats it over and over and over.
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Dude. I wasn’t coming at you. I’m simply stating the truth.

I live COVID every day thanks to my significant other who works for one of the fore-mentioned companies. She knows more about PCR testing and COVID testing than 95% of Drs and nurses. It isn’t a rapid test. These are the ones you are talking about and they are grossly inaccurate. Her companies PCR test is clinically proven at 99.9% accurate due to the molecular analysis the test performs. If it says you have COVID, you 100% have COVID.

I’ll take this even further for ya. They are toting that all these cases are Omicron, but unless they are sequencing every test that comes across they simply don’t know. All these idiots who run and get tested at the hint of a cough or sniffle are ridiculous. They are adding to the fear being spread by the media.
So they finally admit to the tests can not distinguish between Covid and the flu and you are doubling down on them working?

And just saw Tater chime in. Weird I've known for 6 months they cannot distingiish between the two and y'all are doubling down STILL?

You are correct about the scariants- they know diddly poo which "scariant" it is- Funny the cdc said 70 plus now were "omicron" and And then they came back a day or two ago and said "no wait- only 20 plus percent- it's a big ole crock

But keep touting the PCR tests are 99.percent correct - what do say about the cycles and how they are changed- Depending on how much fear they want to drum up?
It’s incredible to listen to these people talk about PCR like they actually understand it. I used PCR assays for my graduate work in food science. If it’s detected by PCR it is without a doubt present. It isn’t possible for it to not differentiate between Flu and Covid. The genetic sequencing is different and their primers to start the polymerase chain reaction is specific to Covid.

This guy and peanut man talking about too many cycles is absolutely astonishing. He has no idea what that means. It hilarious and he repeats it over and over and over.
You can set those test 40 plus cycles like they have before for long periods of time and all they detect is DNA particles that they can Read Postive for whatever you're Testing. Even sociopathic POS Fauchi said this- you can find the video if you dig- you won't find it with ease- by design.

So y'all are saying when they just ADMITTED the PCR tests can't tell the difference between the flu and the Coof (which many of us have known for awhile) they were only talking about rapid testing- really? Which is why they are discontinuing- bc they do work?
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You can set those test 40 plus cycles like they have before for long periods of time and all they detect is DNA particles that they can Read Postive for whatever you're Testing. Even sociopathic POS Fauchi said this- you can find the video if you dig- you won't find it with ease- by design.

So y'all are saying when they just ADMITTED the PCR tests can't tell the difference between the flu and the Coof (which many of us have known for awhile) they were only talking about rapid testing- really? Which is why they are discontinuing- bc they do work?
Wait… this is a serious question. Do you think they won’t be using PCR tests for COVID anymore? You do realize that withdrawal is for the EUA they were granted for the RT-PCR in the beginning right? There are multiple other PCR tests that have full approval that been used for a while now and that will continue to be used. I’m done arguing some of your stances, but have to say something when you post easily provable factual lies over and over again.
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So they finally admit to the tests can not distinguish between Covid and the flu and you are doubling down on them working?

And just saw Tater chime in. Weird I've known for 6 months they cannot distingiish between the two and y'all are doubling down STILL?

You are correct about the scariants- they know diddly poo which "scariant" it is- Funny the cdc said 70 plus now were "omicron" and And then they came back a day or two ago and said "no wait- only 20 plus percent- it's a big ole crock

But keep touting the PCR tests are 99.percent correct - what do say about the cycles and how they are changed- Depending on how much fear they want to drum up?
Dude can you fvcking read? Is reading comprehension not your forte? I didn’t say all PCR tests were accurate. The ones that analyze the sample at the molecular level are the ones that are most accurate. These are tests that take on average 30-45 mins to run and ARE NOT RAPID TESTS.

Cepheid, for instance, looks at the nucleocapsid gene and the envelope protein gene to detect the presence of COVID specific to those gene types.

Furthermore, their test looks for the presence of not only COVID, but also 2 types of flu and RSV. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! So get the fvck out of here. You are ignorant to what you are talking about.
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Dude can you fvcking read? Is reading comprehension not your forte? I didn’t say all PCR tests were accurate. The ones that analyze the sample at the molecular level are the ones that are most accurate. These are tests that take on average 30-45 mins to run and ARE NOT RAPID TESTS.

Cepheid, for instance, looks at the nucleocapsid gene and the envelope protein gene to detect the presence of COVID specific to those gene types.

Furthermore, their test looks for the presence of not only COVID, but also 2 types of flu and RSV. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! So get the fvck out of here. You are ignorant to what you are talking about.

I’ve tried explaining to @osuintx, and @OSU_Sports_Nut

That the RT-PCR test every hospital in Oklahoma has been using since June of 2020 tests for all of the following


● Adenovirus
● Coronavirus HKU1
● Coronavirus NL63
● Coronavirus 229E
● Coronavirus OC43
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
● Human Metapneumovirus
● Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
● Influenza A
● Influenza A/H1
● Influenza A/H3
● Influenza A/H1-2009
● Influenza B
● Parainfluenza Virus 1
● Parainfluenza Virus 2
● Parainfluenza Virus 3
● Parainfluenza Virus 4
● Respiratory Syncytial Virus


● Bordetella parapertussis
● Bordetella pertussis
● Chlamydia pneumoniae
● Mycoplasma pneumoniae

They simply just flat out don’t understand what’s going on, and refuse to believe we do respiratory panels.
I’ve tried explaining to @osuintx, and @OSU_Sports_Nut

That the RT-PCR test every hospital in Oklahoma has been using since June of 2020 tests for all of the following


● Adenovirus
● Coronavirus HKU1
● Coronavirus NL63
● Coronavirus 229E
● Coronavirus OC43
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
● Human Metapneumovirus
● Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
● Influenza A
● Influenza A/H1
● Influenza A/H3
● Influenza A/H1-2009
● Influenza B
● Parainfluenza Virus 1
● Parainfluenza Virus 2
● Parainfluenza Virus 3
● Parainfluenza Virus 4
● Respiratory Syncytial Virus


● Bordetella parapertussis
● Bordetella pertussis
● Chlamydia pneumoniae
● Mycoplasma pneumoniae

They simply just flat out don’t understand what’s going on, and refuse to believe we do respiratory panels.
I think osuintx finally figured out how to cancel
Dude can you fvcking read? Is reading comprehension not your forte? I didn’t say all PCR tests were accurate. The ones that analyze the sample at the molecular level are the ones that are most accurate. These are tests that take on average 30-45 mins to run and ARE NOT RAPID TESTS.

Cepheid, for instance, looks at the nucleocapsid gene and the envelope protein gene to detect the presence of COVID specific to those gene types.

Furthermore, their test looks for the presence of not only COVID, but also 2 types of flu and RSV. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! So get the fvck out of here. You are ignorant to what you are talking about.
Yeah I'm the one doubling down on tests That you say are what was it- 100 percent for sure?! Think it was "if it says you have Covid- you have Covid". They're a fraud period- but y'all won't admit it bc it throws y'alls whole narrative for two years in the tank.

Get pissy as much as you want- you won't piss your way into making a total fraud into something it's not.
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I’ve tried explaining to @osuintx, and @OSU_Sports_Nut

That the RT-PCR test every hospital in Oklahoma has been using since June of 2020 tests for all of the following


● Adenovirus
● Coronavirus HKU1
● Coronavirus NL63
● Coronavirus 229E
● Coronavirus OC43
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
● Human Metapneumovirus
● Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
● Influenza A
● Influenza A/H1
● Influenza A/H3
● Influenza A/H1-2009
● Influenza B
● Parainfluenza Virus 1
● Parainfluenza Virus 2
● Parainfluenza Virus 3
● Parainfluenza Virus 4
● Respiratory Syncytial Virus


● Bordetella parapertussis
● Bordetella pertussis
● Chlamydia pneumoniae
● Mycoplasma pneumoniae

They simply just flat out don’t understand what’s going on, and refuse to believe we do respiratory panels.
You claim to be something then you post BS for the "vaccines are great -sit down, shut up and take them" and they are nothing but HARMFUL. They kill your immune s system- the more you take the worse your body can defend- ADE is real with the shots and that's a bonus along with the blood clotting, strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, female
Sterility, miscarriages et al.

20k admitted dead in the US and most feel the number is upwards of 400k. You need to know a whole lot more before you come on here saying you're in the medical field and some people trust you and you say nothing about the deaths and injuries from these experimental shots.
I’ve tried explaining to @osuintx, and @OSU_Sports_Nut

That the RT-PCR test every hospital in Oklahoma has been using since June of 2020 tests for all of the following


● Adenovirus
● Coronavirus HKU1
● Coronavirus NL63
● Coronavirus 229E
● Coronavirus OC43
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
● Human Metapneumovirus
● Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
● Influenza A
● Influenza A/H1
● Influenza A/H3
● Influenza A/H1-2009
● Influenza B
● Parainfluenza Virus 1
● Parainfluenza Virus 2
● Parainfluenza Virus 3
● Parainfluenza Virus 4
● Respiratory Syncytial Virus


● Bordetella parapertussis
● Bordetella pertussis
● Chlamydia pneumoniae
● Mycoplasma pneumoniae

They simply just flat out don’t understand what’s going on, and refuse to believe we do respiratory panels.
Talk about how they ramped up the cycles over 40 last year Mr know it all. How they are made to work at 17 and even lowlife Fauchi said "over
40 cycles its Just Reading" What is it- nucleides? They found "Covid" in a pineapple for gosh sakes at those readings.

You're just pushing your "shots are great" narrative -is all. Throw out technical stuff you can find on the internet to give you some

What do you say about the scores of thousands of deaths? Millions of
Injuries? They stopped the swine flu vax after 26 DEATHS for petes' Sake.
Yeah I'm the one doubling down on tests That you say are what was it- 100 percent for sure?! Think it was "if it says you have Covid- you have Covid". They're a fraud period- but y'all won't admit it bc it throws y'alls whole narrative for two years in the tank.

Get pissy as much as you want- you won't piss your way into making a total fraud into something it's not.
Y’all’s narrative. WTF are you talking about? I’m anti-vax, anti-shutdown, anti-democrat. I simply stated fact that not all PCR tests are bad. You are the one attacking me. So I backed up my argument with facts. Plain and simple.

Stop with the ignorant rant and actually read what people are telling you. You’re making us Republicans look bad.
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Y’all’s narrative. WTF are you talking about? I’m anti-vax, anti-shutdown, anti-democrat. I simply stated fact that not all PCR tests are bad. You are the one attacking me. So I backed up my argument with facts. Plain and simple.

Stop with the ignorant rant and actually read what people are telling you. You’re making us Republicans look bad.
So much this. His view isn’t far from what mine is. He cites things that aren’t even close to true and wants to shout at everyone about being a liberal who doesn’t agree with him. Exact thing a liberal would do.
You claim to be something then you post BS for the "vaccines are great -sit down, shut up and take them" and they are nothing but HARMFUL. They kill your immune s system- the more you take the worse your body can defend- ADE is real with the shots and that's a bonus along with the blood clotting, strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, female
Sterility, miscarriages et al.

20k admitted dead in the US and most feel the number is upwards of 400k. You need to know a whole lot more before you come on here saying you're in the medical field and some people trust you and you say nothing about the deaths and injuries from these experimental shots.
Um what?

I’ve always stated the vaccine is something you should talk to your primary care about. While I think they are helpful they may not be for everyone.

You can check my post history on that.

The side effects of the vaccine that you are worried about are also the main complications of when you get SARS-CoV2.
You claim to be something then you post BS for the "vaccines are great -sit down, shut up and take them" and they are nothing but HARMFUL. They kill your immune s system- the more you take the worse your body can defend- ADE is real with the shots and that's a bonus along with the blood clotting, strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, female
Sterility, miscarriages et al.

20k admitted dead in the US and most feel the number is upwards of 400k. You need to know a whole lot more before you come on here saying you're in the medical field and some people trust you and you say nothing about the deaths and injuries from these experimental shots.
Wow. 400k dead from shot. The man really covering it up. I always laugh when people think government agencies have the ability to pull off conspiracies. People who believe that side haven’t worked in any type of government before.
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Y’all’s narrative. WTF are you talking about? I’m anti-vax, anti-shutdown, anti-democrat. I simply stated fact that not all PCR tests are bad. You are the one attacking me. So I backed up my argument with facts. Plain and simple.

Stop with the ignorant rant and actually read what people are telling you. You’re making us Republicans look bad.
I'm sure not a GOP- and we agree on a lot I have never been even vax hesitant but this BS rollout has made me 100 percent anti vax now.

I was talking about the PCR tests for Covid and you said they 100 Percent will tell you Covid- Not sure what other stuff your talking but easy on the "attack" word- Strange you're taking up for PCR covid testing but anti vax?! You're a rare one for sure.

Until the GOP changes from crappy RINOS- I'm not one.
So much this. His view isn’t far from what mine is. He cites things that aren’t even close to true and wants to shout at everyone about being a liberal who doesn’t agree with him. Exact thing a liberal would do.
Name one thing I've stated that's wrong. You're whole issue is you took the shots and got upset when I called them out as being harmful. Seems we are galaxies away from the same page.

What The biggest thing you think I've stated that's false?
Um what?

I’ve always stated the vaccine is something you should talk to your primary care about. While I think they are helpful they may not be for everyone.

You can check my post history on that.

The side effects of the vaccine that you are worried about are also the main complications of when you get SARS-CoV2.
Wrong. You're stating Sars-
Cov2 gives you myocarditis,
Strokes, female sterility, stillborns, miscarriages, blood clotting, ADE Like we are seeing since these experimental shots rolled out? Really?
I'm sure not a GOP- and we agree on a lot I have never been even vax hesitant but this BS rollout has made me 100 percent anti vax now.

I was talking about the PCR tests for Covid and you said they 100 Percent will tell you Covid- Not sure what other stuff your talking but easy on the "attack" word- Strange you're taking up for PCR covid testing but anti vax?! You're a rare one for sure.

Until the GOP changes from crappy RINOS- I'm not one.
1. I said they are 99.8% accurate. I was wrong. They are 96.8% accurate. I then went on to say:
“If the molecular PCR tests from Cepheid, Roche and Abbott say you have COVID you have COVID.” I stand by this up to an 3.2% error rate which is clinically within acceptable parameters.
So you are trying to twist my words, can’t read, or are just an idiot (I’m leaning towards this).

2. Yes, I’m 100% taking up for the right PCR tests. They are the most accurate you’ll find. Period. This has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine. That’s a completely different conversation.

In summary, you are either just an antagonist, completely stupid or just a fvcking douchebag. Probably all 3, and I’m am sad that you lack the intelligence and reasoning to differentiate any of these arguments because you have grossly convoluted the facts.

I hope you are a troll. If you are an OSU grad then our University failed. You are nothing but inflammatory and combative, with nothing but useless Google facts to back up any of your statements. Nothing is more fitting than this famous quote.

“At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this message board is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”
So you blindly have faith the government and politicians ALWAYS have the people's best interests?

If you actually feel the government and politicians always have your best interests in mind, I would encourage you watch the full 2-minute video below. I would also encourage you to speak to some AFRICAN AMERICANS (about the Tuskegee experiments, etc) or former MILITARY personnel (who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc) who were used as GUINEA PIGS and LAB RATS by the government.

Great thing about all of this junk you post is that I could find just as many neatly prepared and fully convincable videos, likely from many of the same sites, that explain how there's a pedo ring in a pizza parlor basement, how Trump is the savior of the universe and will be re-installed as leader of the world on 20 Jan 21, how the kindergarteners that got slain in the school shooting it was all just a media hoax, and how it was really a missile that hit the Pentagon, not a plane.

Trash on the internet is trash on the internet. And all you are posting is trash.
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