Civil War Likely - Latest Rasmussen Poll - 41%


2nd Team
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
A recent Rasmussen poll found that 41% of likely U.S. voters believe the country is likely to experience a second civil war within the next five years. A plurality, 49%, think it is not likely, but the increasing belief in a possible civil war is reflective of high levels of dissatisfaction with current political institutions.

I believe its coming. It won't be in 5 years. One of the states, either a California or Florida (Texas is the obvious guess, but I think they've imported enough blue blood over the past 10 years, that they won't be the first to try to exit), will file a petition to secede. It will be labeled as unconstitutional and sent to the SC. The 3 non-Trump R justices will vote against it, as it is technically against the Constitution. The 3 Trump justices and the 3 Dem justices will likely vote whichever way is most expedient for the party. But if (when?) the SC votes it down, then civil war will break out. A civil war would devastate America as it would allow other governments to pivot away from the use of the dollar as the market currency, at which point the debt load 120% of GDP explodes as the country attempts to finance a war while seeing the drop in GDP that war would bring.

To prevent civil war, Congress could, in theory, negotiate a Brexit style exit for said state(s) thus offloading a portion of the federal debt onto that newly formed independent country, but the catagion effect would shatter the US. If California was granted secession (hypothetically), then Oregon and Washington would likely secede with them or immediately there after. If Florida negotiated a secession, you can likely bet that Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi would all want to be a part of that 'new country'. And suddenly the US is being carved up a few states at a time. I doubt the dollar would survive that.

Either option would lead to the end of America.
I believe its coming. It won't be in 5 years. One of the states, either a California or Florida (Texas is the obvious guess, but I think they've imported enough blue blood over the past 10 years, that they won't be the first to try to exit), will file a petition to secede. It will be labeled as unconstitutional and sent to the SC. The 3 non-Trump R justices will vote against it, as it is technically against the Constitution. The 3 Trump justices and the 3 Dem justices will likely vote whichever way is most expedient for the party. But if (when?) the SC votes it down, then civil war will break out. A civil war would devastate America as it would allow other governments to pivot away from the use of the dollar as the market currency, at which point the debt load 120% of GDP explodes as the country attempts to finance a war while seeing the drop in GDP that war would bring.

To prevent civil war, Congress could, in theory, negotiate a Brexit style exit for said state(s) thus offloading a portion of the federal debt onto that newly formed independent country, but the catagion effect would shatter the US. If California was granted secession (hypothetically), then Oregon and Washington would likely secede with them or immediately there after. If Florida negotiated a secession, you can likely bet that Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi would all want to be a part of that 'new country'. And suddenly the US is being carved up a few states at a time. I doubt the dollar would survive that.

Either option would lead to the end of America.
Interesting scenarios play-out. I personally don't see the non-Marxist Justices as being quite as political as you imply. Of course Jackson, Kagan, and Soto will simply vote their political ideology. Not sure that I see it as a state-by-state either. I think it will be more a single national conflict, with of course Blue, Red, and Purple states each playing out slightly differently.

I think it goes down starting in Jan/Feb 2025. As we've seen, the DNC (austensibly the Biden Administration) and Deep State are tripling down on lawfare against the US Citizenry. And of course the payouts to mentally ill fringe society residents through welfare programs, institutionalization of perversion, and massive hiring of mentally deranged into government positions.
If Biden wins a second term, ATF, DOJ, FDA, Homeland, and military will start kicking in doors of American Citizens. Next up of course is armed resistance. I don't see the ATF and FBI having wide scale local police/sheriff support, nor alignment with rank and file military to "eradicate" the 400M legally owned firearms.
Key example is the Arkansas Airport Director. Now that it's out that ATF turned off their body cams for their 6AM no knock home invasion, it's fairly well known their likely modus operandi.

On the flipside, when Trump is elected the perverts will riot. Which if they stay in sterile business districts the Citizenry will stand back and let the "authorities" manage. It's when the 10M illegals and well funded Leftists move into neighborhoods that Citizens won't tolerate- then the shooting starts.
And when that happens, I don't see the majority of police, sheriff, state police and even military raising arms against what have always been in the past law abiding citizens.

Blue states Citizenry will grin and bear it. Red won't face Authoritarian rule. Purple states are the wildcards as they have sizeable populations of both deep Red and Deep Blue. On the positive note, I personally don't know a single Marxist that's as well armed or proficient as any Conservatives.

This guy has some interesting analyses.

Here is an interesting view from 20-30 year olds.
I heard someone claim that if you had participation of 100% of the members of the entire U.S. military and the various city, county and state police forces, you'd have enough manpower to lock down about six major U.S. cities in a civil war scenario. The fly in the ointment is that you won't get anything near that level of assistance from those folks.
I believe its coming. It won't be in 5 years. One of the states, either a California or Florida (Texas is the obvious guess, but I think they've imported enough blue blood over the past 10 years, that they won't be the first to try to exit), will file a petition to secede. It will be labeled as unconstitutional and sent to the SC. The 3 non-Trump R justices will vote against it, as it is technically against the Constitution. The 3 Trump justices and the 3 Dem justices will likely vote whichever way is most expedient for the party. But if (when?) the SC votes it down, then civil war will break out. A civil war would devastate America as it would allow other governments to pivot away from the use of the dollar as the market currency, at which point the debt load 120% of GDP explodes as the country attempts to finance a war while seeing the drop in GDP that war would bring.

To prevent civil war, Congress could, in theory, negotiate a Brexit style exit for said state(s) thus offloading a portion of the federal debt onto that newly formed independent country, but the catagion effect would shatter the US. If California was granted secession (hypothetically), then Oregon and Washington would likely secede with them or immediately there after. If Florida negotiated a secession, you can likely bet that Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi would all want to be a part of that 'new country'. And suddenly the US is being carved up a few states at a time. I doubt the dollar would survive that.

Either option would lead to the end of America.
I thought america was a stable country. This exactly how other great civilizations broke up.
there will be no civil war

we are in a military occupation as we speak who’s objective is to maintain civil discourse and peaceful transition of power

the biden administration is the war and the battleground is the optic

remember when 50% of this country thought the orange man was a russian puppet?

now 100% of the country know cank and the deep state planted the story

look at the polling amongst
black people
jewish people
under 30 people

LT and OJ at the rally in wildwood last night

trump gets elected with a mandate to clean this shit up

AOC’s crying photo op at the border is not gonna mean anything to inner city minorities watching illegal aliens get the free stuff

with secure elections in 24 or people going to jail for fraud and rico this time around trump will win in a landslide and
make this country great again
If Trump wins I fully expect the left to throw the biggest temper tantrum we've seen yet.

A full on psychopathic "mostly peaceful" arson, looting spree like we saw in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Kenosha, Atlanta...

Interesting schitzle will happen if/when the perverts break from their handler's instructions in suburbs and residential areas.
A full on psychopathic "mostly peaceful" arson, looting spree like we saw in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Kenosha, Atlanta...

Interesting schitzle will happen if/when the perverts break from their handler's instructions in suburbs and residential areas.
They had better be smarter than that. People moved to the suburbs and rural areas to get away from the spoiled brat idiots in big cities. They come out to the suburbs and they will find out real quick their presence, much less their violent actions will not be tolerated.
I thought america was a stable country. This exactly how other great civilizations broke up.

It's a Christianity issue here in the West. We're tolerant of the intolerant. We're forgiving of those with dark intentions. But this is all exposed.

We've had vast numbers of anti-Western immigrants flood into Western nations from the shiteholes they created and have now left behind. It's changed our societies for the worse. The "multi culturalism" experiment has failed everyone involved and is nearing the end - those left behind, those that have migrated, and those that have generously hosted.

Combine that with the massive influx of Islamic, Chinese and Drug cartel influence peddling money and we've got some "clean up on Isle 7" to sort out. Likely to get "Eastern Society" nasty before it's all over.
It's a Christianity issue here in the West. We're tolerant of the intolerant. We're forgiving of those with dark intentions. But this is all exposed.

We've had vast numbers of anti-Western immigrants flood into Western nations from the shiteholes they created and have now left behind. It's changed our societies for the worse. The "multi culturalism" experiment has failed everyone involved and is nearing the end - those left behind, those that have migrated, and those that have generously hosted.

Combine that with the massive influx of Islamic, Chinese and Drug cartel influence peddling money and we've got some "clean up on Isle 7" to sort out. Likely to get "Eastern Society" nasty before it's all over.
Need to clean up the leftist in this country as well. Getting the leftist out of government, at all levels, the education system and more importantly the judicial system and we can get this country back to the shining beacon of freedom and property is once was and always should be. For some reason leftist can not deal with freedom and prefer they are the authoritarians.

I have no issue with real liberals, they are naïve but mean well. On the other hand leftist are a scourge on free societies and should be squashed like a bug.
Need to clean up the leftist in this country as well. Getting the leftist out of government, at all levels, the education system and more importantly the judicial system and we can get this country back to the shining beacon of freedom and property is once was and always should be. For some reason leftist can not deal with freedom and prefer they are the authoritarians.

I have no issue with real liberals, they are naïve but mean well. On the other hand leftist are a scourge on free societies and should be squashed like a bug.
The Lefties will be VERY unhappy when their perversion train runs out.
When the pervert jobs programs called the Federal Government, State Governments, Local Governments, Education that PAYS them to be activists, they will very likely take it very personally.
I know here in the suburban Southwest, there is very little sympathy for pedophiles, perverts, authoritarian, Leftists.

As you say, sadly there are no Liberals remaining on the Left. Just perverted pedophiles, mentally ill, authoritarian neo Marxists that loath America, American Citizens, Christianity.
Depends what size the fed takes. Start dropping bombs on cities and it doesn’t matter how many guns or fantasies boomers have.
The military people I know are not sympathetic to the current authoritarianism. I think FBI/ATF are about the only armed "law enforcement" that would willingly take up arms against American citizens. Blue cities local and state police might respond differently.

As a point of reference, FBI has 35,000 employees and ATF 5,000. Hard to see them getting very far if they start kicking in doors.
Need to clean up the leftist in this country as well. Getting the leftist out of government, at all levels, the education system and more importantly the judicial system and we can get this country back to the shining beacon of freedom and property is once was and always should be. For some reason leftist can not deal with freedom and prefer they are the authoritarians.

I have no issue with real liberals, they are naïve but mean well. On the other hand leftist are a scourge on free societies and should be squashed like a bug.
The reason the can't deal with freedom is thier ideology calls on government to be the solution for everything. If government is the solution to everything then government will do what government does and take power to control. The left will then be happy as they have the overlords they wanted so they will crush thier freedom loving enemies.

The irony is they will also be oppressed by the very government they wanted in the first place.
Great. So the nut jobs on the right are going to start killing the nut jobs on the left while the rest of us in the middle will just be trying to get to work everyday, living a semi-normal life while looking forward to the Arkansas game on September 7th.

Man, America is just getting nuttier by the day. What a culture.
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Great. So the nut jobs on the right are going to start killing the nut jobs on the left while the rest of us in the middle will just be trying to get to work everyday, living a semi-normal life while looking forward to the Arkansas game on September 7th.

Man, America is just getting nuttier by the day. What a culture.

Your 2 fer one comment is when it got nuttier around here. Great job!
Great. So the nut jobs on the right are going to start killing the nut jobs on the left while the rest of us in the middle will just be trying to get to work everyday, living a semi-normal life while looking forward to the Arkansas game on September 7th.

Man, America is just getting nuttier by the day. What a culture.
Sleepy and his handlers ain't done yet.
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Great. So the nut jobs on the right are going to start killing the nut jobs on the left while the rest of us in the middle will just be trying to get to work everyday, living a semi-normal life while looking forward to the Arkansas game on September 7th.

Man, America is just getting nuttier by the day. What a culture.
Spot on with a slight swizzle.

It's not "a culture", but a multicultural tribal shitshow where Big Gov, Big Tech, Big Biz and Globalists will be the "final arbiters".

Heck I like tacos, kafta, kung pao, and pad thai as much as the next guy but dumbing down the US by importing El jeffe, sharia, Maoist morals, governing, or crapp religions clear shows multiculturalism is destructive.

Take their recipes and women, and leave the rest behind.
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We've been in a cold civil war for years already. Will take a lot to make it hot, though.
What do you think it would take?
ATF kicking in a few thousand doors?
FBI arresting 100,000 bulletin board posters for unsavory comments?

Seriously, what do you see as "a lot to make it hot" and how far do you see us from already being in that position?
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What do you think it would take?
ATF kicking in a few thousand doors?
FBI arresting 100,000 bulletin board posters for unsavory comments?

Seriously, what do you see as "a lot to make it hot" and how far do you see us from already being in that position?

atf kicking in doors worked out great in waco

looking forward to janet reno assuming command of gubmit forces
What do you think it would take?
ATF kicking in a few thousand doors?
FBI arresting 100,000 bulletin board posters for unsavory comments?

Seriously, what do you see as "a lot to make it hot" and how far do you see us from already being in that position?
Imprisoning thousands of protestors and throwing the book at the leading presidential candidate in an attempt to imprison him hasn't done it, so it will take a lot. Maybe re-education camps and/or mass seizure of guns.
Imprisoning thousands of protestors and throwing the book at the leading presidential candidate in an attempt to imprison him hasn't done it, so it will take a lot. Maybe re-education camps and/or mass seizure of guns.

Bummer for the Deep State Swamp Creatures is the Jan6, Wittmer "kidnapping", Trump Russia collusion, Pistol brace ban, school board "disruptions" are all exposed.

Will take some serious efforts by the Swamp Creatures to keep this up.
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Now that we’re 32 comments in and you guys have worked yourselves into a frenzy of toughness lets take a moment and turn the question around. On the off chance Biden (or whomever the Democrats finally nominate) wins by a squeaker and Trump tells you he got cheated again how will the MAGA faithful react? You gonna riot, march on DC in a real insurrection this time?
Now that we’re 32 comments in and you guys have worked yourselves into a frenzy of toughness lets take a moment and turn the question around. On the off chance Biden (or whomever the Democrats finally nominate) wins by a squeaker and Trump tells you he got cheated again how will the MAGA faithful react? You gonna riot, march on DC in a real insurrection this time?
Hamas and all the illegals will do it before anyone. They hate America, death to America and Israel. The real question is will join them? Your radicalization journey is not nearly complete.
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Hamas and all the illegals will do it before anyone. They hate America, death to America and Israel. The real question is will join them? Your radicalization journey is not nearly complete.
Why don’t you try and answer the question?
Now that we’re 32 comments in and you guys have worked yourselves into a frenzy of toughness lets take a moment and turn the question around. On the off chance Biden (or whomever the Democrats finally nominate) wins by a squeaker and Trump tells you he got cheated again how will the MAGA faithful react? You gonna riot, march on DC in a real insurrection this time?
Not me. While I prefer Trump and think he's better for the US's future, Biden's policies make those of us who are asset rich more wealthy. Inflation doesn't hurt a homeowner nearly as much as it hurts a renter. And higher interest rates to fight inflation provide strong income mechanisms for those of us who have investible income and aren't debt-saddled. I'm nearing the end of my high income (and thus higher tax brackets) life and will be shifting towards a modest retirement living, so it won't be my taxes that are funding the schooling of the illegals, medical care, etc. And if that's where today's generation wants to see its wealth spent (by voting for Biden), then who am I to march and complain about it. I just wish that generation would quit whining about how bad they have it (can't afford school, to buy a home, to start a family, etc) while continuing to vote for those who made it that way. As Obama once said, elections have consequences.
Why don’t you try and answer the question?
I did. I told you who was the most likely to start a civil war in this country. You normally only post linked content so I wanted to see what stupid original thought was coming out of your head. If and when Hamas and the illegals pick up guns in this country, you are screwed.
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I did. I told you who was the most likely to start a civil war in this country. You normally only post linked content so I wanted to see what stupid original thought was coming out of your head. If and when Hamas and the illegals pick up guns in this country, you are screwed.
The question before you is how will you and your fellow MAGA’s react if Biden is declared the winner and Trump tells you they cheated him again? What’s your insight there?
Not me. While I prefer Trump and think he's better for the US's future, Biden's policies make those of us who are asset rich more wealthy. Inflation doesn't hurt a homeowner nearly as much as it hurts a renter. And higher interest rates to fight inflation provide strong income mechanisms for those of us who have investible income and aren't debt-saddled. I'm nearing the end of my high income (and thus higher tax brackets) life and will be shifting towards a modest retirement living, so it won't be my taxes that are funding the schooling of the illegals, medical care, etc. And if that's where today's generation wants to see its wealth spent (by voting for Biden), then who am I to march and complain about it. I just wish that generation would quit whining about how bad they have it (can't afford school, to buy a home, to start a family, etc) while continuing to vote for those who made it that way. As Obama once said, elections have consequences.
Thank you for a thoughtful reply.

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