A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic - Denies Candace Owens a test


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
September 3, 2021

A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic​

By Andrea Widburg

Candace Owens needed a COVID test, so she contacted a rapid response testing facility in Aspen, Colorado to make an appointment. Instead of an appointment, she got a letter telling her there was no way that this business would ever test Owens because Owens is an anti-vaxxer. Instead, said the owner, Owens could go to the slow, back-alley testing facility. Owens publicized the exchange because it gives away the fact that this whole COVID panic in 2021 is a scam.

It all happened on Wednesday evening, when Owens contacted what purports to be the only rapid COVID testing site in Aspen, Colorado. Instead of getting an appointment confirmation, Owens received a lunatic letter from Suzanna Lee, who identifies herself as the owner. Having established her bona fides, she proceeds to ream Owens, saying Owens is unfit for one of Lee's tests:

We cannot support anyone who has pro-actively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing and DISCOURAGING the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life-saving vaccinations.
To emphasize what a terrible thing it is for anyone to be denied service at Lee's elite facility, Lee lets Candace know what's in store for her elsewhere in Aspen:

The only other local testing option is the free kiosk by city hall. They mail their tests to Texas and have inconsistent result times, do not take appointments so its walk in only midday weekdays in their back alley.

Oh, no! Not the back alley. If I wanted to play the Democrats' racial games, I might suggest that telling this to a Black woman sounds remarkably like a 1950s Democrat telling a Black person to get to the back of the bus, use the back entrance, or go to that separate drinking fountain.

Lee closes by playing the martyr card, saying she and her team work too hard "to ensure that our community remains protected" to waste any time serving someone like Owens.

Owens responded in her typical insouciant fashion, first saying that the email could "be the most hilarious e-mail I have ever received in my life." After laughing, Owens moved in for the kill:

Nothing screams "this virus isn't political" quite like googling the names of the people who book tests with you and determining on a case by case basis whether or not you will let them comply with your community covid measures. Nothing screams "I love my local community" quite like refusing to test people who are going to a local event and wish to ensure that are negative and therefore do not spread the virus.
Owens closed with a few more well-deserved verbal punches about the owner's sanity and vanity.

After Owens went public with the email exchange, she immediately received pushback from a leftist accusing her of showboating and, of course, wishing COVID on Owens:

Owens was unfazed. She replied by making even more explicit her position that the issue wasn't what a private business could or could not do. Instead, she was "pointing to the OBVIOUS FACT that she (and ALL of you lefties) know that this pandemic is fake. If you were legitimately fearful you would encourage testing of the unvaxxed in your neighborhood."

I literally do not care that she turned me down (as a private business).

Just pointing to the OBVIOUS FACT that she (and ALL of you lefties) know that this pandemic is fake.

If you were legitimately fearful you would encourage testing of the unvaxxed in your neighborhood.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 2, 2021

In a second tweet, Owens doubled down on her main point that COVID paranoia in 2021 is a con game, noting that Lee had explicitly said that there was no one between Aspen and Texas who could give Owens a test. "So she was willing to let me wander in her community unvaxxed, untested, and without a means to test — why?" Owens answered her own question: "Because she isn’t afraid. None of you are."

All in all, the brilliant Candace Owens took what a leftist intended as a monumental, principled stand against "bad" people and turned it around to reveal the terrible hypocrisy and cruelty lurking behind everything that leftists are doing.
So Candace Owens hand picks some crazy testing center in Aspen who denies her a test and this PROVES this pandemic is fake. It’s amazing people are still falling for Candace Owens’s schtick. She has made millions playing you all. I’m honestly impressed by her con and how successful it has been.
Apparently the Hippocratic oath is no longer taken.
Isn't that a doctor thing? if the person who denied her the test isn't a doctor its irrelevant. i'm not taking sides here. but lay people aren't required to take an oath.
So Candace Owens hand picks some crazy testing center in Aspen who denies her a test and this PROVES this pandemic is fake. It’s amazing people are still falling for Candace Owens’s schtick. She has made millions playing you all. I’m honestly impressed by her con and how successful it has been.
I don’t think it proves the pandemic is fake, but it does prove some people are assholes and hypocrites.
Isn't that a doctor thing? if the person who denied her the test isn't a doctor its irrelevant. i'm not taking sides here. but lay people aren't required to take an oath.
I was always of the understanding that do no harm applied to all that practice medicine. Oddly enough Hippocrates was more concerned about corruption than do no harm. That being said I'm not sure but "lay people" if practicing any form of medicine most likely got taught at some time "first do no harm" regardless of taking the oath or not.
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I was always of the understanding that do no harm applied to all that practice medicine. Oddly enough Hippocrates was more concerned about corruption than do no harm. That being said I'm not sure but "lay people" if practicing any form of medicine most likely got taught at some time "first do no harm" regardless of taking the oath or not.
they aren't practicing med are they? just testing facility. again, i'm not trying to pick a side, think the owner of the testing facility is in the wrong here. just as the lady is in the wrong for not getting vaccinated, imo.
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they aren't practicing med are they? just testing facility. again, i'm not trying to pick a side, think the owner of the testing facility is in the wrong here. just as the lady is in the wrong for not getting vaccinated, imo.
Your making a valid argument. I'm not sure I would make that distinction. They are providing a diagnosis based on a test. Not sure I would preclude them from the term medicine. Either way the lady is definitely in the wrong to deny the test.
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So Candace Owens hand picks some crazy testing center in Aspen who denies her a test and this PROVES this pandemic is fake. It’s amazing people are still falling for Candace Owens’s schtick. She has made millions playing you all. I’m honestly impressed by her con and how successful it has been.

so are all conservative commentators grifters or just the black ones?
Baseless racist charges is M. O. for the left. Candace Owens is a "white supremacist."

I am 1/4 house boy, token, "white boy", traitor and Uncle Tom. I learned this at a very early age. Guess from whom I learned such. I didn't learn this from HighStickHarry.
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so are all conservative commentators grifters or just the black ones?
Would it make you feel better if I named all the white liberal commentators, like basically anyone at MSNBC, that I can’t stand bc pander shamelessly to their base? I could but I feel like that would just be superfluous for this board haha. I did say I was impressed w her work, FWIW.
Would it make you feel better if I named all the white liberal commentators, like basically anyone at MSNBC, that I can’t stand bc pander shamelessly to their base? I could but I feel like that would just be superfluous for this board haha. I did say I was impressed w her work, FWIW.

it would have made me feel better if you had done that before your racism, not after.