Biden administration 'holds secret talks on stationing American troops in Gaza' after Hamas is defeated


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

If this is truly being discussed with even a hint of seriousness this administration is the dumbest group of dolts to ever run our great country. This should be a strictly muslim force with some accountability & preferably in no way shape or form connected to the idiots in the UN. I'm stunned if this is really taking place. American soldiers in Gaza with what mission, except to not get killed in droves. Beirut 1983 all over again.

If this is truly being discussed with even a hint of seriousness this administration is the dumbest group of dolts to ever run our great country. This should be a strictly muslim force with some accountability & preferably in no way shape or form connected to the idiots in the UN. I'm stunned if this is really taking place. American soldiers in Gaza with what mission, except to not get killed in droves. Beirut 1983 all over again.
Until Muslims accept the Jewish people and Israel itself have the right to exist in peace there will always be conflict no matter the efforts. Before someone says Israel must accept the same, they are not the ones that started this conflict and I do not blame Israel for keeping a strong hand on people that want the Jewish people wiped from the face of the earth. This is 100% on Muslims and their cult religion.

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