Covid-19 Vaccine Discussion

Have you gotten a vaccine? If not, are you doing something else?

  • Yes, the Pfizer vaccine.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Yes, the Moderna vaccine.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Yes, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Maybe, I'm considering getting one of the vaccines.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, already had Covid-19 and have antibodies.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No, I'm taking a vitamin regimen.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No, I'm taking or planning to take Ivermectin if I get sick.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No, I'm taking or planning to take hydroxychloroquine plus zinc if I get sick.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, something not listed above.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2001
I have chosen, on principle, not to share my medical history publicly. I support vaccine choice (not mandates), voluntary masks indoors (not mandates), ivermectin, vitamin regimens, but ultimately I support each individuals RIGHT for choice, RIGHT for autonomy, and RIGHT to question what is objectively an unprecedented rollout with inherent risks (per CDC’s own Informed Consent advisory). However, I am convinced this cavalier new habit of waving around our private medical data (which is a violation of HIPAA laws) is leading somewhere NONE of us truly desires.

1) If you are considering getting vaccinated, please read some of the articles and videos on this message board (informed consent) before clicking the link below to schedule your vaccine.

2) If you want to take ivermectin, great! Click the link below to learn more.

3) If you want to take vitamins to boost your immune system, great! Click the link below to learn more.

In other words, there isn't only one option. Hopefully everyone is doing their own research to make the best decision for their family (informed consent) and should not feel pressured or forced into any decision.
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Some people have been skeptical and apprehensive over the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine and here's why.

1) Did you know the fastest vaccine that was ever developed previously was the mumps vaccine? IT TOOK OVER 4 YEARS TO DEVELOP. As you can imagine, one of the most concerning facts about these vaccines is how quickly they were created. According to the article below, the Pfizer vaccine was created "in just a few hours in mid-January" (by 2 people) and the Moderna vaccine was created in "just two days."

2) The checkered history of these pharmaceutical companies. Did you know in 2009, Pfizer's shell company agreed to pay $2,300,000,000 which was the LARGEST HEALTHCARE FRAUD SETTLEMENT in the history of the Department of Justice. The CNN video below does a great job explaining BIG PHARMA's corruption and the federal government's role in the cover up. The scary thing about these Covid-19 vaccines is these companies cannot be sued. Additionally, major symptoms may not show up for 5 to 10 years, which is why it typically takes 10-15 for most vaccines to be approved.

3) The HUGE profit incentive for these companies to create a vaccine (with a liability waiver). Just look at each pharmaceutical companies net worth before they created the vaccine versus after. Did you know Moderna had NEVER previously brought a vaccine to market since it's founding? This is despite fielding more than +9 vaccine candidates, none had ever made it past phase 3 trials until the rushed emergency authorized Covid-19 vaccine. Moderna saw its market capitalization increase from $6.6 billion in December 2019 to about $112,000,000,000 as of 12/21/21. In comparison, Pfizer’s market cap in December 2019 was $205 billion and grew to $342,000,000,000 as of 12/21/21.

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I know the mRNA technology being around for years for cancer treatment (to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells) and they have been STUDYING mRNA vaccines, but this is the FIRST TIME it has actually been used on HUMANS on a large scale outside of trials. This is straight off the CDC website.

mRNA vaccines are a NEW type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. NOT mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA technology for decades. As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine.

1) Here's a great explanation of our DNA from a Biblical perspective and a warning about mRNA.

2) Dr Ryan Cole runs one of the largest independent laboratories in the state of Idaho. He is a Mayo clinic trained board certified pathologist. In the video below, he explains the science behind what happens after you get the mRNA vaccine and how it differs from all previous vaccines.

3) Here's a video straight from Dr Fauci's lips explaining the truth about the safety of the mRNA vaccines.

4) The inventor of mRNA Dr Robert Malone reveals stunning truths about the vaccine and confirms what Dr Fauci says above.

5) Here's the full 3 hour interview of Dr Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA) by Joe Rogan that has gone viral. Dr Malone has been banned by Twitter because he has raised concerns about these mRNA vaccines. In the first part of this video, Dr Malone lists his impressive credentials.

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Most vaccines take 10-15 years to be approved by the FDA. In the article below, it says vaccine development is a long, complex process, often involving a combination of public and private sectors.

Here's another link saying it typically takes 10 to 15 years to develop a vaccine and does a great job of breaking down the whole process.

In the next link, you'll find how long it took to develop 12 other vaccines in history.

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Have you ever wondered how Pfizer has shielded and hidden the number of lawsuits from the general public? The earlier video from CNN includes an interview with Anderson Cooper to further explain BIG PHARMA's corruption. If you think the video was faked, here's the article from CNN and I quote "Imagine being charged with a crime, but an imaginary friend takes the rap for you."

Below is the link to the Justice Department's website with an explanation of this monumental lawsuit. It also explains how Pfizer agreed to pay $2,300,000,000, which was the LARGEST HEALTHCARE FRAUD SETTLEMENT in the history of the Department of Justice. Never forget, the primary function of these pharmacistical companies is to MAKE MONEY (NOT protect your health).

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Here's an OAN broadcast showing actual ADVERSE EFFECTS by those who haven taken the Covid-19 vaccine.

Here's a taped video of a conference call by the FDA. Eye opening revelations discussed. And remember if you are going to have an adverse reaction to these vaccines it's typically within a few days after the shot. Also something to note, if you die after the first shot or even after the second shot within 14 days you are still considered an unvaccinated death (per the CDC's website).

After FDA Says it Can Release COVID-19 Vaccine Data by 2097 (75 years), Judge Says They Have 8 Months (as of January 9, 2022).

Did you know the INJURY RATE from the vaccine is almost identical to the DEATH RATE for those who get Covid-19?

By the way, check out what I found on the CDC website. Did you know they've been recording vaccination deaths since the year 1920? Did you know there were 269 vaccine related deaths prior to the year 2020? However, in the year 2020 after the Covid-19 vaccines began their small scale trials there were 210 deaths reported to the CDC.

In late 2020, the Pfizer vaccine was the first to get the "Emergency Use Authorization" on December 11, 2020. This was followed by Moderna on December 18th and Johnson & Johnson on February 27th. This "Emergency Use Authorization" does NOT mean it has been approved.

Just because the pharmaceutical companies are rushing to get full approval doesn't mean they have your best interests in mind (their main purpose is to make money) and they won't know all of the side effects for years. In 1976 they pulled the swine flu vaccine because over 500 people showed major side effects and 25 people died.

Did you know since the beginning of the year 2021 there have been a total of 3692 vaccine related deaths reported to the CDC as of May 2021? To look up this information on your own you can go directly to the CDC website by clicking below.

A few lines down, click on the link called "Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)."

Once you click that link, you'll have to scroll down the page to find the following text titled "Download VAERS Data and search the CDC WONDER database."

On the next page you'll have to scroll down to find the link titled "Download VAERS data" and click the box "I have read and understand the disclaimer" to download the data. If you'd like a direct link to this data without having to follow all the instructions above, you can click the link below.

Next you'll need to scroll down the page to find the year 2021 and click the link for "CSV File (VAERS DATA)," which is a 148.10 MB file. You need to do a verification word on the next screen and click "Download File."
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For those of you who are not familiar with VAERS, it is a self reporting system that is far from error free. However, many believe the numbers are vastly under reported. Most experts have stated the VAERS data likely only contains about 10% of the actual cases because most people don't know the website exists, or don't know the website address or how to navigate the site, or just want to put the whole experience behind them and move on with their life.

For example, I have a family member whose husband nearly died from blood clots days after taking the J&J vaccine. His hospitalization was never reported in the news even though his doctors tried to get the word out. It was around the same time the news came out about the 6 women with blood clots. Due to this information about the J&J vaccine only affecting women, many people doubted his condition being a result of the vaccine and said it couldn't be happening to a man. Eventually, this number actually ended up being 28 KNOWN OR REPORTED CASES including women AND men by early May. This information was quietly released by the CDC and not really reported by many major media outlets.

By the way, my cousin's husband is an extremely healthy 40-year-old with no prior history of any health issues. Within days after taking the shot he was in the hospital in the critical care unit with blood clots. He is not the only person that we know that had an adverse reaction from the shot and had to be hospitalized.

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Here's what the Biden administration told the American public before and after the vaccine mandate.

Joe Biden said, "I wouldn't demand them to be mandatory."

Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, "Can we mandate vaccines across the country? No that's not a role of the federal government I think even has the power to make."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, "We cannot require somebody to be vaccinated."

Dr Anthony Fauci said, "It would be unenforceable and not appropriate."

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I am concerned these vaccine mandates will NOT stop once the employees at these companies (with +100 employees) are vaccinated or fired. Due to this government mandate, there's probably going to be a lot of fake vaccine passports. What do you think the next step will be by the government? What if there is a push for chips to be implanted into your body so all vaccine information can be tracked and cannot be faked? Will you be okay with that mandate or other future mandates?

Additionally, we are already heading towards mandated vaccine passports to buy groceries, go to restaurants, fly in an airplane, attend school, attend concerts, attend sporting events, go to work, and just about anything. Do you see where this is heading? Eventually, nationwide vaccine mandates will be at your doorstep. Do you think this could never happen in America? Unfortunately, all you need to do is look at Australia and New Zealand.

For anyone who hasn't read their Bible in a long time, you may want to read these verses about the end times.

Revelation 13:16-17 = It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not BUY or SELL unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 2:10 = “Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into PRISON to test you. You will suffer for 10 days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 = But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of DIFFICULTY. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Matthew 10:21‭-‬22 = “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

APRIL 30, 2020
Deluded anti-vaxxers already peddling dangerous theories about covid vaccine claiming it’s a plot to microchip the world.

DECEMBER 21, 2021
Tech firm develops microchip that can be implanted in your arm to track Covid vaccine status with just a cell phone scan.
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As of July 2021, the White House was pushing for everyone to be vaccinated, but they were NOT willing to do it themselves OR provide information on the percentage of staff members who are vaccinated. Isn't that a red flag? Here's the actual full clip from the White House YouTube account from July 23, 2021. You'll need to go to 35:22 to 42:18.

I hate the double standard. The vaccine mandate applies to American businesses over 100 employees, but there is NO vaccine mandate for migrants crossing the border. That makes so much sense. Additionally, Congress and their staff are NOT required to take the vaccine.

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Part of the reason why so many people believe the lies about the Covid-19 vaccine (i.e. vaccinated people can't get the virus, vaccinated people don't carry the virus and won't transmit the virus, vaccinated people are protecting themselves and protecting others, vaccinated people will not get sick or be hospitalized or die, vaccinated people don't need to wear a mask, etc) is because information like this gets taken down immediately and labeled misinformation. Good old communist style censorship, even though these are just WORD-FOR-WORD clips from each of these individuals (i.e. Fauci, Bill Gates, CDC director, US President, etc).

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Did you know what illegal immigrants & refugees are required to take? If you guessed the Covid-19 vaccine you are incorrect. However, if you guessed ivermectin you are correct! If you click on the link below, scroll down about a quarter of the page to the section titled "Summary of Recommendations."

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Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment

I bet you're wondering how that turned out for INDIA.

1) Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low

2) HUGE: Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN

Here are the actual case numbers for India (from the WHO website). Notice the huge difference when they implemented Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine with zinc in May of 2021.

So ask yourself this question, why is a third world country like India doing so well? Why is America (where we have 10x better health care) doing so poorly? And just in case you're wondering, India has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the entire world.

2,738,957 May 3rd
630,650 June 7th
291,789 July 5th
278,631 August 2nd
248,248 September 6th
139,572 October 4th
82,236 November 1st
57,255 December 6th
6,563 December 20th

Estimated India Population (4x US)
= 1,300,000,000

291,508 May 3rd
99,426 June 7th
286,483 July 5th
741,875 August 2nd
1,020,839 September 6th
680,863 October 4th
508,969 November 1st
831,799 December 6th
1,409,973 December 20th

Estimated US Population (1/4 India)
= 331,000,000

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Natural immunity (from those who have gotten Covid-19) has shown to be 27 times more potent than the vaccine and this natural immunity can last years.

Currently, there's are 31,000 people working at the NIH and CDC collectively with a total budget of $58,000,000,000. However, this type of valuable research on natural immunity must be paid for from the private sector. So ask yourself why the NIH or CDC are not putting any resources towards this research? Listen to congressman Jim Jordan question Dr Makary in this short 3-minute video.

Here's a good explanation of the differences between natural immunity and vaccinated immunity.

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Did you hear about the Royal Caribbean cruise where it was required for everybody on the ship to be fully vaccinated? It turns out that 55 fully vaccinated crew members and passengers contracted Covid-19 only days after the ship had set sail from Fort Lauderdale.

So if there was a contraceptive vaccine, but after taking it you could still get a woman pregnant and you still had to wear a condom... would you still take it?

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I don't understand how people just take what is said in the mainstream media as gospel without doing any research. I do know it's hard to do the research because there's so much censorship going on.

On a similar note, did anyone recently see where Facebook admitted their censorship was based on OPINION and not fact? They actually admitted that in court due to a lawsuit from journalist John Stossel.

What I also don't understand is how any American is okay with any type of First Amendment censorship? Without the First Amendment, we wouldn't have the freedoms we enjoy today.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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Dr David Martin explains why the vaccine mandate is illegal and cites under 21 code of federal regulations 50.23 and 50.24 it is illegal to make anybody participate in an experimental program using coercion, which is a civil violation of the law and breaks the Nuremberg Code. Additionally, under 18 US code section 2331 subsection 802 it states that it is illegal when a citizen is forced to do something they would not otherwise do. This is considered coercion and domestic terrorism. If a person at a company mandating the vaccine is found to be guilty of coercion, it is a felony and carries a 99 year prison sentence.

Are the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code? This code has a ten point statement to help determine the limits of permissible medical experimentation on human subjects. Here are some interesting points from the 10.

1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of CHOICE, without the intervention of any element of FORCE, FRAUD, DECEIT, DURESS, OVER-REACHING, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision (a forced vaccine mandate is NOT voluntary consent).

2) The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, NOT capable of being obtained by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature (which means there cannot be any other treatment options. However, ivermectin has been shown to decrease the viral load on patients by 99.8% after 24 hours. Plus there are multiple other treatment options).

3) The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment (no animal experimentation was done).

5) No experiment should be conducted where there is an a prior reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects (check out the VAERS link on the CDC website).
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I didn't believe this was true, so I went directly to the CDC website to verify this information with my own eyes. Did you know if you are hospitalized and die, but still had the first of two Covid-19 vaccine shots, your death will be reported as an UNVACCINATED DEATH? Additionally, even if you had the second shot and die 13 days after the second shot it will still be reported as an UNVACCINATED DEATH. There is no reason why the CDC cannot separate the data between the unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and fully vaccinated. Can you see how combining the data for the unvaccinated and partially vaccinated is misleading and how it is being used to manipulate the public to justify the vaccine mandate? The following information is directly from the CDC website. You will want to scroll down the page past the Summary and below the list of names.

Monitoring Incidence of Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, By Vaccination Status (released September 10, 2021).

A person is ONLY considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 two weeks after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) or two weeks after receipt of the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. People who have a contraindication to vaccination or who otherwise do not complete the full vaccination series are NOT CONSIDERED FULLY VACCINATED.

Weekly age-specific incidences by vaccination status were calculated as the number of cases, hospitalizations, or deaths divided by the number of persons either FULLY VACCINATED or NOT FULLY VACCINATED (obtained by subtracting the number of FULLY VACCINATED persons from total population estimates). Incidence Rate Ratios (IRR's) were calculated by dividing the incidence among persons NOT FULLY VACCINATED by that among FULLY VACCINATED persons;

During April 4–July 17, a total of 569,142 (92%) COVID-19 cases, 34,972 (92%) hospitalizations, and 6,132 (91%) COVID-19–associated deaths were reported among persons NOT FULLY VACCINATED, and 46,312 (8%) cases, 2,976 (8%) hospitalizations, and 616 (9%) deaths were reported among FULLY VACCINATED persons in the 13 jurisdictions.

The CDC believes the data might be helpful in communicating to the public the real-time impact of vaccines (i.e. persons NOT FULLY VACCINATED having 10 times higher COVID-19 mortality risk) and guiding prevention strategies, such as vaccination and nonpharmacologic interventions.

The findings in this report are subject to at least five limitations. First, COMBINING UNVACCINATED AND PARTIALLY VACCINATED persons resulted in lower IRR and VE estimates. Second, variable linkage of case surveillance, vaccination, hospitalization, and mortality data might have resulted in MISCLASSIFICATIONS that could influence IRR estimates;

A sensitivity analysis examined the impact of excluding PARTIALLY VACCINATED persons from IRRs using data available from nine jurisdictions. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.

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So are the increasing hospitalizations really coming from the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated? What if the majority of those in the hospitals are the partially vaccinated? As I've stated in a previous post above, there is no reason why the CDC cannot separate these numbers and report this information separately to the public. Counting the unvaccinated and the partially vaccinated TOGETHER AS THE UNVACCINATED (for only deaths and hospitalizations) is very misleading and borderline fraudulent.

Do you want to know another interesting fact? Why does the CDC report the percentage of the population that has been vaccinated differently? Did you know the CDC combines the partially vaccinated and the fully vaccinated to come up with the percentage of the population that has taken the vaccine? Could it be they are trying to create a narrative that goes like this, "Hey, everybody's getting the vaccine and so should you." To me, this is fudging the numbers AGAIN to fit a very specific narrative and it is very misleading and borderline fraudulent. There is no reason why the CDC cannot report the percentage of the population that is unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and fully vaccinated.

To find and verify this information for yourself, click on the link below. You'll need to scroll halfway down the page to the section titled "Percent of the Population" and find where it says "Represents the percent of people receiving at least one dose and the percent of people who are fully vaccinated."

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In the video below, Dr David Martin explains the connection between the CDC, NIH, coronavirus patents (starting in 1999), Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the Wuhan lab, etc.

One of the most alarming things he uncovered were coronavirus patents. However, you CANNOT patent anything made in nature. Additionally, you CANNOT patent a bio weapon. Both are illegal, but somehow these patents on coronavirus still exist.

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Here's a video by Tucker Carlson on FOX and Alex Jones on Info Wars about Anthony Fauci's role at the in this pandemic (as the NIAID director), Francis Collins (the NIH director), Peter Daisic (the president of the New York City-based company EcoHealth Alliance), Shi Zhengli (the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s premier bat coronavirus researcher aka "the bat lady"), etc.

And here's a good write-up by the New York Post trying to connect all the dots.

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Dr Fauci opening statement to Congress in 2012 on the risk and benefit of dual research (aka gain of function research).

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Dr Fauci tries to play stupid, but slips up (between 1:08-1:23). He admits the SARS S1 spike from a lab in North Carolina doing gain of function research funded by the NIH, matches the Covid-19 spike (he says, "Yeah, but that is irrelevant!")

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Dr Fauci admits in 2018 the NIH was lifting the funding pause (i.e. ban) regarding gain of function research.

In this speech, Fauci happens to point out and make very clear, "We have no control over things not funded by the government." Why is this important? Well, previously when there was a stoppage of gain of function research the NIH started funding Peter Daisic at EcoHealth Alliance (a private company) who was working with American Ralph Baric (a professor at North Carolina) and Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli (at the Wuhan Institute of Virology) on gain of function research.

In the following video from March 28, 2016, Peter Daisic explains the exact process of creating a VIRUS LIKE SARS-COV-2 with his colleagues from China (a.k.a. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology).

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Dr Anthony Fauci is grilled by senator Rand Paul regarding gain of function research by American Ralph Baric (a professor at North Carolina) and Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli (the premier bat coronavirus researcher aka "the bat lady" at the Wuhan Institute of Virology), and funding by Peter Daisic at EcoHealth Alliance. Listen to Fauci lie under oath to Congress about gain of function funding from the NIH to the Wuhan lab.

Dr Fauci argues with Senator Rand Paul about the definition of gain of function research in November of 2021. Rand Paul ends the debate with "History will figure that out on its own."

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EVENT 201 was a tabletop exercise that simulated a global pandemic, which resulted from a new coronavirus. The program was hosted in October 18, 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Later that same month, there was a universal flu vaccine discussion at the Milken Institute on October, 29th 2019. The main speakers on the panel include Anthony Fauci who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Margaret Hamburg the former FDA commissioner. Here are some interesting clips from that discussion.

Here's the full 1 hour video if you're interested in watching the whole discussion.

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I highly encourage each of you to watch this 2-hour special by Glenn Beck before it is permanently taken down. You don't have to watch it all at once and would encourage you to break it up over 2-3 days. It will blow your mind about the origins of Covid-19. It shows many of the emails and documents which were uncovered by multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

To make it easier to watch, you can pull it up on your main TV using the YouTube app. It is truly unbelievable how many OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS from the CDC, NIH, etc they have been able to obtain to put together a timeline of events with all of the main characters (Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Ralph Baric, Peter Daisic, etc) and their involvement in this monumental and historic cover-up. They also make available all of these official documents on their website. Wow!
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The following video is an interview with Dr Judy Mikovits. She calls out the corruption by Big Pharma, Dr Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the NIH (who is the largest entity who gives out billions of grant money), NIAID, CDC, and the FDA (which holds many lucrative patents).

The following video is an interview with Dr David Martin. He calls out the corruption of the WHO, brings up questions about Event 201, and explains the connection between the CDC, NIH, coronavirus patents (starting in 1999), Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and the Wuhan lab.

PLANDEMIC 3 (Trailer)

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What really happened in Wuhan? The Sky News documentary helps connect the dots and includes interviews from President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.

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Project Veritas has obtained military documents from DARPA about Gain of Function research. It proves Fauci's involvement and his lies to Congress under oath. It also outlines known treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

The sad thing is how some people try to discredit everything that doesn't fit their ideology. Even when there are world-renowned scientists and thousands of well respected and published doctors worldwide that are challenging Fauci and the CDC.

Then when a regular person tries to share that information these same people want it removed for misinformation (because that person sharing the information is not a doctor). Or even when the information later comes out of the mouths of the CDC and Fauci (or it is found in emails through FOIA requests), it still isn't believable because it was shared on TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Of course that makes a lot of sense to those same people.
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In the link below, Charlie Kirk sits down to interview Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Chris Martenson. They discuss what they've learned about early treatments, the results (good & bad), why the health system has failed us, vaccines, VAERS data, vitamins, what currently is working, and what is not working.

"The way you get past an infectious diseases is to get plenty of rest. You make sure you are not stressed out because you want your immune system is as tuned up as possible. Make sure your vitamin D levels are adequate and vitamin C levels are good. What we now know, you also want to make sure you have the appropriate levels of zinc and selenium. These are just basic over-the-counter things we now know work really really well." - Anthony Fauci 2019

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