“Islam is RIGHT about Women” posters spark outrage and confusion

What is both genius and absolutely hilarious about those signs is liberals are perplexed on how to react.

Probably the same way we react:

  • If Biff would've gotten Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid and you'd have breathlessly pointed out the depravit of Biden;
  • When Jade Helm was a real thing.
  • When Cosmo Pizza and Hillary's pedophile ring was going to blow the lid off Washington.
  • When Biff said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall.
  • When Manafort laughed and denied that he was a foreign agent.
  • When Flynn led "lock her up" chants and then pled guilty to a felony, lol.
This is nothing new, my friend. What we do is tune it out and wait for the shitbomb to blow up in MAGA's face like it invariably does.
Probably the same way we react:

  • If Biff would've gotten Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid and you'd have breathlessly pointed out the depravit of Biden;
  • When Jade Helm was a real thing.
  • When Cosmo Pizza and Hillary's pedophile ring was going to blow the lid off Washington.
  • When Biff said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall.
  • When Manafort laughed and denied that he was a foreign agent.
  • When Flynn led "lock her up" chants and then pled guilty to a felony, lol.
This is nothing new, my friend. What we do is tune it out and wait for the shitbomb to blow up in MAGA's face like it invariably does.
I award you no points. This whole board is now dumber for having read your post.
Probably the same way we react:

  • If Biff would've gotten Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid and you'd have breathlessly pointed out the depravit of Biden;
  • When Jade Helm was a real thing.
  • When Cosmo Pizza and Hillary's pedophile ring was going to blow the lid off Washington.
  • When Biff said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall.
  • When Manafort laughed and denied that he was a foreign agent.
  • When Flynn led "lock her up" chants and then pled guilty to a felony, lol.
This is nothing new, my friend. What we do is tune it out and wait for the shitbomb to blow up in MAGA's face like it invariably does.

Seems I hit a nerve.
I award you no points. This whole board is now dumber for having read your post.

Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak
Probably the same way we react:

  • If Biff would've gotten Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid and you'd have breathlessly pointed out the depravit of Biden;
  • When Jade Helm was a real thing.
  • When Cosmo Pizza and Hillary's pedophile ring was going to blow the lid off Washington.
  • When Biff said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall.
  • When Manafort laughed and denied that he was a foreign agent.
  • When Flynn led "lock her up" chants and then pled guilty to a felony, lol.
This is nothing new, my friend. What we do is tune it out and wait for the shitbomb to blow up in MAGA's face like it invariably does.

Lots of dogmatic mythology here. Good job altar boy.
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THIS is the memework of which you're so proud?