“Great week”! *


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
Next week will be even better!*

You are truly delusional. You actually believe this was a good week for your side when the total opposite is true.

Everything went Trump's way. Good news on the economy, trade, Brexit and on and on.

The house impeachment has zero chance of removing Trump and guarantees that a good number of Democrats will lose their seats and possibly flip the house.

It's amazing how much the left enjoys smelling their own farts.
Cup's right. Its been a great week. Conservatives won their greatest landslide victory in the UK since Reagan was in office; DOW Jones rose 300 points; and a phase-one trade deal with China was agreed to which reduced tariffs on both sides (cheer PoncaDan); (edit: add) Also got the Dem house to agree to his NAFTA 2.0 terms.

And to think, I thought last week's performance with the 'best jobs number in 50 years (per Jim Cramer)' would be tough to top, yet Trump did it.
Don’t forget - literally while impeaching - they also passed USMCA - a signature piece of legislation for Trump.

The IG report laid a devastating foundation for Barr/Durham and confirmed everything we’ve been saying on this board for 3 years.

Impeachment lacks any crime - specifically nothing from Mueller. No quid pro quo. No bribery. Nothing.

History will view this impeachment for what it was, swing district D’s will lose their seats. And in spite of rhetoric that you can do this as often as you want - this was your shot. The political will will not be there for another impeachment.

Knowing it’ll die on arrival in the senate - this was purely to satisfy donors with an impeachment by Christmas and to try to saddle Trump with a negative bumper sticker ad.

Big week for Conservatives in UK. Setting back the globalist agenda even further.

I agree. Fantastic week.
You are truly delusional. You actually believe this was a good week for your side when the total opposite is true.

Everything went Trump's way. Good news on the economy, trade, Brexit and on and on.

The house impeachment has zero chance of removing Trump and guarantees that a good number of Democrats will lose their seats and possibly flip the house.

It's amazing how much the left enjoys smelling their own farts.
I laughed. Well put.
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  • The Dems Got all Republicans on record and will continue to do so with every no vote they cast that they aren’t defending the constitution they pledged to preserve protect and defend. This will have an effect in 2020 and won’t be good for the GOP with Americans who still believe in our constitution.

Most don’t think it is alright to try and involve two foreign governments in our elections for the purpose of helping his candidacy by using his office to do so. Or having big Rudy doing government business with no official cabinet position, and obstructing Congress and defying subpoenas. Or attacking U.S. citizens he’s supposed to be serving in a Democracy on social media for disagreeing with him. Or leaving former allies to be slaughtered by unilaterally withdrawing troops against military leaders’ advice! Or disparaging our nations’ justice department, courts, Congress, allies, and independent free press, basically ANY entity that can check his power. It’s if he’s reading How to Become a Dictator and destroy checks and balances promptly with an assist by Mitch McConnell, the destroyer of Congress!

Once SCOTUS makes him turn over his tax returns showing his business entanglements with Russia and millions laundered through Trump properties more will be revealed to provide further evidence of corruption.

Wouldn’t you like to know how much he’s enriched himself with his weekends at his resorts and the entourage that goes with the POTUS paying for rooms, food, transportation etc.? He’s too good for Camp David because he doesn’t own it!

We don’t need four more years of the Donald or we won’t recognize our country. But, if you want a Fascist Dictator, and to change our representative democracy to at best an Autocracy and at worst a Dictatorship give him four more years and watch him work to get those term limits abolished so he can become Chairman Trump like his buddies Putin and Kim.

Just another take some people, a lot of people judging by recent polls, who don’t live in the Fox-Republican bubble think about the whole messy situation.
  • The Dems Got all Republicans on record and will continue to do so with every no vote they cast that they aren’t defending the constitution they pledged to preserve protect and defend. This will have an effect in 2020 and won’t be good for the GOP with Americans who still believe in our constitution.
Most don’t think it is alright to try and involve two foreign governments in our elections for the purpose of helping his candidacy by using his office to do so. Or having big Rudy doing government business with no official cabinet position, and obstructing Congress and defying subpoenas. Or attacking U.S. citizens he’s supposed to be serving in a Democracy on social media for disagreeing with him. Or leaving former allies to be slaughtered by unilaterally withdrawing troops against military leaders’ advice! Or disparaging our nations’ justice department, courts, Congress, allies, and independent free press, basically ANY entity that can check his power. It’s if he’s reading How to Become a Dictator and destroy checks and balances promptly with an assist by Mitch McConnell, the destroyer of Congress!

Once SCOTUS makes him turn over his tax returns showing his business entanglements with Russia and millions laundered through Trump properties more will be revealed to provide further evidence of corruption.

Wouldn’t you like to know how much he’s enriched himself with his weekends at his resorts and the entourage that goes with the POTUS paying for rooms, food, transportation etc.? He’s too good for Camp David because he doesn’t own it!

We don’t need four more years of the Donald or we won’t recognize our country. But, if you want a Fascist Dictator, and to change our representative democracy to at best an Autocracy and at worst a Dictatorship give him four more years and watch him work to get those term limits abolished so he can become Chairman Trump like his buddies Putin and Kim.

Just another take some people, a lot of people judging by recent polls, who don’t live in the Fox-Republican bubble think about the whole messy situation.
Enjoy the next 5 years.
I will when he’s back screwing people in the private sector!

Speaking from the private sector - I rather like his current effect on it and honestly wish you people would focus on finding a better candidate instead of shitting the bed on failure after failure trying to game the system to get rid of him.
Speaking from the private sector - I rather like his current effect on it and honestly wish you people would focus on finding a better candidate instead of shitting the bed on failure after failure trying to game the system to get rid of him.

No need to game the system he provides all the ammunition through his own actions.

In the immortal words of Mattis (he’s an idiot) or Tillerson( he’s a moron) the problem is you Republicans don’t even listen to your own!
he provides all the ammunition through his own actions.

And yet, he endures.

At what point do you briefly, privately, admit to yourself if no one else, that you've been lied to, emotionally abused and gaslighted by (frankly, not very good) propagandists who cannot deliver on a single promise to get rid of orange man?
I'm not a republican. Republicans most generally suck.

I have faith the voters will see through him. They may even be capitalists with big portfolios that watch the stock market with baited breath, day trade etc. But more people are living paycheck to paycheck and aren’t able to invest in the stock market. Many of them have been lied to about jobs and trade deals that dried up their markets. What your left with is a guy that lies daily about everything, divides instead of unites, and got caught lying to them too!
I have faith the voters will see through him. They may even be capitalists with big portfolios that watch the stock market with baited breath, day trade etc. But more people are living paycheck to paycheck and aren’t able to invest in the stock market. Many of them have been lied to about jobs and trade deals that dried up their markets. What your left with is a guy that lies daily about everything, divides instead of unites, and got caught lying to them too!

There are more jobs open in this country than there are people to fill them. This is the greatest job market and economic growth of your lifetime.

Some of the situations you are describing above took generations and multiple shitty presidents to create.
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I have faith the voters will see through him. They may even be capitalists with big portfolios that watch the stock market with baited breath, day trade etc. But more people are living paycheck to paycheck and aren’t able to invest in the stock market. Many of them have been lied to about jobs and trade deals that dried up their markets. What your left with is a guy that lies daily about everything, divides instead of unites, and got caught lying to them too!
This is really an odd post. Did you take a 3 year nap?
This is really an odd post. Did you take a 3 year nap?

I know conventional wisdom says as long as the economy is strong an incumbent wins. This is pretty consistent in US elections. That would give Trump supporters confidence.

I just think though he will get all Republican votes, he will not get any Democratic votes or as many independent votes and most new voters. He’s simply too controversial and offends many people due to his actions, demeanor and beliefs.

If he can’t keep the upper Midwest and due to promises not kept relative to industrial job expansion or Farm markets he may have trouble replicating his 2016 success that gave him electoral cover. I still believe he will lose the popular vote but if the Democrats play the Electoral College right, they will defeat him there too and proof of a badly divided electorate will be graphically shown once again.
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I know conventional wisdom says as long as the economy is strong an incumbent wins. This is pretty consistent in US elections. That would give Trump supporters confidence.

I just think though he will get all Republican votes, he will not get any Democratic votes or as many independent votes and most new voters. He’s simply too controversial and offends many people due to his actions, demeanor and beliefs.

If he can’t keep the upper Midwest and due to promises not kept relative to industrial job expansion or Farm markets he may have trouble replicating his 2016 success that gave him electoral cover. I still believe he will lose the popular vote but if the Democrats play the Electoral College right, they will defeat him there too and proof of a badly divided electorate will be graphically shown once again.
Who would you like to see win the democratic nomination?
Who would you like to see win the democratic nomination?

I don’t have a dog in the fight until serious candidates emerge. When they get down to two or three I’ll let you know who among that group I would prefer. Right now, it’s more circus and theater than substance.
I don’t have a dog in the fight until serious candidates emerge. When they get down to two or three I’ll let you know who among that group I would prefer. Right now, it’s more circus and theater than substance.

Trump is right. The left is so off the rails, we have to vote for him no matter what he says that’s offensive. Enough independents get this.
Interesting article and what it discusses is something I think those around Trump and Moscow Mitch sense. Hence the recent talk of a very short "trial."
MacKinnon is a nice guy and smart, but he's a Bushy through and through. There is zero chance what he is describing is being planned.
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"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate Donald Trump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," said Nicholas Soames, Churchill's grandson and a member of British Parliament.
Some undeniable truths:

Trump is not a plantation cracker. I've never seen the smiles I see down on 11th Street. The neighbors don't call conservative brother Charlie "white boy" anymore. The Latino brothers don't have time to stop and chat at D. R. Horton, Stylecraft, or John Houston. Black American, Hispanic American and Asian American unemployment numbers are the lowest ever recorded.

Except Tulsi, the Socialists still standing promise economic stagnation, rationed health care and higher crime rates.

The fly in the ointment? The U. S. average IQ is a paltry 98. Slim chance, but we could flip.

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