Cadet Worlds, Day II


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2005
The wrestling starts in 25 minutes. Oklahoman Daton Fix will be on the mat today along with four other U.S. wrestlers. I have to admit I am a homer when it comes to watching the curly-haired dynamo from Sand Springs. I wish all of our wrestlers well starting with Cade Olivas at 46kg. I have never watched Cade but Friday My second great grandchild was born and his parents named him Ryan Cade so have to root for anyone named Cade.
Sluggish first round for Mark Hall but he dominated Innaattoni 6-0. Good start for the U.S. Hall had a takedown in the first period and a takedown and back turn in the 2nd for his points.
They are now wrestling 63kg on two mats so I expect I next wrestler up to be Jared Verkleeren but he is close to the bottom of the bracket so it could be several minutes.
Starting to worry as they have three mats but only two are being shown live. They are skipping around with the weights. Started w3ith 76kg and then went to 63kg and then to 54kg and now are showing 46kg. Have not seen any of our wrestlers at these weights so if mat B is being used I have not seen any of those matches.
Cade Olivas has a quick 10-0 win with 2 takedowns and 3 back exposures in the first period. two out of two so far. Way to go Cade!!
Mark Hall was leading 8-1 in second period when my screen went dead. I am declaring him the winner and they just added the third mat. 3 out of 3 for the good guys. That win puts Hall in the Quarters.
Just found out the feed for Mat B was not working all this time but they were wrestling and learned from Daton's mother that Daton won his match 11-0 tech fall. I assume we also wrestled at 63kg and 100 kg and 46 kg but do not have the scores.
Mat B feed is now up and working.
Daton Fix lost to the Iranian 3-6. Rahmatabadi was about 6: taller and also got a phantom two points on either a takedown or back exposure. Daton wrestled well and I believe the Iranian who is now in the quarters will carry him through to the jrepechage.
Mark Hall had a 10-0tf over Surender of India and I must say "surrender" he did. Mark Hall is in the semis!
Unfortunately for Daton Fix the Iranian who decisioned him lost by a 10-0 tf so he did not carry him through to the repechage.
In a see-saw bout Cade Olivas lost a 5-8 decision in the last second of the bout when the Russian wrestler pushed him to his back for a four point move. No control but he did go to his back. He was leading 5-4 on a takedown with 5 seconds left so it was a very disappointing decision.
Tough loss for Olivas, was the better wrestler. Really like how he wrestles, reminds me of Eric Guerrero in his younger years.
Jordan Wood leads 2-0 after 1 period. Cade Olivas has made the repechage as the Russian won another last second takedown to win 12-11.
Two in the finals! Jordan Wood wins 4-0. Mark Hall and Jordan Wood wrestling for Gold and Cade Olivas still alive in Repechage at 46 pounds. Another great showing by the U.S. team.
Olivas loses to Narmandakh of Mongolia 2-6. We have two wrestlers left and both are going for Gold. Finals are at 11AM Oklahoma time.
They hae moved through the first two weights (46 & 54) and awarding medals at 54kg. 63Kg is up next and then our two US wrestlers will take the stage.
Mark Hall wins Gold by score of 4-1 and Jordan Wood takes Silver. Five Medals for the U.S. out of ten weights and three wee Gold, one silver and one bronze. Congratulations to all of the U.S. team members.

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