Biden Student Loan Amnesty Specifically Benefits D.C. Staffers


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

Always nice to see these feel good stories about people in the beltway...actually gives me the warm fuzzies and imbues me with a sense of "I'm not worthy." After all without bailing out all these deadbeats, in the beltway, the federal government wouldn't be able to operate properly and service normal people and veterans.

Totally unrelated...most of the time while working am listening to the 70's on Direct. Cracks me up some of the stuff sung back then, does anyone thing an all black group (Kool And The Gang) could get away with the song "Jungle Boogie," these days.
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Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.
  • Haha
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Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't there a program that pays off their student loan debt, up to a certain amount, if they spend ten years working in government?
Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.
Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.
Wife and I had a combined 20 years education from OSU when we finished up. She had BS, MS and PhD. I have DVM. We started dating my last year of Vet School. But both graduated debt free. She was working 30-40 hours a week at her cousins bakery while going to school full time. I had a very good paying side hustle during vet school.

I’d also like to thank Cowboy76, parents bought a house so we did not have to pay for living expenses during those times.

It can be done, but few choose to attempt it.
Wife and I had a combined 20 years education from OSU when we finished up. She had BS, MS and PhD. I have DVM. We started dating my last year of Vet School. But both graduated debt free. She was working 30-40 hours a week at her cousins bakery while going to school full time. I had a very good paying side hustle during vet school.

I’d also like to thank Cowboy76, parents bought a house so we did not have to pay for living expenses during those times.

It can be done, but few choose to attempt it.
Good on you.
Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.
Oh, please, David. One needn't be desperate to be outraged. All one needs to do is watch as government daily gobbles up more power as it sucks the lifeblood of liberty from our land.
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It’s not easy. I have to watch as the promise of individual liberty, the foundation that separated our country from all others, gets whittled away while folks like yourself cheer it on.
At what point do you do something about it Danny? Other than whining about it here that is?
At what point do you do something about it Danny? Other than whining about it here that is?
Unfortunately whining is about all I’m good for any more. My generation is the one that put us on the downhill slide and it seems it has convinced your generation that policies that lead to war and poverty and hunger are the correct policies. The only “hope” I see for liberty’s salvation in America is a civil war. No matter how old I am when that day comes I’ll be standing at the barricades for liberty with my pitchfork. I wonder if I’ll see you on the other side.
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Really? Y'all seem desperate to be outraged...

  • 60.5% of all graduate school completers have federal student loan debt from graduate schools; 54.2% have debt from their undergraduate studies.
  • Among master’s degree holders, 60.0% owe federal student loans for graduate school while 52.8% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Among those with professional doctorates, 74.5% owe federal student loan debt for graduate school; 73.5% owe for undergraduate school.
  • Doctors of Medicine are the most likely to have student loan debt; 81.0% owe graduate school debt while 80.3% have unpaid loans from undergraduate school.

Yes I have some outrage with this for a couple of reasons. One, it shows, without question higher education has become to damn expensive and needs to be dramatically reduced. Two, it shows life has become way to easy for these kids. Instead of spending four years or longer learning how to work hard and make sacrifices to earn their degrees they think life is a party, that shows in society as these kids think everything should be given to them. With student loans college has become nothing more than High School without parents.
I used to laugh at my son when he was at OSU. He was pissed off every finals week. He got pissed off hearing all the whining from student stressing our over finals when all they had to do was go to school. To the football players, final weeks were like a vacation.

I'm all for a student loan program but not one that allows these kids to do nothing but go to school and party. There should be a requirement kids work to pay a percentage of their tuition while they are in school and only for degrees that offer a good return on the investment.
The GOP should have fully embraced the debt forgiveness and gone even further. Missed opportunity.
If by “embraced” you meant choke the life out of it you were spot on.
We have successfully rebranded ourselves as the party of the working class.

Some of that was Trump rejecting free trade and embracing fair trade. The rest was Democrats making unforced errors like asking Latino's to accept "LATINX" and embracing gender, queer and critical race theory.

The GOP needs to double down by embracing debt relief. This is not "liberal". It has a long history. Christian Kings used to forgive all debt in Jubilee years. It is obviously great for the economy and for the long term health of not only our economy but our civlization.

The biggest long term struggle we face is demographic collapse. Our birth replacement rate is well below the needed 2.1. We need young people to start having families earlier and have lots of them. Allowing them get a start debt free is a great way to start.

If you oppose this, you obviously are a cultural marxist, or simply have misplaced priorities.

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