A sad ----> happy story

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
New client brings cat to my office. We will call her Mary. She is 86 years old and sharp as a tack. Still driving. Lives alone. Adopted the cat (Rusty) from a local shelter because Covid has her feeling more isolated than previously, and she needs a companion. The shelter tells her that he was found on the side of the road, having seizures due to suspected head trauma (probably hit by a car). They nursed him back to health and allowed her to adopt him. After a week, or two, he begins having issues with urination. I determine that he has an anatomical issue that makes it difficult to empty his bladder. I will save you from going into excessive detail on that. The only thing that will solve this cat's problem is a surgical procedure which redirects the urethra so that cat voids directly through the skin and the penis is removed. If we perform the surgery, the prognosis is very good for this cat to have a normal, happy life.

The only issue is that the surgery is going to cost around $1500. That is the discounted price. I am limited as to how much I can drop the price because I do not perform this surgery and have a travelling surgeon come to my office to perform the surgery. We find out that Mary is living off social security and food stamps, and that her daughter died about a year ago. She tells me that she is going to figure out a way to pay for the surgery, and she wants me to take care of Rusty.

One of my nurses starts a fundraiser on facebook, and is able to raise over $1000 (in about 4 hours) with more money still coming in. I share the news with Mary, and she has no idea what I am talking about. She can't understand where the money is coming from, but she is so happy and excited that we are going to be able to help Rusty and get him back to her.

I have to say, that I was also pretty shocked that we were able to raise so much money so quickly. There are a lot of very fine people out there, willing to help others when they are down.
You are going to chop a cats penis off to save him??? Glad you got the money and she will get her friend back!
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