worst arse stomping in GIA history


Jan 28, 2012
so i try not to be negative but wow. as good as we did at the scuffle we wrestled bad today. no heart and just giving up is not acceptable in the orange and black singlet. hope we do some soul searching and find an A game cause that was depressing. all i know is wrestling is a 3 period sport and we look ok in the first period and garbage from there on. that is all i will say because outside of boyd showing some heart that was awful. alex is a man but even he should have kept the elbow and gone for the pin on the first takedown but he didnt even attempt to pin that guy. i cant see through my orange glasses right now cause my eyes have too much crap in them from what i just witnessed.
I do recall an Iowa match I went to at ORU in 97 that was worse. Branch got the only win and take downs. Ya gotta remember how young our team is. Heil coulda shoulda won. I have no clue what Kindig was thinking. Might have been his worst match since he was a freshman and could not get off bottom. That after coming off one of his greatest weekends.
I recall some bleak afternoons following NCAA sanctions in the early 90s. Today was ugly. It is relatively early in a long season, which is good, because we need a lot of improvement to avoid humiliation in March. We'll get there. We always do. We are Oklahoma State Wrestling.
Looked like our wrestlers ran a marathon right before stepping on the mat - they were tired before the matches even started.
Conditioning was horid today. No heart shown today
I don't understand how the entire team appeared tired both mentally and physically. I am not sure how to explain it, but they did not appear to run out of gas, just fire. I don't have a problem with this happening as it is hard for individuals and teams to stay at a high mentally and physically 100% of the time...even the greats like Peyton Manning have their off days.

I think John fully understands the grind and works hard each year to put the excitement and desire into the guys for Nationals; whereas, some really good teams flame out at Nationals.
According to the OSU web site it was only the third worst:

'93 - PSU; 38-7; 31pts
'93 - Neb; 39-12; 27pts
'15 - Iowa 30-7; 23pts

There are two others from 1921 for which I can't find the location; 28pts ISU and 23pts Neb so it may be only the 4th (tie) worst. All-in-all a real sucky day.

This post was edited on 1/13 7:49 AM by Old Number Nine
I don't know if anyone noticed, but I thought Iowa was very aggressive and showed a lot of good technique; something we lacked, exception Alex.
While we are griping.....

Robert Allen has got to be the absolute worst wrestling announcer we have ever had. Screwed up Dieringer's first name multiple times calling him "Anthony" until someone from the crowd came down to the table and corrected him. Pronounced Heil's name wrong for the first half of his match.

He doesn't know basic wrestling stuff either. Several times he's mixed up different scoring moves, ie calling it a takedown when its a reversal or the other way around.

And his "golf channel-like" announcing during the matches drives me crazy. It can be in the second period and he's still yapping about what this wrestler's record is and who they have faced so far or how that wrestler fared in previous tournaments or seasons. Just shut up and let me watch the match!

I'd be OK if he was actually commenting on technique or moves or attempts that were occurring in the match but I don't think he knows enough about wrestling to do that. There should be some kind of rule that whoever our announcer is should be more knowledgeable about wrestling than my 18 year old daughter, whose been to no more than half a dozen duals in her life.
Originally posted by Kev4OSU:

While we are griping.....

Robert Allen has got to be the absolute worst wrestling announcer we have ever had. Screwed up Dieringer's first name multiple times calling him "Anthony" until someone from the crowd came down to the table and corrected him. Pronounced Heil's name wrong for the first half of his match.

He doesn't know basic wrestling stuff either. Several times he's mixed up different scoring moves, ie calling it a takedown when its a reversal or the other way around.

And his "golf channel-like" announcing during the matches drives me crazy. It can be in the second period and he's still yapping about what this wrestler's record is and who they have faced so far or how that wrestler fared in previous tournaments or seasons. Just shut up and let me watch the match!

I'd be OK if he was actually commenting on technique or moves or attempts that were occurring in the match but I don't think he knows enough about wrestling to do that. There should be some kind of rule that whoever our announcer is should be more knowledgeable about wrestling than my 18 year old daughter, whose been to no more than half a dozen duals in her life.
Hate to be a hater, but...

OSU wrestling is not a gig that a local sports talk show host can come in just so he can hone his craft. OSU wrestling should be able to get the best of the best to call the matches. Complete with the correct demographics of each wrestler (simple info one can get from a spreadsheet), but also one that can stir fans up with their insight during the match of what's actually happening in the match.

Surely there's one of us on this board who could do this task with more insight than Robert Allen has. I'm sure he bleeds orange just like the rest of the OSU fanbase, but he's just not up to the task.
Did anybody notice Heil's head drop when Allen mispronounced his name? How can someone have so little pride in their work? He should have spent hours in the room over the last couple of years with the coaches and wrestlers if no other reason than because he is interested in the team he is announcing. If he had, he would know their names.

Maybe more troubling to me is the score keeping. There is a problem in every dual with either clock malfunctions or clock operation.
Originally posted by proud2bpokes:Maybe more troubling to me is the score keeping. There is a problem in every dual with either clock malfunctions or clock operation.
Bring back Mary Jo!
I sent an email to Holder, during the match. Unprepared ... Embarrassing. Bring back wade. Bring in Leroy. Anyone ... It's atrocious that you can't take five minutes to learn names.

Since I was already writing, I also took the opportunity to bitch about the spirit squads. They either need to do something that adds to the atmosphere, or I'd like to see them gone. They will raise their Pom pons, when someone starts orange power ... They will dance with the band ... They don't even try to do something spontaneous. I hate to say it, but the atmosphere "created" at ou, is 1000 times better than ours. They look, always, like they don't even want to be there ... So did our wrestlers ... Unfortunately.
johns interview on flow is interesting. not making any excuses but he did mention kindig was sick.
I liked Coach Smith's response to Kindig which was, sick and lose is nothing ,sick and win now that is something.
Micco and proud, the real irony in the mispronunciation of Heil's name is that he correctly pronounced Dziewa as Jeva. I sound like a broken record, first for five years I have been criticizing Rex Holt and now Robert Allen but these things are important to the fan. I notice that John gave so much respect to Rex that he was a no show for the after show which lasted about five minutes without John. Score keeping has gone down hills since official scorer Mary Jo Stucker had to retire over 2 years ago due to health. The score you see on the board is a reflection of the actual scorer writing it down in a book and not just a matter of pushing a button. Mary Jo was the best and kept our scores both in Stillwater and at our High school matches in Shawnee.

BTW,I have long ago given up on having Guymon return as the announcer but it would still be nice to get a competent replacement for Rex. Rex is good at baseball and it is clear that is his true love. I harbor no ill will towards Rex but for the matches away from Stillwater I would like to get some feel about what is going on.
So glad someone posted about the announcer. What a joke! It seems as though he's too busy writing articles for other sports.
+ on all the announcer comments. And score keeper comments.

Maybe this is too picky, and criticism cause of the 'worst arse stomping and announcing job in GIA history', but it seems like the announcer could respect the best (and 2nd best) wrestling teams ever and show a little class. A pull over polo, baggie blue jeans, and sneakers doesn't show respect, or a serious mindset to do a good job. He could have been going to watch a kindergarten soccer match. A button front shirt, dockers, and loafers would make a much better impression.
And to think that a few people on this board were happy when the arena announcer of many years (Don Blasingame?) was replaced or retired or whatever happened. Some thought that anything would be an upgrade. Personally, I would love to have the other guy back. As for the radio broadcasters, I am really happy when Rex does not make the trip and Roger does all the play by play. J Carl is the best I have ever heard at painting a word picture of what is happening on the mat, but there are plenty of others who could do a credible job. Surely there is a wrestler or former wrestler working towards a communications degree that could do it.

As for the announcer (Robert) getting names wrong, does John still call Eddie "Kilmara"?
Originally posted by MiccoMacey:
I'm sure he bleeds orange just like the rest of the OSU fanbase, but he's just not up to the task.
Pretty sure he bleeds gravy.

I have to say I always enjoy the guys who do your broadcast. They know their stuff and are very fair with their comments.