An Explanation

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
For why there is a shortage of hospital ICU beds for Covid patients. As he says, he is writing specifically about the situation in Louisiana, but it applies in varying degrees to every state. Very interesting.

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Sounds like a radical anarchist libertarian utopia: "So we get women's hospitals, orthopedic hospitals, etc., sucking the profitable work from community hospitals, without taking any of the burden of community care for the indigent."
Sounds like a radical anarchist libertarian utopia: "So we get women's hospitals, orthopedic hospitals, etc., sucking the profitable work from community hospitals, without taking any of the burden of community care for the indigent."
Oh, my @davidallen, I am shocked at how ill informed you are about radical anarchist libertarian utopia. Your Google search really dropped the ball on this one, a radical anarchist libertarian utopia would be far more evil than you assume. In a radical anarchist libertarian utopia there would be no “community” hospitals, at least none funded by government, because the “anarchist” part of the formula means there would be no government to fund them.

What a dilemma! My, oh my, how could a society of free people survive such freedom? I’m sure a society of free people could never figure out how to care for those in need. Hell, that’s why we need government, to enforce the Christian mandate to love each other and provide help where needed. It is patently absurd to expect free people to have consciences. No, government is the only possible solution!

Yes indeed, a radical anarchist libertarian utopia is evil! A society of free people is evil! Freedom itself is the root of all evil!

Can I get an amen?

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