boo lewaleen commit


Nov 14, 2013
got wind yesterday that he was going to commit to being a cowboy this week... he has been going to the cowboy practice room for the last three weeks on tuesday's and thursday with other top high school wrestlers. i think being around joe, kaid, and the other cowboy hopefuls have persuaded him to jump on board early. if i'm not mistaken he will be our first commit for 2015
If this is true then it is a great start to what could be a great recruiting year for the Cowboys.
i agree. the plan was to commit yesterday but john was not there so the word is tomorrow he will make it official.
Boo is a 2x state champion after finishing 2nd his freshman year. He won this year with a 9-4 victory over Davion Jeffries and in 2013 with an overtime win over Markus Simmons. The 2013 match is a great match between he and Simmons with Simmons getting a reverse in the last 25 seconds to tie the match 5-5 and then Boo gets the takedown in overtime. The video is taped by his mother and the angst that a parent goes through during these matches is prominently displayed in her comments. He is a great commit and he battles for 7 minutes. He is ranked 20th at 126 by Intermat but this includes 15 seniors out of the 20 that are ranked. He and only four other juniors are ranked in the top 20. He will be highly ranked his senior season.
To follow up on Oberebo's comment on the angst of a parent, during this year's state final Boo's Dad wrestled the entire 6 minutes of Boo's match.
Question to Thompsonja. Do you know if he made it official today? Eddie2 I can relate in a small way to Mr. Lewallen's experience. Most parents but particularly dads that have sons competing in wrestling are more sore than their much younger sons after the match is over. I can remember standing next to one father at a lot of elementary matches and being elbowed repeatedly so that sometimes we would end up at the opposite end of the mat and he was never aware that he was doing this. I shouted a lot of unintelligible instructions to both Micco and okstatefan during their matches. They not only could not understand them they tuned me out completely which in a lot of cases was lucky for them. I remember these matches 30-35 years later and still replay them in my mind. Fathers in particular, live vicariously through these matches. Sometimes this is sad as it puts a lot of added pressure on the wrestler. I think I was able to deal with it maturely and take it in stride but you would have to ask Micco and okstatefan if this was true. It is not true that I grounded them for a month after every loss. If that were true they have not lived enough years to serve out their sentences. Bread and water diet more likely as this helped them to cut weight and build character. I kid, I kid....
Said for awhile that this was a kid I loved - that I really hoped we would offer. His match in 2013 against pup he essentially wrestled one armed. Just a tough, tough kid.
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Last year we only had a fair recruiting year basically Collica, and Heil. This years class looks to be very good with more quality and quantity. Marsteller looks like a super recruit. Rogers and Blees look like very good recruits and harding and the 97 from Kansas seem to be good recruits. Weight classes could hurt this class because we could get too many wrestlers stacked at 65 and 74 which could also include Crutchmer who could lose to the younger wrestlers. This year we need a real very good class also if we are to challenge or get a National Championship in the next 4 years. The class before Collica could be a poor class ( Crutchmer, J. Rogers, Boyd and Schaefer unless they jump levels in the off season and next year by working extremely hard. As I have said it would surprise me in a bad way if we did not get that real good class this year. Boo, Brock, Smith, Marsden with 1 more star would make that class I watched Marsden in a couple of matches who looked sort of sloppy but has a real good cradle and pinned his opponents. I do not know how good he will be. Of next year wrestler Kaid Brock probably impresses me the most and I would suspect will come in as a true freshman and take the 25 position if he can make weight.
Harley I would call Andrew Marsden funky not sloppy. He won state yesterday in freestyle pinning his way. Was beating the 182 state champion 17-2 before pinning him. Andrew looks to be a 197 guy in college and will be wrestling 195 his final year from what I'm hearing. Hope he will be going to some big time folkstyle out of state tournament like in Minnesota (#1 Benick) early in the year like Blees went to last year to show how talented he is against the best.

just some media confirmation. osu wants him at 33
Is Dean Heil expected to stay at 133# next season or move up to 141#? With 3 wrestlers coming in at 141# (Harding, Magaldo & Hone), seems like a already loaded 141# weight class. I know that some of them are listed at 133/141 but I tend to lean towards the heavy side when 2 weights are listed.
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Harding and Hone are not 141 pounders. Harding is coming in as a 133 pounder. Hone wrestled 126 his senior year but is expected to also be a 133 pounder. They could grow and become 141 pounders but not early in their career. Heil did wrestle 141 last year in open tournaments but maybe wrestle 133 this next year.
I have no inside information, I'm only going by what intermat wrestling has them projected at. I've seen a lot of 126# wrestlers jump several weights from one season to the next. At the end of the day, after Boo's senior and red shirt season, he may end up as a 149#, who knows. OSU will have a lot of depth at 133/141# weight classes for sure.

Congrats Boo

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