“LGBT” pervs and groomers

Disgusting. Wouldn’t let these freaks within 100 yards of my kids.

They are taking over with their BS...Alt society,
Decertify and cast out any leftists POS that supports this.

We are at war and the left brings bazookas/cannons and the right brings harsh words- when we realize we are at war things could change- until then the Normies bend over and take so Much crap each day it's quite remarkable
The problem I see is what kind of parent/guardian takes a child to this crap? They are just as bad as those “performing” in my opinion.
Ones collecting points with their woke friends at brunch. That was one of the issues Bill Maher touched on a week or two ago when he called this insanity out.
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I still say we are war- you have to extradite the leftists and talk amongst the ones to help people preserve the republic....again anyone who doesn't think we are at war is lacking...