2014 Fila Cadet World championships


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2005
This tournament is in Nina, Slovakia and starts Tuesday 7/15 and continues through Sunday 7/20. Daton Fix is representing the US team at 54kg having won the 2014 Cadet Nationals. He is the only representative from Oklahoma on either the Greco or Freestyle team. He has been training in Wisconsin with the team for this event.


42 KG Gavin Teasdale (Pa.)
46 KG Kade Olivas (Ca.)
50KG Spencer Lee (Pa)
54KG Daton Fix (Ok)
58KG Carter Happel (Iowa)
63KG Jared Verkleeren (Pa.)
69KG (Mason Manville (NJ)
76KG Mark Hall (Mn)
85KG Hunter Ritter (Md)
100KG Jordan wood (Pa.)
125KG Jake Marnin (Iowa)

Good luck to the U.S. Team and Daton Fix in particular. Let's bring home some Gold!!!
Oberebo -- Thanks for posting this. Do you have a link to access additional information on this event? What is the best site to follow live, or to access results? Thanks
The official site for this championship is There is a story about it on this site which includes the full schedule. You can also watch videos of these matches on dartfish tv which you can sign up for at no cost on this fila site. I have used dartfish before and the problem is they will run all of the videos either same day or next day but they do not identify the wrestlers or countries. They just run them and you have to figure out who is wrestling. The fila site will also carry results.
The Freestyle matches start on Saturday July 19th and end on Sunday July 20th. The article in the link above says they start Freestyle matches at 10am both Saturday and Sunday but I have no idea if this is US time or Slovakia time. I will explore further.
first day of Greco did end well for the United States as all five competitors were shut out of the medal rounds. At 50kg Drew West loss to Zhuikou of Belarus 0-8. Jacob Spiess lost to Makoidze of Georgia 0-4. Taylor Lamont lost to Peltokangas of finland 2-10. Dominick Demas won over Madalin of Romania 6-0 and won over Betschart of Switzerland 4-4 then lost to Tchikaidze of Georgiua5-16. Ethan Anderson at 100kg lost to Danilevicius of Lithuania 2-11. None of the five advanced to the medal round and the only two wins were by Demas. Tomorrow the other five weights will compete in Greco at 42,46,69,76 and 85kg. As indicated freestyle does not start until Saturday.
No Medalists and very few wins in Greco after 2nd day. The U.S. was shut out. Hopefully, we will do better starting Saturday in the Freestyle.
Pairings are out for the first day of World Cadet freestyle for the first five weights. The remaining five weights will wrestle Sunday. The weights and matchups for Saturday are as follows:

42kg Gavin Teasdale vs. Uladislav Kouka of Belarus
50kg Spencer Lee on top of the bracket and will face Balazs Egyed of Hungary. Egyed was 11th at Cadet worlds last year.
58kg Carter Happel vs. Enrike Fombeya of Ukraine
70kg Mason Manville vs. Mahammad Hasanzada of Azerbaijan
85kg Hunter Ritter vs. Hovhannes Mkhitaryan of Amrmenia who was 7th in the European championships in May.

The wrestling starts at 4AM on Saturday morning. Who besides me will be up to follow the action?
well, it started at 3am Oklahoma time and so far I have seen 2 USA matches. Carter Happel was pinned at 58kg and Mason Manville just won at 69kg by a 12-1 tf.
Spencer Lee at 50kg took 47 seconds to score a 10-0 tf over Egyed of Hungary. No guts or leg laces. It was scored with 2 takedowns and then three turns. Amazing performance!
At 69kg Manville scores a 10-0 tf in 1:26 advancing to the semis. That is one old person talking to another or did you just get in from carousing?
I am going out on a limb here but I will declare Spencer Lee the winner in his quarter final match with Deniz of Turkey. He was ahead 9-0 when my screen locked up and oh by the way there had been 20 seconds elapsed. He is truly awesome.
Gavin Teasdale has a 10-0 tf against Kouka of Belarussia at 42kg and is in the quarterfinals. So far we have three wrestlers advancing without a loss and two wrestlers with one loss each.
First finalist! mason Manville scored a tf over Pruittam of India 13-3 to reach the 69kg finals. In a match against Georgia and Germany just before this match the Georgian wrestler was leading 8-6 and in a tie up with the German when with 1-2 seconds left on the clock he slugs the German with a closed fist and loses by Disqualification. Talk about losing your cool!
Second Finalist! Spencer Lee scores a fall in 30 seconds and was leading 8-0 at the time of the fall. By far the most dominant wrestler I have seen in this tournament. He has had a 47 second tf, a 20 second tf and a 30 second fall. He has been on the mat only 97 seconds for his three wins.
Gavin Teasdale at 42kg dec. Cinam of Turkey 6-2 to gain the semis. The U.S. has two in the finals, one in the semis. Do not know if the other two wrestlers who lost their first match are in the repechages.
In a heart-breaker Gavin Teasdaie was leading 4-4 by virtue of last takedown and his opponent scored takedown with 1-2 seconds left on the clock for a 6-4 victory.
The finals matchups for the U.S. wrestlers are as follows:

Bronze Medal match at 42kg Gavin Teasdale vs. Giorgi Khachidze of Georgia. Khachidze was the #1 seed at this weight but was beaten by the Iranian who beat Teasdale 6-4.

Gold Medal match at 50kg Spencer Lee vs. Nicolai Grahamez of MDA

Gold Medal Match at 69kg Mason Manville vs. Pritam Pritam of India

Neither Carter Happel at 58kg or Hunter Ritter at 85kg made the medal round and both were 0-1. Checking now to see what time the finals start.

The matches can be seen free on and the coverage is state of the art. You can watch all three mats at the same time.
This post was edited on 7/19 7:46 AM by oberebo
Matches about to start and at 42kg in the Bronze medal match Khachidze of Georgia who faces Teasdale was the Bronze Medalist in the European championships. At 50 kg Khasalov of Azerbaijan was the Gold medalist in the European championships.
It took Spencer Lee 20 seconds into the 2nd period to score an 11-0 tech fall over the European Gold medalist Khasalov. So he had a total mat time of 237 seconds or less that 4 minutes for his four matches. The cadet matches are 4 minutes in duration so he had less than match in time for his three tech falls and fall. He has to be the outstanding wrestler of the tournament.
I should have been in Slovakia today because I believe they awarded Medals or Plaques to every old fart over 70 that was in attendance between the 42 and 50kg matches. Mason Manville coming up next and wrestling Radik Valiev of Russia. The Russion wrestler just won at 58kg.
Mason Manville wins Gold with a 5-0 win over Valiev of Russia utilizing two takedowns and a stalling point. Great first day for the U.S with two Golds and a 5th out of five weights.
Pairings are out for the five weights tomorrow starting at 3am and the US matches are as follows:

46kgCade Olivas vs. Hermanus Van Den Berg of RSA.
54kg Daton Fix vs. Vasile Dumitra of Roumania
63kg Jarod Verkleeren vs. Gevorg Mkheyan of Armenia
76kg Mark Hall vs. Simone Innattoni of Italy
100kg Jordan Wood vs. Byamba Batbileg of Mongolia

This is my last post today.
Oberebo -- Much thanks and appreciation for you posts. I was not able to access the live coverage from my cell and was able to stay up to date through your posts. Congratulations to the kids today and best wishes for tomorrow as well.