Clean House in 2025


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: May 06, 2021 12:01 AM​

When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. Lots of people.

Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.

Just level it.

Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. He did not get it right until the end, and then it was far too late. There are two reasons for this. The first is that for all his iconoclasm, Trump used to believe in our institutions and it took him a while to see how totally corrupt they truly are. For years, he gave the NYT interviews even as it trashed him because, well, it was the Times and the Times was prestigious. For much of his term, he had that same kind of deference to establishment figures. He thought Rex Tillerson would be great because he was a rich head of a huge corporation. He thought generals were impressive because they had medals, and he famously got shafted by each and every one of them that he relied upon. He thought, for too long, that the DoJ and FBI and other agencies really had America’s interests at heart instead of the liberal establishment’s priorities.

It was all baloney.

They were all terrible, and they all worked ceaselessly to undermine and even imprison him. It was only at the end that Trump found trustworthy folks who would do their jobs instead of pursue outside agendas. For example, Trump’s third National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, was the best National Security Advisor maybe ever – gee, he only oversaw achieving peace in the Middle East – and the reason you might not recognize his name is because he never became the story like McMaster or Bolton. Mike Pompeo – who also will never be president, sorry – was likewise a loyal and effective Secretary of State. But it took almost four years to get the team on-board.

The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The Bush cabal had thousands of loyal obedient minions/potential staffers to call upon in the off-chance that hell froze over and Jeb! got elected to something other than “Most Likely to Fail.” Trump had no one to call. That’s a big part of why his administration was staffed with people who had zero loyalty and spent their time undermining him and his policies.

President De Santis will not have that problem – there’s a whole generation of experienced conservatives out there to call upon to staff his administration. And they will to be ready to separate the wheat form the chaff when they take up their places.

He needs to get to firing. And right away.

He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership.

He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime.

And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught.

He needs to fire whoever the idiot was at the CIA that decided that ad with Intersectional Sue was a good idea. “I’ll have a vodka, shaken not stirred. Oh, and my pronouns are ‘xir’ and ‘xem.’” Putin and Xi must be busting a gut right now.

Then there’s the Pentagon – there’s a lot of firing to be done there. Like the whole Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump was always impressed by generals. That was a huge mistake. DeSantis was in the Navy. He gets it. The next GOP prezzy needs to understand that by the time generals pin on that fourth star, they are all-in on the establishment. Why do you think they are so eager to invoke the woke? Because that’s who they are. Fire them. Then reach down in the ranks to find the guys who aren’t poisoned by leftism and promote them. And take a serious interest in who gets promoted in the future – don’t rubber stamp the promotion lists the Pentagon generates. Obama and Asterisk both understood that if you want a broken, woken military – which they do – you need to promote the lickspittles and suck-ups, not the Pattons. Do the opposite.

Then he needs to rampage through the rest of the bureaucracy, firing to and fro. The libs will howl – let them. MSNBCNN and the WaPo will scream that President DeSantis is creating a conservative bureaucracy – and he will be. Own it. We tried a neutral bureaucracy devoted to the country first and that didn’t work, so we'll take the second-best option, which is one that supports our policies.

Time to play by the new rules, and those are the new rules, folks – we didn’t make them, but we need to play by them.


Completely agree.......burn it all down.

Kurt Schlichter


Posted: May 06, 2021 12:01 AM​

When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. Lots of people.

Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.

Just level it.

Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. He did not get it right until the end, and then it was far too late. There are two reasons for this. The first is that for all his iconoclasm, Trump used to believe in our institutions and it took him a while to see how totally corrupt they truly are. For years, he gave the NYT interviews even as it trashed him because, well, it was the Times and the Times was prestigious. For much of his term, he had that same kind of deference to establishment figures. He thought Rex Tillerson would be great because he was a rich head of a huge corporation. He thought generals were impressive because they had medals, and he famously got shafted by each and every one of them that he relied upon. He thought, for too long, that the DoJ and FBI and other agencies really had America’s interests at heart instead of the liberal establishment’s priorities.

It was all baloney.

They were all terrible, and they all worked ceaselessly to undermine and even imprison him. It was only at the end that Trump found trustworthy folks who would do their jobs instead of pursue outside agendas. For example, Trump’s third National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, was the best National Security Advisor maybe ever – gee, he only oversaw achieving peace in the Middle East – and the reason you might not recognize his name is because he never became the story like McMaster or Bolton. Mike Pompeo – who also will never be president, sorry – was likewise a loyal and effective Secretary of State. But it took almost four years to get the team on-board.

The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The Bush cabal had thousands of loyal obedient minions/potential staffers to call upon in the off-chance that hell froze over and Jeb! got elected to something other than “Most Likely to Fail.” Trump had no one to call. That’s a big part of why his administration was staffed with people who had zero loyalty and spent their time undermining him and his policies.

President De Santis will not have that problem – there’s a whole generation of experienced conservatives out there to call upon to staff his administration. And they will to be ready to separate the wheat form the chaff when they take up their places.

He needs to get to firing. And right away.

He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership.

He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime.

And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught.

He needs to fire whoever the idiot was at the CIA that decided that ad with Intersectional Sue was a good idea. “I’ll have a vodka, shaken not stirred. Oh, and my pronouns are ‘xir’ and ‘xem.’” Putin and Xi must be busting a gut right now.

Then there’s the Pentagon – there’s a lot of firing to be done there. Like the whole Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump was always impressed by generals. That was a huge mistake. DeSantis was in the Navy. He gets it. The next GOP prezzy needs to understand that by the time generals pin on that fourth star, they are all-in on the establishment. Why do you think they are so eager to invoke the woke? Because that’s who they are. Fire them. Then reach down in the ranks to find the guys who aren’t poisoned by leftism and promote them. And take a serious interest in who gets promoted in the future – don’t rubber stamp the promotion lists the Pentagon generates. Obama and Asterisk both understood that if you want a broken, woken military – which they do – you need to promote the lickspittles and suck-ups, not the Pattons. Do the opposite.

Then he needs to rampage through the rest of the bureaucracy, firing to and fro. The libs will howl – let them. MSNBCNN and the WaPo will scream that President DeSantis is creating a conservative bureaucracy – and he will be. Own it. We tried a neutral bureaucracy devoted to the country first and that didn’t work, so we'll take the second-best option, which is one that supports our policies.

Time to play by the new rules, and those are the new rules, folks – we didn’t make them, but we need to play by them.


Completely agree.......burn it all down.
Greatest post ever- great point about Trump trusting the institutions of DC. Hire bankers, plumbers, businessmen., housewives- anyone but evil scum that has been in Washington for prob more than a year. Sans Nunes, Jim Jordan, MTG and a handful.

Swamp people begat swamp people- agree...burn it ALL down
While I completely agree that will be damn near impossible to accomplish for a couple of reasons. Finding the number of people with the right talent, experience and knowledge, while at the same time willing to put the country above their own interest will be a huge challenge. Let's be honest, power corrupts. Then Democrats and their propaganda arm in the MSM will scream "Dictatorship" and the dumbass sheep will do what ever in the hell they are told. Unless Desantis or whoever is President is willing to immediately to put down riots/looting with deadly force the sheep will cause chaos across the country.
Remember leftist have been working towards the total take over of this country for almost 120 years. With the election of Obama they thought they were there, which is why they went scorched earth against Trump. If a President were to wipe out all the loyalist leftist in government they left may start a civil war to regain their power. Unlike those on the left we need to think about the consequences of every decision, plan accordingly and be prepared for the inevitable leftist revolt over the slightest of things.
If I were elected president, the first thing I would do is immediately initiate the relocation of federal agency HQs out of D.C. and spread them across the states (Red and Blue alike) closer to their real constituents. In doing so, I would likely not even have to fire many existing employees, as I doubt most of the bureaucrats will appreciate having to live in Madison, WI or Boise City, ID. And then I'd rezone D.C. to only include remaining government buildings and return all residency space (besides the White House) to Maryland and Virginia (thus resolving the concern of taxation without representation for those living in D.C.). Looking at the politicization of government orgs that are external to D.C. (such as the FAA) vs. those HQed in D.C. clearly demonstrates the value of decentralization in regards to reducing the political influence of those orgs.

Kurt Schlichter


Posted: May 06, 2021 12:01 AM​

When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. Lots of people.

Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.

Just level it.

Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. He did not get it right until the end, and then it was far too late. There are two reasons for this. The first is that for all his iconoclasm, Trump used to believe in our institutions and it took him a while to see how totally corrupt they truly are. For years, he gave the NYT interviews even as it trashed him because, well, it was the Times and the Times was prestigious. For much of his term, he had that same kind of deference to establishment figures. He thought Rex Tillerson would be great because he was a rich head of a huge corporation. He thought generals were impressive because they had medals, and he famously got shafted by each and every one of them that he relied upon. He thought, for too long, that the DoJ and FBI and other agencies really had America’s interests at heart instead of the liberal establishment’s priorities.

It was all baloney.

They were all terrible, and they all worked ceaselessly to undermine and even imprison him. It was only at the end that Trump found trustworthy folks who would do their jobs instead of pursue outside agendas. For example, Trump’s third National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, was the best National Security Advisor maybe ever – gee, he only oversaw achieving peace in the Middle East – and the reason you might not recognize his name is because he never became the story like McMaster or Bolton. Mike Pompeo – who also will never be president, sorry – was likewise a loyal and effective Secretary of State. But it took almost four years to get the team on-board.

The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The Bush cabal had thousands of loyal obedient minions/potential staffers to call upon in the off-chance that hell froze over and Jeb! got elected to something other than “Most Likely to Fail.” Trump had no one to call. That’s a big part of why his administration was staffed with people who had zero loyalty and spent their time undermining him and his policies.

President De Santis will not have that problem – there’s a whole generation of experienced conservatives out there to call upon to staff his administration. And they will to be ready to separate the wheat form the chaff when they take up their places.

He needs to get to firing. And right away.

He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership.

He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime.

And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught.

He needs to fire whoever the idiot was at the CIA that decided that ad with Intersectional Sue was a good idea. “I’ll have a vodka, shaken not stirred. Oh, and my pronouns are ‘xir’ and ‘xem.’” Putin and Xi must be busting a gut right now.

Then there’s the Pentagon – there’s a lot of firing to be done there. Like the whole Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump was always impressed by generals. That was a huge mistake. DeSantis was in the Navy. He gets it. The next GOP prezzy needs to understand that by the time generals pin on that fourth star, they are all-in on the establishment. Why do you think they are so eager to invoke the woke? Because that’s who they are. Fire them. Then reach down in the ranks to find the guys who aren’t poisoned by leftism and promote them. And take a serious interest in who gets promoted in the future – don’t rubber stamp the promotion lists the Pentagon generates. Obama and Asterisk both understood that if you want a broken, woken military – which they do – you need to promote the lickspittles and suck-ups, not the Pattons. Do the opposite.

Then he needs to rampage through the rest of the bureaucracy, firing to and fro. The libs will howl – let them. MSNBCNN and the WaPo will scream that President DeSantis is creating a conservative bureaucracy – and he will be. Own it. We tried a neutral bureaucracy devoted to the country first and that didn’t work, so we'll take the second-best option, which is one that supports our policies.

Time to play by the new rules, and those are the new rules, folks – we didn’t make them, but we need to play by them.


Completely agree.......burn it all down.
I seriously don't think we make it that long before it's over. I hope Florida (where everyone is flocking to) get Texas and then rest of the states will follow to cull DC out of the picture- keep all the taxes in states hands- I REALLY think its to that point.

Sadly Texas has Austin which is purposefully taken over basically by leftist- so it will be a chore.

DC is 100 percent too far gone to fix- I don't think anyone except extreme leftist would argue that
Any republican who gets elected will automatically have every government employee working against them for their own self preservation. Government workers are like cancer cells, all they care about is growing bigger.

Everyone forgets that government has one goal: Its not helping its people or society. Its not collecting taxes and resolving disputes. Its self-preservation. Period. Thus it only ever grows bigger. It never shrinks.
If I were elected president, the first thing I would do is immediately initiate the relocation of federal agency HQs out of D.C. and spread them across the states (Red and Blue alike) closer to their real constituents. In doing so, I would likely not even have to fire many existing employees, as I doubt most of the bureaucrats will appreciate having to live in Madison, WI or Boise City, ID. And then I'd rezone D.C. to only include remaining government buildings and return all residency space (besides the White House) to Maryland and Virginia (thus resolving the concern of taxation without representation for those living in D.C.). Looking at the politicization of government orgs that are external to D.C. (such as the FAA) vs. those HQed in D.C. clearly demonstrates the value of decentralization in regards to reducing the political influence of those orgs.
Agree- all states reps and senators must come back to the states and never step foot back into DC
I seriously don't think we make it that long before it's over. I hope Florida (where everyone is flocking to) get Texas and then rest of the states will follow to cull DC out of the picture- keep all the taxes in states hands- I REALLY think its to that point.

Sadly Texas has Austin which is purposefully taken over basically by leftist- so it will be a chore.

DC is 100 percent too far gone to fix- I don't think anyone except extreme leftist would argue that

I agree D.C. is too far gone to fix. Hence why my fix above isn't about fixing D.C. but rather exiting it for all but the President, Congress, and the SC.
I agree D.C. is too far gone to fix. Hence why my fix above isn't about fixing D.C. but rather exiting it for all but the President, Congress, and the SC.
Are we sure supremes haven't been compromised also? That one is for sure up for debate
Everything needs to leave DC- one could even argue Prez- Mar a Lago good spot for Prez
Disagree. The whole premise of having D.C. was that no state ruled over the President and Congress. So the President, Congress, and the SC should stay there. As for the SC being compromised, given its members are appointed by presidents, their biases are well-documented from the start. In the old days of 60 votes for confirmation, you could keep out the extremists from either party. But alas, that died to political partisanship.
Disagree. The whole premise of having D.C. was that no state ruled over the President and Congress. So the President, Congress, and the SC should stay there. As for the SC being compromised, given its members are appointed by presidents, their biases are well-documented from the start. In the old days of 60 votes for confirmation, you could keep out the extremists from either party. But alas, that died to political partisanship.
I'm gonna disagee
At least on Congress- they represent us (supposed to) they need to stay in the states- they have zoom for other stuff. Reason I feel this way is how corrupt- how horribly evil scum vile DC is- NOTHING is safe there. I'm still saying Senate and Reps go home, Prez goes elsewhere so they can tear down DC- it's that bad.
I'm gonna disagee
At least on Congress- they represent us (supposed to) they need to stay in the states- they have zoom for other stuff. Reason I feel this way is how corrupt- how horribly evil scum vile DC is- NOTHING is safe there. I'm still saying Senate and Reps go home, Prez goes elsewhere so they can tear down DC- it's that bad.
The states to a lot of extent as we saw in the last election are very badly compromised as well, but at least if all our representatives are back here in the states they would be easier to keep an eye on

p. Heck no one can even visit the capital anymore it's surrounded by Barbwire fencing, how bad is that?
I'm gonna disagee
At least on Congress- they represent us (supposed to) they need to stay in the states- they have zoom for other stuff. Reason I feel this way is how corrupt- how horribly evil scum vile DC is- NOTHING is safe there. I'm still saying Senate and Reps go home, Prez goes elsewhere so they can tear down DC- it's that bad.

I would settle for repealing the 17th amendment.

Kurt Schlichter


Posted: May 06, 2021 12:01 AM​

When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. Lots of people.

Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.

Just level it.

Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. He did not get it right until the end, and then it was far too late. There are two reasons for this. The first is that for all his iconoclasm, Trump used to believe in our institutions and it took him a while to see how totally corrupt they truly are. For years, he gave the NYT interviews even as it trashed him because, well, it was the Times and the Times was prestigious. For much of his term, he had that same kind of deference to establishment figures. He thought Rex Tillerson would be great because he was a rich head of a huge corporation. He thought generals were impressive because they had medals, and he famously got shafted by each and every one of them that he relied upon. He thought, for too long, that the DoJ and FBI and other agencies really had America’s interests at heart instead of the liberal establishment’s priorities.

It was all baloney.

They were all terrible, and they all worked ceaselessly to undermine and even imprison him. It was only at the end that Trump found trustworthy folks who would do their jobs instead of pursue outside agendas. For example, Trump’s third National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, was the best National Security Advisor maybe ever – gee, he only oversaw achieving peace in the Middle East – and the reason you might not recognize his name is because he never became the story like McMaster or Bolton. Mike Pompeo – who also will never be president, sorry – was likewise a loyal and effective Secretary of State. But it took almost four years to get the team on-board.

The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The Bush cabal had thousands of loyal obedient minions/potential staffers to call upon in the off-chance that hell froze over and Jeb! got elected to something other than “Most Likely to Fail.” Trump had no one to call. That’s a big part of why his administration was staffed with people who had zero loyalty and spent their time undermining him and his policies.

President De Santis will not have that problem – there’s a whole generation of experienced conservatives out there to call upon to staff his administration. And they will to be ready to separate the wheat form the chaff when they take up their places.

He needs to get to firing. And right away.

He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership.

He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime.

And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught.

He needs to fire whoever the idiot was at the CIA that decided that ad with Intersectional Sue was a good idea. “I’ll have a vodka, shaken not stirred. Oh, and my pronouns are ‘xir’ and ‘xem.’” Putin and Xi must be busting a gut right now.

Then there’s the Pentagon – there’s a lot of firing to be done there. Like the whole Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump was always impressed by generals. That was a huge mistake. DeSantis was in the Navy. He gets it. The next GOP prezzy needs to understand that by the time generals pin on that fourth star, they are all-in on the establishment. Why do you think they are so eager to invoke the woke? Because that’s who they are. Fire them. Then reach down in the ranks to find the guys who aren’t poisoned by leftism and promote them. And take a serious interest in who gets promoted in the future – don’t rubber stamp the promotion lists the Pentagon generates. Obama and Asterisk both understood that if you want a broken, woken military – which they do – you need to promote the lickspittles and suck-ups, not the Pattons. Do the opposite.

Then he needs to rampage through the rest of the bureaucracy, firing to and fro. The libs will howl – let them. MSNBCNN and the WaPo will scream that President DeSantis is creating a conservative bureaucracy – and he will be. Own it. We tried a neutral bureaucracy devoted to the country first and that didn’t work, so we'll take the second-best option, which is one that supports our policies.

Time to play by the new rules, and those are the new rules, folks – we didn’t make them, but we need to play by them.


Completely agree.......burn it all down.
I would love to see someone burn the motherfvcker to the ground. Let all these government lawyer humps riding their paychecks to retirement go out and get real jobs.