Bannon Found Guilty Of Contempt Of Congress


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Took a jury pool in Washington DC 3 hours to find Bannon guilty of contempt of Congress. While Democrats will celebrate the verdict, this verdict couldn't come at a better time with Republicans about to regain control of Congress, giving them the ability to subpeona Democrats at will. The only question then becomes is will there be a double standard in our judicial system?
What do you think he gets? 6 months home confinement and a 5 digit fine I'm thinking.
So then you agree what Bannon did was illegal and he deserves to be punished?

According to that court it was but I have very little faith in our current justice system. What I do know is Democrats now have no defense or justification to avoid testifying when Republicans subpoena them in the next Congress.
No, I don't believe what he has been found guilty of is deserving of the death penalty.

Stop being silly.
Silly? Not silly, the scumbag MAGA deserve to be drawn and quartered in front of his followers as an example of what your team has in store for them. As usual you are trying to hide your ultimate goal.
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According to that court it was but I have very little faith in our current justice system.
No, according to the law it was. And he was found guilty of breaking the law.

And I am not surprised you have very little faith in our "current" justice system. You want a justice system that satisfies your deranged partisan expectations. Thank goodness our justice system doesn't do that.
No, according to the law it was. And he was found guilty of breaking the law.

And I am not surprised you have very little faith in our "current" justice system. You want a justice system that satisfies your deranged partisan expectations. Thank goodness our justice system doesn't do that.
Are you getting that, @2012Bearcat? The world renowned non-partisan spokesman from Florida believes you have deranged partisan expectations. As we all know he gets the last word, and his last word is solid gold truth. It's settled: you're a deranged far right wing partisan and your ideas are dangerous for all his non-partisan plans for society.
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Silly? Not silly, the scumbag MAGA deserve to be drawn and quartered in front of his followers as an example of what your team has in store for them. As usual you are trying to hide your ultimate goal.

I see you have gone off the deep end again. @davidallen is definitely right to be worried about you Lonesome Dan.

btw, for the record, I oppose the death penalty as a means of punishment. But hey, don't let the truth stand in the way of your craziness. You never do.

I see you have gone off the deep end again. @davidallen is definitely right to be worried about you Lonesome Dan.

btw, for the record, I oppose the death penalty as a means of punishment. But hey, don't let the truth stand in the way of your craziness. You never do.
You can't hide your contempt and hatred for MAGA/Republicans/Conservatives any longer. We all know you want to murder the whole bunch of them. Thank God I'm not one of them, you'd want to murder me, too!
You can't hide your contempt and hatred for MAGA/Republicans/Conservatives any longer. We all know you want to murder the whole bunch of them. Thank God I'm not one of them, you'd want to murder me, too!
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What do you think: should crazy people be killed or groomed along wih the pre-schoolers?
I don't know, you tell me. This is your manic meltdown after all.

btw, what happened to your PA ignore game?
I will not put him on ignore, but I will never reply to anything he says again, and I urge everyone else to do the same.
No, according to the law it was. And he was found guilty of breaking the law.

And I am not surprised you have very little faith in our "current" justice system. You want a justice system that satisfies your deranged partisan expectations. Thank goodness our justice system doesn't do that.
Oh my faith in the Justice System was lost long before Democrats declared war against Trump. The system now is nothing more than a scam for lawyers to get rich and has little to do with justice.
I don't know, you tell me. This is your manic meltdown after all.

btw, what happened to your PA ignore game?

Is that how you see it when somebody makes fun of you for your Cliff Clavin-ness, you think they're having a melt down? Yeah, that's probably what Cliff would think. too.
Is that how you see it when somebody makes fun of you for your Cliff Clavin-ness, you think they're having a melt down? Yeah, that's probably what Cliff would think. too.
Who you talking to? I thought I was on PA ignore??

I will not put him on ignore, but I will never reply to anything he says again, and I urge everyone else to do the same.
Who you talking to? I thought I was on PA ignore??

I can go back to not replying to your inanities again if you prefer. But, damn! It's fun making fun of your Cliff Clavin assuredness, just like everybody in Cheers did to him. But I get it, you're sensitive, and even though you think it's okay for you to denigrate others you find it painful to be on the receiving end. So you decide: should I not reply to your nuttiness, or make fun of it?
its literally data and facts. The biggest cesspool in the country, Washington DC and it’s surrounding suburbs are overwhelmingly blue. Can you dispute that?
Why would he dispute something he finds so deeply satisfying?
I can go back to not replying to your inanities again if you prefer.
I don't care what you do. Either way, you have once again been shown to be a liar and PA AF. Either way, I'm laughing my *** off at you.

I don't care what you do. Either way, you have once again been shown to be a liar and PA AF. Either way, I'm laughing my *** off at you.

Oh, well, if you're leaving it up to me I choose to make fun of you when I feel like it and ignore you when I prefer. But I've got to tell you, Cliff Clavin, I don't detect any laughing in your replies, I detect hurt feelings. I'd say I'm sorry, but after what you did to Medic I will never feel sorry for you about anything that happens in your life. I will either ignore your comments as not being worthy of reply or I will heap giant amounts of ridicule on you.
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Can you back up your claim that DC juries are harder on Qonservatives?

Are you asking me to evaluate every jury in dc history and the facts of the cases versus the outcome? That’s amusing for a message board tactic, but are you honestly saying that the most corrupt place in the country being the most overwhelming democrat area in the country is a nothing burger? Just admit you are proud the sleaze balls are on your side but stop with the perpetual victim stuff. Try to have some sort of rational moral compass.
Oh, well, if you're leaving it up to me I choose to make fun of you when I feel like it and ignore you when I prefer. But I've got to tell you, Cliff Clavin, I don't detect any laughing in your replies, I detect hurt feelings. I'd say I'm sorry, but after what you did to Medic I will never feel sorry for you about anything that happens in your life. I will either ignore your comments as not being worthy of reply or I will heap giant amounts of ridicule on you.

You really believe I give a flip what you think about me or say about me on this board? If you believe that, you are more delusional than I thought you were. And that is saying something.

As for little man meds, he got everything he deserved before he ran off to hide. He spent all his time on here making disgusting unhinged comments at anyone who disagreed with him. He was all about throwing out demeaning personal insults, and then, when he received a dose of his own medicine, he clearly couldn't handle it.
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You really believe I give a flip what you think about me or say about me on this board? If you believe that, you are more delusional than I thought you were. And that is saying something.

As for little man meds, he got everything he deserved before he ran off to hide. He spent all his time on here making disgusting unhinged comments at anyone who disagreed with him. He was all about throwing out demeaning personal insults, and then, when he received a dose of his own medicine, he clearly couldn't handle it.
Balderdash, you got mad because he correctly pointed out that you are a child sexual-pervertion groomer. And, no, I didn't think you give a flip about what I think of you until today when you almost started crying after I made so much fun of your kookiness. Medic made fun of you over something you advocate. You publicized what must have been a painful personal event in his life. You did more than step over the line, you obliterated the line, and no one should ever forget what you did or forgive you for it. Your true character came out of the closet as the disgusting person you are. You deserve to be either ignored or ridiculed.
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