2017 Fitness Goals

N. Pappagiorgio

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 4, 2004
I am currently 6-2 216 lbs. I want to get to 200 lbs while increasing muscle mass.
I need to drink less, eat better and exercise more to get there. Blood pressure and cholesterol are borderline and I'm just sick of it.

Anybody else looking to improve?
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Last year I lost 30 pounds, cut my blood pressure by a third. My body fat, body mass, body water and bone density is either normal or close to it. My cholestrial is in very good shape

I owe a lot of my success to retiring and moving to Utah.

Before I moved I did most of my cardio in the gym and my goal was to burn 750 calories a day. When I moved all my cardio is done outside.

What I learned:
Hiking burns more calories than riding a bike
Walking on an elevated treadmill burns about the same calories as running

Eating in moderation really helps especially if your not a disciplined eater like me.

My goals
Become a stronger hiker and biker and continue with my weight lifting
Currently 5'8 and anywhere from 145-150 depending on the day. Workout 3 days a week but would like to get it to at least 4 if not 5 and the weight down to 140-145, although I'm not sure it's possible. I have always had a super high metabolism, and probably eat as much if not more than the average man. Friends call me "Mikey" Bc I have to eat every 2-3 hours or the hanger takes over. I need to greatly increase my water intake and eat better....I'm really good at having a good workout and then eating a burger 2 hours later. Overall goal is to lean out and see more definition and cut down on the "bulk". I haven't been as motivated to work out the last 2 months as I was the previous 6....need to regain my desire and work my ass off.
I am currently 6-2 216 lbs. I want to get to 200 lbs while increasing muscle mass.
I need to drink less, eat better and exercise more to get there. Blood pressure and cholesterol are borderline and I'm just sick of it.

Anybody else looking to improve?

I have a tshirt for you to work out in.

Beat 2 hours in OKC 1/2 marathon in April and run 1000 miles this year. I'm at 19 so far!
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6'2" 190, 43 yo in Feb
-cut way down all possible non-beer carbs
-weekly: three days lifting, one day intense cardio, one day less-intense cardio
-increase bench and squat numbers through spring
-run 5K under 22 minutes in summer
-survive life
38, 5'11", 160. Actually started my 'journey' back in August. Was maybe 170, but not carrying it well. Especially in the money maker and the gut. One disgusting picture of me slamming wings at Hooters by my wife was all the motivation I needed. In week 2, Month 3, and round 2 of the old school p90x as of today. Not for bulk, but for tone. Actually has just become pretty much a part of my daily routine. Not where I want to be physically still, mainly core, but overal look and feel a helluva lot better. Still enjoy my cocktails, maybe a cheat meal a week. Hey, I'm human. But after I wrap up this round, it is a week in Cancun, then onto round 3. Not getting any younger, and this was about the age my dad started blowing up in weight. Yet another motivator. Trying to nip it in the bud.

Check this guy out. Lot of good material on discipline and motivation, getting after it, etc. It gives me a good shot in the arm when I need it.

He's a 40 something Navy Seal, BJJ black belt that trains with some really good guys, and owns a consulting company for executives based around his book Extreme Ownership. Lots of good stuff in his podcast
38, 5'11", 160. Actually started my 'journey' back in August. Was maybe 170, but not carrying it well. Especially in the money maker and the gut. One disgusting picture of me slamming wings at Hooters by my wife was all the motivation I needed. In week 2, Month 3, and round 2 of the old school p90x as of today. Not for bulk, but for tone. Actually has just become pretty much a part of my daily routine. Not where I want to be physically still, mainly core, but overal look and feel a helluva lot better. Still enjoy my cocktails, maybe a cheat meal a week. Hey, I'm human. But after I wrap up this round, it is a week in Cancun, then onto round 3. Not getting any younger, and this was about the age my dad started blowing up in weight. Yet another motivator. Trying to nip it in the bud.

Nice work, man. That's some goal setting and motivation in your post. Congrats.
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If I average 5 pounds of weight loss a month, I'll be pretty damn close to my goal weight by the end of the year. My biggest goal is to be able to go shopping in my closet. I have so much stuff that I can't wear right now. It'll be less expensive (also, healthier) to lose the weight to fit into it again. I'm also hitting the weights pretty hard in part because the only way to slow down the further deterioration of the cartilage behind my left knee cap (which I had scoped in September) is to strengthen my quads. I'm also sneaking in bike rides when the weather permits.
212 this AM

Cranked out 73. The last 3 looked like something off of the Biggest Loser, but I'm closer damn'it.
212 this AM

Cranked out 73. The last 3 looked like something off of the Biggest Loser, but I'm closer damn'it.
If thighs and chest don't touch the ground, don't bother counting. Give a hand release push up count or it didn't happen.
I tape a ping pong ball on the floor the touch my sternum. That's the only way my dad counted them growing up.

Where are you now with your diet?
I'm 6'6" tall and I used to weigh 270, but an emergency surgery and lengthy hospital stay back in November and a follow-up surgery the 1st week of January changed that. I'm now down around 225 and am comfortable at that weight, although I wouldn't be upset about losing a little more. My biggest fitness goal this year, however, is to not put the pounds back on as my weight hasn't been this low since I was still a student at OSU (30 years old now).

My diet has been really poor the last 8 years or so, and I've been working to change it while recovering from the January surgery. In the past, I tended to eat a lot of animal protein and very few veggies. I still eat some sort of animal meat most days (typically deli turkey at lunch), but I've upped my veggie intake and cut way down on my portion sizes, which was the biggest culprit to my weight gain over the years. When eating dinner now, I've learned to ask myself if I really need to get a second or third helping of the main course or not. If we go out to eat, I've learned to accept that I don't need to finish all of my food at the restaurant. And if we're out and about on the weekend and get fast food somewhere for lunch, I've learned to order 1 or 2 less items than I used to. Basically, I've been trying to stop eating at the point I no longer feel hungry as opposed to eating until I feel stuffed. Additionally, I've tried to stop snacking on starchy items throughout the day at work and cut my soda intake down to 1/day max.

Working out right now is difficult as we have a 2-year old who we can't get to fall asleep until around midnight every night. But in my current physical state, I know that I can keep the weight off as long as I don't revert to my old eating habits. As my son gets older and develops a more "normal" bedtime, I'll planning to start working out a little bit more since I know my metabolism will begin to slow down as I get older.

Overall, I've found myself to be a lot less hungry throughout the day than I was before last November. My energy level also seems to have picked up as of late. I used to snore a lot every night, but my wife said I only snore for around 10 minutes now when I first fall asleep. The weight loss has been a big consolation prize for all the health issues I went through.
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I am just trying to get less fat. Office job has killed my body. Also being a stress eater is a terrible habit. Breaking that is awful.

I did go to a work seminar last month or first of this month. There was a speaker there and he wrote a book called 4 minute fit. Man dude is brilliant and I am trying incorporate his teachings into my own life as well as share with the trucking companies I work with. Once I read the whole book I will let you all know if it is worth buying or reading. So far though it is great.
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I'm 6'4" (standing on my 4 inches of medical bills) and weigh right at 3 bills.
Put on 30 pounds of pure stress this past year.
Got an elliptical that sits in my living room.
Get home at night and look at it, shake my head and get on the xbox to shoot shit!
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I'm down 24 pounds since the end of February. I ran 7K yesterday morning in 37:07. Not bad considering I had a meniscectomy in November and hadn't run since May '16 (until about Feb 15 on a treadmill at a moderate pace and the end of March outside sporadically until recently ) because of earlier knee pain.

I need to get busy with strength training. I'd like to do Starting Strength but there aren't any certified trainers in Tulsa
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