Ahmund Arbery

Nah. Toon is actually much smarter than you. He was the dumbest member to grace this board before you, so the comparison was as close to accurate as I could get.

I really should stop insulting Toon by putting him at your level of dumbassery though. You have an unmatched level of stupidity not previously seen here, Toon included.

El lol!

Way to quickly back down Meds.

See how easy that was for me?
Because it is clear that race was a factor. You and I both know too that if two black men had chased down a white jogger and shot him, they would have been arrested at the scene immediately.

Now, you can play your games all you want. I don't care. Your refusal to see the racial factor at play in all of this says a lot about you.

How may times in this thread did @my_2cents vent his racist thoughts and claim that two black men would be arrested immediately if they shot a white person?

In news just my home town of Tulsa. It took 9 years for the shooters (both black men) to be arrested for killing a white women. And the detectives knew the two probably did it for several years.
claim that two black men would be arrested immediately if they shot a white person?

That isn't what I claimed. I claimed if two black men shot a white jogger like these two white men did, they would have been arrested on the scene instead of let go.

Stop misrepresenting my claims.

How may times in this thread did @my_2cents vent his racist thoughts and claim that two black men would be arrested immediately if they shot a white person?

In news just my home town of Tulsa. It took 9 years for the shooters (both black men) to be arrested for killing a white women. And the detectives knew the two probably did it for several years.

From the article...

"Gunned down at a midtown gas station, the clerk's killing three days before Christmas was a classic "whodunit," police said. The two robbers, masked and gloved, were caught only on surveillance footage."

The Arbery case is not a classic whodunit. The police knew who did it the minute they arrived on scene.

You just keep flailing around cable.
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Notice all the coverage the above got?????? The Georgia deal was incredibly stupid and sad. But reading both stories you can see where the media wants to drive any story once it sees the light of day. Almost impossible to find pictures of the deceased elderly couple. Just spitballing for a segment of the board. If this had been a white moron killing an elderly black couple what would be going on now?

cableok, the First 48 is a very interesting series and the Tulsa group is as amazing as they say.
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That isn't what I claimed. I claimed if two black men shot a white jogger like these two white men did, they would have been arrested on the scene instead of let go.

Stop misrepresenting my claims.

The Arbery case is not a classic whodunit. The police knew who did it the minute they arrived on scene..

You backpeddle fast!!
The Tulsa police identified the two killers six years ago.

* homicide detectives have "relentlessly pursued" the two for the past several years. From
*. “Detective Jason White from Tulsa's Homicide Unit says Hamstard was named as a possible suspect early on”. From
* “Detectives said they interviewed several people over the years, who said Hamstard admitted to shooting Peggy Gaytan.” “In 2013, Detectives interviewed both Thomas and Hamstard” from

You attempted to make-up facts about the Arbery case and you failed miserably. Now you silly assertion wasn’t proven untrue by someone googling and finding a random story, but a story today in Tulsa with similar situations.
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The Tulsa police identified the two killers six years ago.

And the murder took place nine years ago.

Now you silly assertion wasn’t proven untrue by someone googling and finding a random story, but a story in Tulsa with similar situations.

lol, no, the two cases are not "similar situations." What in the world are you even talking about? :rolleyes:

I would encourage you to give it a rest because you are looking foolish right now, but I doubt you will.
very interesting discussion about the Arbery case with Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) in this video which starts at the 31:00 minute mark... (the earlier part of the video is on Covid 19)

I am guessing you didn’t listen to this did you? He speaks for nearly 5 minutes and nearly everything he said was said by people arguing against you in this thread.

Erickson is saying people should not be vilifying the victim. Erickson is saying that going into a construction site is not a reason to die. Erickson is saying that McMichael should not have chased after the victim and shot him.

He is right. I hope you were not posting that because you disagree with what he said. Are you posting this because you are a “prosecutor” and feel you need to disclose evidence to us that goes against your postings?

No one on this thread is going after Arbery. The only person making wild accusations is your attempts of being divisive by race-baiting.
I think racal factors were defintely involved. Nailing down a main motivation though in instances like this can often be elusive.

I would disagree due to my opposition to the death penalty. But they could be sentenced to the death penalty for felony murder in GA.

Because many people can see the racial factors at play in this murder. Others can't or don't want to see them.

There is a difference between “seeing racial factors,” which almost everybody “sees,” and contributing those “racial factors” as the primary motive for the murder. You are trying to walk a fine line. On the one hand you seem to insist the “racial factors” must be taken into account. But when you are called on it you claim that’s not what you are saying.

The kid was murdered. That’s all any of us need to know or see. Your attempt to insert racism into the equation is immaterial, at least it should be. Your attempt to widen the racial divide on this board (and in this country) should prohibit you from having a position as a prosecutor, if, indeed, you are.
I heard the guy that captured the shooting on video has been arrested and charged with murder. Seems kind of silly to charge a guy with murder for videoing what took place but maybe there is more to the story. Anyone know?
I heard the guy that captured the shooting on video has been arrested and charged with murder. Seems kind of silly to charge a guy with murder for videoing what took place but maybe there is more to the story. Anyone know?

You don't believe that guy driving behind the jogger that filmed the crime just 'happened to pass by' at that very moment do you? Notice, you don't actually see any part of the video where the guy wasn't ALREADY on camera. How long had he followed the "jogger" filming him prior to the altercation?
You don't believe that guy driving behind the jogger that filmed the crime just 'happened to pass by' at that very moment do you? Notice, you don't actually see any part of the video where the guy wasn't ALREADY on camera. How long had he followed the "jogger" filming him prior to the altercation?
If he is arrested for murder I would have to assume he was in on the scheme and filming it as a stand your ground defense.
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You don't believe that guy driving behind the jogger that filmed the crime just 'happened to pass by' at that very moment do you? Notice, you don't actually see any part of the video where the guy wasn't ALREADY on camera. How long had he followed the "jogger" filming him prior to the altercation?

I have not paid much attention to the case and had no idea who the guy that videoed the case was. I just heard he was being charged with murder and found that odd. As to the part of not seeing him in the video, the MSM is famous for showing parts of clips to stir up the ignorant.
Back to my question, are they saying this guy was part of setting this guy up to murder him? If so I think this maybe another case of overcharging to try and pacify the overly emotional. No way a murder charge sticks against him.
@my_2cents. For some reason this story is hard to locate in the media? Hmmmm
Odd. This person who assaulted the elderly person has still not been charged. Even though it is on video. And this person has a history of assault.

But I don’t see people protesting and marching for the person to be charged. And I don’t see this story much in the media.

What type of privilege is this called? I need help from the SJWs on the board.
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