Any Masons on here?


Gold Member
Jan 14, 2006
I know you are supposed to ask a Mason to join and I feel like I am being hinted at to do that from one of the local members. I think it is pretty commendable what they do for our community and I know I would enjoy that aspect of it. The Lodge in our town with a population of around 1,000 puts about $50,000/year back into the community. A Majority of this goes to helping out the local youth in some form.

I guess my question is what else can you tell me about the organization. I would love to get other’s thoughts on this subject/organization. I think I remember reading that @chasepollard is a Mason and I am sure there are others on here as well.
I know you are supposed to ask a Mason to join and I feel like I am being hinted at to do that from one of the local members. I think it is pretty commendable what they do for our community and I know I would enjoy that aspect of it. The Lodge in our town with a population of around 1,000 puts about $50,000/year back into the community. A Majority of this goes to helping out the local youth in some form.

I guess my question is what else can you tell me about the organization. I would love to get other’s thoughts on this subject/organization. I think I remember reading that @chasepollard is a Mason and I am sure there are others on here as well.

You’d look much better in a fez than chase, but he’s much more suited for a clown car.
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My great gramps was one. Hope that helps. I have a lot of his stuff from when he was in. As well as his WW1 stuff. My gramps didn’t join because he thought it would go against his thoughts of God. I have never really looked into to how it could butt heads with ones beliefs of Christianity. A member would probably know this better. My gramps also has a hard time trusting people so I am sure he over thought the idea.

If you are interested, ask a member about Masonry. If they are interested, it can move forward towards membership,


Fez and clown cars are Shriners.


If you would do some research, you would learn the Masonic teachings are heavy laden towards Christianity AND a knockout question has to do with religion. Do you really think our founding fathers would construct a system and document designed to lead our country under God, yet involve themselves in satanic stuff? If so, you need more research.

If you are interested, ask a member about Masonry. If they are interested, it can move forward towards membership,


Fez and clown cars are Shriners.


If you would do some research, you would learn the Masonic teachings are heavy laden towards Christianity AND a knockout question has to do with religion. Do you really think our founding fathers would construct a system and document designed to lead our country under God, yet involve themselves in satanic stuff? If so, you need more research.


I know. That’s what made it funny.
Do you really think our founding fathers would construct a system and document designed to lead our country under God, yet involve themselves in satanic stuff?

Our founding fathers were a bunch of assholes who rebelled against the King because he wanted compensation for bailing thier asses out after starting unnecessary wars against the French and native Americans. When the King benevolently rescinded the taxes the colonists rioted about , they started war anyway. Most Americans at the time were loyalists and wanted to remain with the United Kingdom.

The United States is a secular country that does not recognize God at all. God is never mentioned in the Constitution, unlike many European and South American constitutions. To say any republic that does not mirror Heaven in it's leadership and is without monarchy has anything to do with Christianity is silly and just what a mason would say.
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Our founding fathers were a bunch of assholes who rebelled against the King because he wanted compensation for bailing thier asses out after starting unnecessary wars against the French and native Americans. When the King benevolently rescinded the taxes the colonists rioted about , they started war anyway. Most Americans at the time were loyalists and wanted to remain with the United Kingdom.

The United States is a secular country that does not recognize God at all. God is never mentioned in the Constitution, unlike many European and South American constitutions. To say any republic that does not mirror Heaven in it's leadership and is without monarchy has anything to do with Christianity is silly and just what a mason would say.

One of my favorite posters.
Our founding fathers were a bunch of assholes who rebelled against the King because he wanted compensation for bailing thier asses out after starting unnecessary wars against the French and native Americans. When the King benevolently rescinded the taxes the colonists rioted about , they started war anyway. Most Americans at the time were loyalists and wanted to remain with the United Kingdom.

The United States is a secular country that does not recognize God at all. God is never mentioned in the Constitution, unlike many European and South American constitutions. To say any republic that does not mirror Heaven in it's leadership and is without monarchy has anything to do with Christianity is silly and just what a mason would say.

Let's start a fight under the premise of Freedom, then declare in documentation that one has no Freedom of Religion. There are several inferences to God, but I'm not sure it its direct. One thing is for certain, there is no reference direct or otherwise in regards to worship of Satan or multiple gods.

Masonic principals mirror constitutional principals and Masonic connections had a major impact on the outcome of the revolution.
Masonic principals mirror constitutional principals and Masonic connections had a major impact on the outcome of the revolution.

Correct, which is why the American revolution in 1776 and French Revolution in 1789 did so much damage to the world. Both spread masonic ideas.

Take Freedom of religion for instance. This is evil. The public practice of false religions should be illegal and was banned under Christendom. Now the great capitols of Christian Europe have mosques everywhere. For 1000 years Christendom battled to keep the barbarians out. Now due to Masonic ideals, they march in through the front door without a fight.
Their is only One True Church. The Other 33,000 sects and counting decide what you want to believe, play dress up and than pat yourself on the back for attending a fake worship service with no Eucharist, no real presence, no priest, no Christ, no sacraments: nothing.

Matthew 7:21 to 23 refers to Protestant fakers
Their is only One True Church. The Other 33,000 sects and counting decide what you want to believe, play dress up and than pat yourself on the back for attending a fake worship service with no Eucharist, no real presence, no priest, no Christ, no sacraments: nothing.

Matthew 7:21 to 23 refers to Protestant fakers

So does the fact that the State church was the Church of England (Anglican) during the Revolution change the dynamic of your scenario?
My bro is, and I know a doctor on this board named Mason.
Their is only One True Church. The Other 33,000 sects and counting decide what you want to believe, play dress up and than pat yourself on the back for attending a fake worship service with no Eucharist, no real presence, no priest, no Christ, no sacraments: nothing.

Matthew 7:21 to 23 refers to Protestant fakers
I'm Catholic, but you're painting with a very wide brush on that one.
I agree with the basis of what brt is saying. Maybe not all the sensationalism.

All Christian sects derived from Catholicism. People made new churches because they didn't like SOME thing about being Catholic. That's all it is, plain and simple. Don't like something about being Catholic? Well, create a new sect and call it a protestant church. Don't like baptism at birth? Create a new sect. Want to get divorced but Pope won't let you? Create a new sect.

Many sects directly relate to whatever political events were taking place when and where the sect was created. The obvious example would be Henry 8 and the church of England, but lets look at Baptists being created during the Enlightenment Period of America. A huge morality check was taking place in America which included many anti-alcohol sentiments. Therefore, pretty much only in America, the Baptist sect looks down on alcohol simply because of the climate surrounding the creation of the sect. You will find very, very few other sects in the world that look down upon drinking alcohol; its pretty much a unique American thing.

To be fair, many sects were created during a very corrupt time in Catholicism and there was a reason for disdain and distrust. However there can be no doubt that the original Christian church was the Catholic church and every other Christian church has systematically gotten farther and farther away from the actual teachings of Christ.

Many Masonic rituals are extremely anti-Christian.

Masonic lodges are racist.

Does it mean the individual Masons are not good Christians and are all racist? No. But there is no doubt the organization is.
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