Biden voters must be feeling some buyer's remorse by now


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
August 27, 2021

Biden voters must be feeling some buyer's remorse by now​

By Bob Brostoski

Yesterday, thirteen military personnel were killed working at the gate at Kabul airport in Afghanistan. They weren't killed in battle with an enemy at their front with a chance to defend themselves; rather, they were blown up by a gutless terrorist ideologue who blended himself among women and children in order to get the maximum effect out of his insanity. To remind or inform some of those who don't pay much attention to pesky world events on social media, there won't be enough left of some of these troops to put into a Walmart bag and send home to their families. As a retired senior enlisted service member, I'm ashamed to see all of this.

Now I understand that many Americans are too busy living their lives to pay attention to that war "Over There," but try to put something in perspective. The leaders of our country just allowed the same guys whom we have been bombing for twenty years to take back the country and obtain billions in our (ours; we paid for it) equipment. They also allowed thousands of prisoners from multiple terror groups to be released to join the party while pulling our troops out before we pulled out the civilians. It's given that as Americans, we don't want endless years of war, but given the resolve of the enemy, you don't always have the option to just quit because you're tired of playing. A memorable note from today's coverage of our troops getting killed in Afghanistan was one of the Taliban leaders, whom, by the way, our government is referring to as "our partners" in the region, stating that Osama bin Laden did not have anything to do with 9/11.

The president, rightly, has been savaged over the last week, even to the point that most of the mainstream media have forgone the usual efforts to provide media cover for a Democrat president. There are others to blame, though. The reality is that despite the questionable results of the 2020 election, which seem to get more questionable as the days go by, there were some people in this country who didn't walk but ran to the polls to vote for Joe Biden. This question is to you: is this what you were hoping for?

I have family members who fall within this category. These voters hated Donald Trump — not just hated him but despised him. Government employees, who for the most part, are hired into a system that provides lavish benefits and has zero performance accountability, hated him because he bragged to the world about "draining the swamp." Suburban women despised Donald Trump because he bullied people on Twitter, even though the people he was bullying were career politicians, who ceased being public servants a week after they took office for their own self re-election interests, and media who actually despise most Americans who don't look like and believe what they do — especially suburban women.

Then there are the media. I still remember Donald Trump's inauguration, when a Time reporter who was too lazy to take a second look reported the false story over Twitter that the bust of MLK had been removed from the White House, instantaneously setting the narrative for all who hated Donald Trump already that he was a racist. The media hatred for Trump was unprecedented.

There are others. Young people hated the man who valued hard work and ran to the man that would give everyone free college. Somehow these young people have confused the free stuff they got from their parents who worked their butts off to get it with a lifelong entitlement allowing them to work less and binge Netflix more on their phones (that the parents are still funding). Many union members complied with the flyer hung on the bathroom wall at the union hall to vote Democrat, because that's what the union does. They traded a guy who bullied the American manufacturers to bring back American jobs for a guy who is now flooding the country with new workers betting on the fact that they will vote Democrat because that's what the Union bosses, who are making a whole bunch more than the workers are making, with expense accounts, say to do. You also have the social justice warriors, who somehow thought that voting for the same guy who referred to Blacks as not able to be diverse voters was going to change their lot in life in cities that have been destroyed by Democrat policies for years.

For all of you folks, my question was this worth it? Thirteen military members were killed yesterday unnecessarily. They were killed because a guy whom many of you elected on behalf of our country set them up to be killed, along with the rest of the unknown number of people still in Afghanistan begging to come home. In context, these troops died because Americans were mad over bad comments about people who hate most of us on a social media site that means nothing.

As a country, we have gone from energy independence, a strong economy, secure borders, and a strong military with a pending plan to evacuate Afghanistan 180 degrees in a matter of a few months. Through apathy and incompetence, our leaders have shamed our country and our military in front of the whole world and set us up to be attacked again.

I guess I'm just curious. Was this worth it?
Based on some of the responses of the board's Biden voters, they have zero remorse and are perfectly content with this inept administration.
If the board's pro-Biden/anti-Trumpers are any indication, they're all too f***in' stupid to know what "buyer's remorse" is, let alone actually feel it.
Based on some of the responses of the board's Biden voters, they have zero remorse and are perfectly content with this inept administration.

That would assume their responses are their own.

The similarities in their responses is weird.

A lot of the same shit in the same order.
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Sorry we're leaving Afghanistan, guys. If Trump had the balls to deliver we'd have this past us.

It's gonna be ugly in afghanistan for a while, but we gotta come home. Great regret for all the americans and innocents that died.
Are you really this retarded? No one is upset about leaving, just about how piss poorly your savior is handling this.
After listening to several different people with the knowledge, expertise and first hand expereince I do not think we should be leaving Afghanistan. While I would love to have all of our troops home, have world peace and everyone live in harmony the fact of the matter is that's not going to happen. Leaving Afghanistan and allowing a terrorist state to grow is not in the best interest of the US or the western world. When the inevitable terrorist attacks take place in the future remember it was Joe Biden and the Democrats that put us in that position.
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Are you really this retarded? No one is upset about leaving, just about how piss poorly your savior is handling this.
Not retarded. Just obtuse.

Joe will not forgive or forget, what he said yesterday (or in late July) about the Taliban who are our frenemies that we’ve never trusted that we share d, d data with & are toon cent’s new butt buddies.
Biden’s Bay of Pork
Daily reminders that you’re a reprobate dummy aren’t necessary. I think yearly reminders will suffice.
Look at my signature and exercise some more judgment. Your William Wallace never had the balls to do this. He talked shit just like everything else for years but didn't get it done.

Now a democrat will step in and once again do what needs to be done so conservatives can bitch and whine and lose.

LOL, I'm not upset we are leaving jackoff, I don't think we should. Unlike you leftist I do not allow emotions to control my thought process.
Common sense tells me allowing a terrorist group a safe haven to train, plan and finance future terrorist attacks is not a good idea. Also if you look from a tactical perspective, leaving Afghanistan makes absolutely no sense.
Sure I would love for everyone to get along and live peacefully together but I'm not naïve enough to think that is even remotely possible.
LOL, I'm not upset we are leaving jackoff, I don't think we should. Unlike you leftist I do not allow emotions to control my thought process.
Common sense tells me allowing a terrorist group a safe haven to train, plan and finance future terrorist attacks is not a good idea. Also if you look from a tactical perspective, leaving Afghanistan makes absolutely no sense.
Sure I would love for everyone to get along and live peacefully together but I'm not naïve enough to think that is even remotely possible.

My bad. A lot of people would be upset if America's government was cultivating an inevitable terrorist attack, but you're MAGA, that's your preferred tactic.
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When the inevitable terrorist attacks take place in the future remember it was Joe Biden and the Democrats that put us in that position.
And not Donald Trump, who also had a policy of getting us out of Afghanistan and cut a deal with the Taliban for us to do just that? Part of Trump's deal too with the Taliban was that the Taliban would not allow Afghanistan to become a haven for terrorists. So do you now think Trump was wrong?
The policy that Joe extended to or through September that he now owns and is fully executing ‘flawlessly’ ?
And not Donald Trump, who also had a policy of getting us out of Afghanistan and cut a deal with the Taliban for us to do just that? Part of Trump's deal too with the Taliban was that the Taliban would not allow Afghanistan to become a haven for terrorists. So do you now think Trump was wrong?

You leftist love your revisionist history. Yes Trump had an agreement to leave Afghanistan but the facts you leftist intentionally leave out is the agreement was based upon conditions. Just days after the agreement was made Trump bombed the shit out of the Taliban for attacking the Afghan Army breaking one of the conditions. Trump wasn't leaving until all of the conditions were met. Those are the inconvenient, for you, facts.
Trump was absolutely correct and if the dumbass you voted for wasn't such a butt hurt punk he would have followed the agreement to the letter and we wouldn't have this cluster fvck. Again inconvenient, for you, facts.
Trump was absolutely correct
Well then make up your mind lol! In one post, you say you don't think we should be leaving Afghanistan and then right after that, you say Trump was correct in wanting to get us out of Afghanistan! Stop contradicting yourself.

You can't have it both ways Bearcat.
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Well then make up your mind lol! In one post, you say you don't think we should be leaving Afghanistan and then right after that, you say Trump was correct in wanting to get us out of Afghanistan! Stop contradicting yourself.

You can't have it both ways Bearcat.

Do you really think that’s an argument?

Where do you get your daily updates?
Do you really think that’s an argument?
Absolutely. Trump's stated policy was to get us out of Afghanistan and he originally a cut a deal to do just that. If one thinks we shouldn't be leaving Afghanistan, then one would have to say Trump was wrong in wanting us to get out.

This isn't hard to understand. I get that you Trumpsters can't bring yourself to speak ill of your dear leader but goodness, at least try to be consistent sometimes.
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Well then make up your mind lol! In one post, you say you don't think we should be leaving Afghanistan and then right after that, you say Trump was correct in wanting to get us out of Afghanistan! Stop contradicting yourself.

You can't have it both ways Bearcat.

I'm sorry your critical thinking skills are so lacking you can't comprehend with Trump's agreement the Taliban would not be running the country and terrorist wouldn't have free reign. Maye you should inform yourself before you make yourself look as inept as Biden.
I'm sorry your critical thinking skills are so lacking you can't comprehend with Trump's agreement the Taliban would not be running the country and terrorist wouldn't have free reign. Maye you should inform yourself before you make yourself look as inept as Biden.
Lot of assumptions in this post (and denial) as you continue to deflect and not answer the simple question of whether or not you agree with Trump's stated policy of leaving Afghanistan. Not surprising though, I didn't expect a straight and honest answer from you. You are invested in attacking Democrats and blaming them for everything that you perceive to be wrong.

At least you admitted you support remaining in Afghanistan, thus helping to prove an argument sy has been making.
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Lot of assumptions in this post (and denial) as you continue to deflect and not answer the simple question of whether or not you agree with Trump's stated policy of leaving Afghanistan. Not surprising though, I didn't expect a straight and honest answer from you. You are invested in attacking Democrats and blaming them for everything that you perceive to be wrong.

At least you admitted you support remaining in Afghanistan, thus helping to prove an argument sy has been making.

Why don't you go read about the Trump agreement to better inform yourself, then get back to me if you still don't understand.
Why don't you go read about the Trump agreement to better inform yourself, then get back to me if you still don't understand.
I know about the agreement that was very generous to the Taliban. I also know that Trump's stated policy goal was for us to leave Afghanistan. A policy you stated you don't support. You want to stay in Afghanistan, which puts you at odds with what Trump was pursuing.

If you think we shouldn't leave Afghanistan, then you should be man enough to say Trump's policy goal was wrong. But you just can't bring yourself to do that.
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After listening to several different people with the knowledge, expertise and first hand expereince I do not think we should be leaving Afghanistan. While I would love to have all of our troops home, have world peace and everyone live in harmony the fact of the matter is that's not going to happen. Leaving Afghanistan and allowing a terrorist state to grow is not in the best interest of the US or the western world. When the inevitable terrorist attacks take place in the future remember it was Joe Biden and the Democrats that put us in that position.
I'm not trying to be a jerk. I have no problem with anyone thinking "we" should not be leaving Afghanistan. But I think the ones who think "we" should be in Afghanistan should be the ones that go.
I'm not trying to be a jerk. I have no problem with anyone thinking "we" should not be leaving Afghanistan. But I think the ones who think "we" should be in Afghanistan should be the ones that go.

Well some of them are ones that would go, while some of the others are those that have been there and are probably a little old to be running around the mountains killing terrorist.
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I know about the agreement that was very generous to the Taliban. I also know that Trump's stated policy goal was for us to leave Afghanistan. A policy you stated you don't support. You want to stay in Afghanistan, which puts you at odds with what Trump was pursuing.

If you think we shouldn't leave Afghanistan, then you should be man enough to say Trump's policy goal was wrong. But you just can't bring yourself to do that.
You don't know anything other than what the leftist propaganda outlets have told you. Go read the agreement for yourself and while you are at it, start thinking for yourself. Everything you've said I've already heard from the liars in the Biden Administration and their mouthpieces in the MSM. Here is a little tidbit for you to take to heart, Presidential Administrations lie to make themselves look better to the ignorant. Don't be one of the ignorant be an informed American.
Here is a little tidbit for you to take to heart, Presidential Administrations lie to make themselves look better to the ignorant.
Does this apply to the Trump administration as well? Did he and his administration lie to make themselves look better to the ignorant?
I know about the agreement that was very generous to the Taliban. I also know that Trump's stated policy goal was for us to leave Afghanistan. A policy you stated you don't support. You want to stay in Afghanistan, which puts you at odds with what Trump was pursuing.

If you think we shouldn't leave Afghanistan, then you should be man enough to say Trump's policy goal was wrong. But you just can't bring yourself to do that.
Trump released all thise terrorists and now says "But they'll be terrorists!"

You can't make it up! They wanna stay. Its all window dressing, they just want more war. In Asia.
Does this apply to the Trump administration as well? Did he and his administration lie to make themselves look better to the ignorant?

The post says Presidential Administrations. It didn't say Democrat Administrations, it didn't say Republican Administrations it said Presidential Administrations. Surely even you can figure that out.
Trump released all thise terrorists and now says "But they'll be terrorists!"

You can't make it up! They wanna stay. Its all window dressing, they just want more war. In Asia.
Another one that hasn't taken the time to read the Trump agreement. Trump wasn't releasing prisoners, he was working to have them transferred and put on trail in different countries. Biden just released them, just like Obama.
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The post says Presidential Administrations. It didn't say Democrat Administrations, it didn't say Republican Administrations it said Presidential Administrations. Surely even you can figure that out.
Good to see you finally admitting that Trump and his administration lied to make themselves look better to the ignorant. And you were part of that group for a long time (probably still are although you have now broken with Trump on leaving Afghanistan).

So no need to lecture me about being an ignorant America when you have for years now refused to be truly informed and had no problem accepting all the lies Trump and his goons gave you.
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