Big Brother

There is an opportunity this week. But we know it'll just follow the boring plan.
I'm done. Vanessa is walking away with it. Talk to you next year... Maybe.
Yep Vanessa won this and IMO was the best player really. They let her run all over them and she should win for it. I just can't wait for that punk b**ch Austin to find out he is the least liked player of the year. Guy had such a big head thinking America loved him and Liz. lol :rolleyes:
I thought there were three alphas this year...Shelly, James, and Vanessa. Vanessa played the hardest though BY FAR. I phucking can't stand her but I have to applaud her game play.
Steve. Wow. Steve pretty much goes to show where not playing at all will get you.

Then again, I haven't watched lately. Guess I should catch up but it was just work watching this season.
Steve. Wow. Steve pretty much goes to show where not playing at all will get you.

Then again, I haven't watched lately. Guess I should catch up but it was just work watching this season.

Flying under the radar, omega dog, floater is a viable strategy in these types of games.

I couldn't play that way, but Sandra Diaz-Twine has won Survivor twice using it.
I would vote for Steve before Liz because she had Austin and her sister as a shield the whole game. Steve has kinda floated but he did win HOH and take out Jackie which he picked a side. He also won another HOH and made sure one of Austin or the twins went home. This again showed which side he was on and even made him a target. I think the fact of how much you have won is over rated as this make you a huge target in the game and if you ever lose a comp most likely will go home. What made Dan and even more Dr. Will so great was they never really had to win HOH or Veto to stay in the game. I would look out for these type of players rather then floaters or other big targets.
Flying under the radar, omega dog, floater is a viable strategy in these types of games.

I couldn't play that way, but Sandra Diaz-Twine has won Survivor twice using it.
True, but those were more about votes against her opponent, not votes for her, correct? Either way she won, just not sure she was rewarded for that strategy.
True, but those were more about votes against her opponent, not votes for her, correct? Either way she won, just not sure she was rewarded for that strategy.

That's what Boston Rob would argue....but he's a different kind of player.

I would say that she was rewarded for her strategy in the sense that her being less offensive than the other option is very much a result of that game theory....if it happened twice, that leans against it being pure luck.

Like I said earlier, it's not a game theory I could ever pursue, but it is a valid strategy for some players....even if they by nature rather than intention fall into it.
Well I am really happy for Steve but Vanessa was the best player for sure with out a doubt. She just didn't win one comp and it cost her. I saw where she was ranked the the most hated player ever. I am not buying that I hated Frank way more then her and any one remember Amanda from a few years ago. Heck I hated Austin more the Vanessa. I actually cheered when he was evicted and felt bad for Vanessa only in the sense of seeing how much work she put in only to come up short.