Only a complete idiot would think not having a college degree means you must live in poverty. Damn, you're ignorant.
My theory is a solid one. Many people found out they can learn a trade and make over $70K to $100K per year without having to go into student debt, listen to all the liberal indoctrination and intolerance, end up with a worthless college degree and a $12.50 per hour job.
This was typed by a Mechanical Engineer / Electrical Engineer who sees it every day.
Standing ovation.
There is no doubt, at the last OKC CVB annual meeting this was a huge topic. This country is short 6 million in skilled labor, the dirty secret is that even if Congress passes a huge infrastructure initiative, this country does not have enough skilled labor.
These skills can be obtained much cheaper and many of these jobs pay extremely well and they are skills needed in every country in the world.
Many degrees are totally worthless in terms of employable skills.
It was interesting, they challenged us in interviews to give these college grads a ruler to see if they could measure, they said you are going to be shocked how many are unable to do so, and if you can not use ruler, what can you build? College grads today, many do not have basic life skills that we were taught.
The guest speaker went as far to say in a half joking / half serious manner that every candidate running for office should be given a desk that you buy from the stores and they should have to follow the instructions and put them together in front of voters, said he had no doubt many would fail. Said if they could not build a desk from instructions, how can they problem solve and run the government?
Guest speaker talked about how our upbringing decades ago taught risk taking, accountability, and problem solving, and that it is neither taught at home or in the schools today.
My grandson? I have been talking to him about how being a skilled laborer could be a really good career path. Better yet, get that skill first (makes you employable), and then go pursue that degree if you want and if it does not work out you can pay off your loan working as skilled laborer. Being a skilled laborer is a legit career choice, far better than many college degrees.
We all can not provide services to each other, a society has to be able to build things and create added value from raw materials.
Building and problem solving with your mind and hands is very rewarding, some of my most satisfying projects for me have been taking on difficult home projects or doing major work on my 1996 Corvette myself. I save a ton of money and know it was done right. When I need to, read and then just do it.
My grandson asks all the time: Grandpa, were did you learn to do that? Think about that, it concerns me because many kids think someone has to teach them to do everything, they have to be told. That IMO comes from the massive liberal takeover of our nation’s schools to have compliance with certain teachings.